All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
292 Chapters
Chapter 220
Troy’s pov After Talia left I went up to Ariel’s room and knocked on the door. I didn’t know which room she stayed at, so I just followed my nose and I was clear which one was hers. The hallway to her room smelled like blueberry pancakes. “Ariel, it’s Troy. I wanted to ask you something, but I don’t have your phone number and can’t mindlink you. Sorry for coming here.” Ariel opened the door partly, only sticking her head out. “What did you want to ask?” Her red hair was wet and dripping on the floor. “Sorry, were you in the shower? Sorry. I wanted to ask if you’d go on a date with me?” “A date?” Ariel asked confused. “Yeah, maybe go to the movies together or out to eat? Or something else you like to do?” Ariel blushed, “okay?” she said unsure. “Great! Tonight? I can pick you up in a few hours.” I said, not wanting to give Ariel the chance to change her mind. Also I didn’t want to wait. “What should I wear?” Ariel asked. I smiled, “anything you want. Don’t worry, you’ll be t
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Chapter 221
Ariel’s pov I got up from my chair, feeling the tears come. “No Troy, you can’t just give up your life for me.” Troy tried to grab my arm. He looked so good today. His black shirt was hugging all his muscles and he had a lot of them. His hair was really cute and his dimples, o my god. His dimples were adorable. He was so good looking, why in the hell was he interested in me?! Not just that. He was also so nice and sweet and just the best man ever. I couldn’t even imagine why someone would pair Troy and me together. Not because of our looks alone, but because of me. Of my sins. This date had been wonderful, but it was an illusion. In a few weeks I would be leaving and Troy would be heartbroken. I should just end things. But I had no idea how to reject someone and I didn’t want to. It was selfish of me and I should just do it. I walked out, hearing Troy call my name. I didn’t know where I was going, I just walked and five minutes later Troy was right behind me. He grabbed my arm and
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Chapter 222
Troy’s pov I let Ariel speak, listening to her tell the story about how her father used her. I loved my parents and I knew they loved me and would do anything for me. But not that. My parents wouldn’t kill innocent people, wouldn’t hurt people just so they had a chance to cure me. Her father had used Ariel to experiment as well, just in a different way. Her father didn’t sound like a nice guy even before he started his experiments. Locking Ariel up, never hugging her. He sounded cold. I had seen many members of our pack who had lost their mates or family members. I was a soldier, so it came with the territory. We were more likely to get killed in an attack. They were changed, but not like that. Not from being a nice person to suddenly a cold blooded killer. “Her father sounds horrible.” Orlando growled. But I didn’t have time to get angry or upset. I needed to be there for Ariel. Show her I didn’t care about this. That I didn’t blame her. I think she believed me, but the best way
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Chapter 223
Osiris’ pov After Troy told me everything, I went back to sleep. I was too tired to think, having spent the day working and being with the kids. Those first weeks were always the hardest. “And the cutest.” Santos said. “Now, who is the big softie. Asher and Kate have changed you just as much as they did me.” I joked. Santos was right, Kate was adorable. I would just watch her sleep or sometimes see her stare at something. Everything was new to her. When I woke up I felt rested, well a bit. Kate only woke up three times this time and Lily had the hardest part, breastfeeding Kate. I changed the diaper after she was done and checked on Asher. I knew it made Lily sleep better knowing he was safely in his bed. The realization of what Troy told me suddenly came to me. Ariel’s father had used his daughter as an excuse to do horrible things. But he had experimented on Ariel as well. She didn’t ask to be this. I could never hold her responsible, especially after everything she already wen
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Chapter 224
Ariel’s pov “Why are you so surprised the pack wants you to stay?” My therapist Angela asked. “I am to blame and I don’t contribute anything to the pack. I am –“ Dr. Angela stopped me, “so I normally don’t interrupt. But in this case, I have to stop you. We’re almost finished with today’s sessions and I want you to do something for me.” I had told Dr. Angela, or Angela like she wanted me to call her, everything that happened yesterday during the meeting and the day before with Troy. I had told Alpha Osiris I needed some time to think about it. Maybe talking to Angela would help. In the past I had only told her about my time with Beta Tyrion and about some of my earlier memories, so we had spent most of today’s session talking about evertyhing i had kept a secret. “Okay, what do I need to do?” I asked. “Your homework for this week will be three things. Number one, I need you to go to your room and look at yourself in the mirror. Find something you like about yourself, don’t focus
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Chapter 225
Troy’s pov I went to the packhouse to pick Ariel up. I knew she wasn’t comfortable with me buying stuff for her, but she was my mate. I always envisioned spoiling my mate. Plus she deserved something nice. They were just clothes, I’d buy her the world if I could. Usually Ariel would wait for me outside the packhouse, but this time she wasn’t there yet. “Maybe she can’t decide what to wear,” Orlando suggested. I walked to her room and knocked on the door. “You can come in.” Ariel said and I opened the door. Ariel was standing in front of a large mirror, looking absolutely breathtaking. Her hair was even more beautiful than before. It looked a lot healthier too. She was wearing a bit of make-up and a really cute dress. It was a black halter dress with tiny straps. It covered her scar, which I knew was important to her and it hugged her body. It was short and showed off her legs. “You look so good! Your hair is gorgeous and that dress is incredible. You are incredible.” I told Arie
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Chapter 226
Ariel’s pov After three deserts we went home. My belly was way too full, but it had tasted really good. Troy even fed me some of his, making the date all the more romantic. “You want to see my house?” Troy asked. The thought of going to his place made me kind of nervous, I wasn’t sure if I was ready for something more than kissing. Troy must have seen my nervousness, because he put his arm around my shoulder. “We’ll go to the packhouse and then maybe tomorrow I can show you my house? We can have lunch together?” he said. “You’re not sick of me yet? That will be the third day in a row you’ve seen me?” I replied. “I could never get sick of you. I want to spend my life with you, three days are nothing compared to that. But if you’d rather have a day for yourself, it’s fine.” “I’ll come eat lunch at your place tomorrow.” I decided. Since coming here I had spent my Sundays in my room hating myself. So this would be a big improvement. Troy drove me back to the packhouse and we kissed
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Chapter 227
Osiris’ pov “Alpha? I know you told me to stay away, but I ran into that girl and I kind of lost my cool and yelled at her. She looked really scared and ran away. I am so sorry. Please don’t throw me out.” Larry’s voice said through the mindlink. I growled, “you were already warned Larry. I don’t have time to deal with you right now.” I didn’t have time, because I needed to see if Ariel was okay. First thing I did was call Ariel, but it went straight to voicemail. I mindlinked Troy, hoping she was with him. Shit, I really hope Ariel didn’t walk away again. “Is Ariel with you, Troy?” I asked. “No, she should be here any moment. Why?” Troy said, sounding concerned. I told Troy what Larry had said and Troy started to growl, “I will kill him.” “Just focus on finding Ariel right now, we will handle Larry after.” Larry had send me the location where he last saw Ariel and Troy, me and some trackers tried to track her trace. It took us all the way to the river and then we lost the trac
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Chapter 228
Troy’s pov I wanted to kill that guy, but I couldn’t leave Ariel. She needed me. I wanted her to see me when she woke up. “If she wakes up.” Orlando said, “you heard what Alpha Osiris said.” Orlando had been pushing me to mark Ariel, but I really thought she would come out of it. She had healing powers and she just needed some time. Maybe I was being selfish, what if Ariel didn’t forgive me for marking her without permission? But it wasn’t just that, she didn’t have a choice growing up and especially not with that Tyrion bastard. So to take her choice away again? “But to save her? She would understand.” Orlando said. Alpha Osiris said I had some time to think about it. I had been here for almost a week now. My parents came by on day two, trying to get me to go home, to shower and sleep. “Like you would go home if something happened to dad?” I said and they didn’t argue with me. Instead my mom went to my house and got me some clothes and toiletries and asked the hospital staff in
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Chapter 229
Ariel’s pov “Hi Ariel,” a woman’s voice said. I couldn’t really see anything. Did I die? I did die right? I felt this sense of peace and calmness, but that was suddenly gone. “Yes, you died. But Troy found you and he and the doctors have been trying everything to save you.” the voice said again. Did she just read my mind? “Yes,” she started to laugh, “get used to it girl. Because I am here to stay! I am your wolf Samantha!” Samantha sounded really happy and excited, but all I felt was confusion. A wolf? She came closer to me and my eyes were starting to get used to my surroundings. Not that there was anything here, it was just a dark space. But before me stood a ginger wolf. She wasn’t as big as Troy’s, but not small either. And she was beautiful. Blue eyes and fur the color of the sunrise. “Well, you’re pretty awesome yourself honey,” Samantha laughed. “I know it’s all freaking weird, but I will explain okay?” “So you know your father. That stupid bastard?” She started. “Yea
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