Semua Bab Alpha Osiris: Bab 211 - Bab 220
292 Bab
Chapter 200
Osiris’ pov I was so pissed. Luckily I could channel that rage onto my enemy. First near the car crash and then at my pack. How dare they attack us again?! After I let Jayden go. After I took his brother in?! “That brother did just do an excellent job at defending our pack,” Santos said. I was surprised that Santos seemed to be the voice of reason, he was usually angrier than I was. “O, I am still angry, but I am also in awe of how he fought. He would have made an excellent Beta, I am sure.” Santos replied. A tiny bit of me also felt angry at myself and Lily. I didn’t want her to leave, I was so scared something might happen and it did. But what was she supposed to do? Live her life in constant worry like she did when Asher was kidnapped? I didn’t want her to go back to that. Lily was still hidden away in the forest with Ishaan, Prisha, Ela, Emma, April and her baby. I didn’t know if this were the last of the wolves, or if this was just the first wave. And where the hell was Alph
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Chapter 201
Osiris's pov Kane helped Damian put a shirt on, then Kane took Damian's hand and they walked hand in hand to my car. When we got to the packhouse Riker let me know everything was ready for us. Easton was waiting near the dungeon. Kane went to the living room, but first gave Damian a passionate kiss. Kane whispered in his ear, “I want to be marked this week Damian. I am yours and you are mine.” It wasn’t polite to eavesdrop, but I had really good hearing. It was a cute moment between the two of them. They really loved each other. Damian, Easton and I went down to the dungeon, where two prisoners. Easton spoke first. “I am Easton van der Meer and I am the lawyer of this pack. If you answer these questions thoughtfully you will receive a fair trial and may have the chance to come out of this alive. You must have heard we do things differently here and everyone get’s a chance to redeem themselves.” The prisoners both rolled their eyes and one of them even spat near Easton’s feet. I
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Chapter 202
Lily’s pov We found a cabin to hide in. I had no idea who’s cabin it was, but it was empty and safe. I felt bad for breaking into the cabin, but we would leave some money behind when we left. There were some canned foods in the pantry, so we ate those and just waited until we heard from Osiris. April was lucky to be able to breastfeed Leia, the baby was doing well considering everything and April was healing too. I just wanted to go back. I had been having contractions all day, probably due to stress and from walking to the cabin. It was quite a long walk. “The car crash probably didn’t help either.” Arya said. I didn’t want to steal attention from Leia and April, who needed Prisha’s help more now. Luckily Emma had fully healed already. It took a few hours, hours that were very painful. But Osiris finally let us know we could come back. He was sending two cars and a lot of extra soldiers to our location. He told me he had learned a lot from the prisoners and he would tell me once
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Chapter 203
Charlotte’s pov “Eros,” I whispered, “we need to get up.” Eros smirked at me, looking down, “o I am already up Moro mou.” I giggled, “no, funny guy. Dad said we had to hurry, I have to leave to go to the Iron River pack.” Eros raised his eyebrow, “so, we do it very quickly? No problem. I can hurry.” I threw Eros off me, still laughing. “Come on. My new niece is born! I want to see her.” Eros sighed, “okay, Beta Charlotte. Yes, Sir. I will get out of bed.” I wanted to ask this question for a while now, but didn’t know how to. But right now was a good as time as any. “Uhm, Eros? Would you want more kids?” I asked shyly. Eros got up immediately and walked towards me, holding me in his arms. “With you? Yes, I’d love to make a baby with you. Not just because of the baby making, although that does bring me back to my earlier plans for this morning. We should start practicing right now.” “For an older guy he sure has a lot of stamina,” Erica joked. I laughed out loud, which made
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Chapter 204
Osiris’ pov “So let’s start.” I said and everyone sat down around the big conference table. “As you all know, our pack was attacked two days ago and from what we can tell, it was lead by Beta Tyrion. One of the soldiers we captured says there is a rumor going around that Alpha Jayden isn’t sick, like the pack has been told, but has been locked up with Angelina. If this is the case, I think we don’t have much time to act before something might happen to them. So I think the only two options are a full on attack or a small group that investigates while Alpha Edward visits the pack. This would leave them more vulnerable though.” Damian spoke, I had asked him to share what he knew about Tyrion. “Beta Tyrion is the son of one of the oldest families in the Silver Heart pack. They have always had influence in the pack, but never like this. Tyrion had been part of Damian’s group of friends, but he wouldn’t be my first choice. Our old Beta has a son, but he is not of age yet. Tyrion was cru
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Chapter 205
Jayden’s pov I still feel guilty for leaving my brother behind. Angelina helped him by sending his boyfriend to the Iron River pack, but I had such a hard time not following my dad’s commands. I just wanted to make him proud and be the strong Alpha he is. When Damian was beaten half to death, I realized my father wasn’t the man I thought he was. If Angelina and I had a child, we would love it. No matter what. My dad sometimes gave me punishment when I misbehaved, but I just thought that was normal. It wasn’t like I was damaged. I knew Damian got beaten worse, but dad was just trying to make him stronger. It wasn’t until I met Angelina that I realized I may not have had the best upbringing. Her parents sounded so great and I was sad we were traveling so much, because we didn’t spend much time with her parents before her mother passed away. I didn’t think it would be bad leaving Damian with my father. Damian was an adult now and back then I didn’t know he was gay. “Are you telling y
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Chapter 206
Charlotte’s pov Dad and I were heading to the Silver Heart pack for a surprise visit. Beta Tyrion couldn’t turn down an Alpha visit, not from an ally. It was bad form to come over announced, but we were family, so the circumstances were different. I was really anxious and Erica was helping me stay calm. I was doing this for my sister, but I knew it was dangerous and I had a family back home that I really wanted to go back too. But Angelina was family too and this was her best chance. “Hey Eros, I am almost there. Just wanted to keep you updated. I will let you know how it goes okay?” I had told Eros everything last night and although he was a bit pissed he wasn’t informer sooner, he understood the reason. He was also extremely nervous for me, I could feel it through our bond, even though he pretended not to be. “You have killed an Alpha. You’re a good fighter and you’ve been training ever since you rejoined your pack. You’re not the Charlotte you once were, you’re a Beta now and y
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Chapter 207
Osiris’ pov I took some of my soldiers, Damian and the ones Edward brought and found a spot where the border was weak. We didn’t have to kill anyone on border patrol, because one of the soldiers on watch was an old friend of Damian. When we told him why we were here, he not only let us through, but he told us exactly where we needed to go. It was risky, who knew if he secretly revealed our plan to Beta Tyrion. But Damian seemed to trust him and I trusted Damian. Who would have thought I would trust him, but he had no reason to betray us again. We separated, going to see those ‘elite’ families. The whole thing was ridiculous. In the Iron River pack there were some families that had more money than others, but they didn’t hold more power. I valued everyone’s opinion equally and would never be persuaded to do something because of money. As soon as I heard one of the families that held power, were the parents of Tyrion, I knew I wanted to go there. Maybe they weren’t as bad as him. Som
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Chapter 208
Lily’s pov Life with two kids was a lot different than with one. How did my parents do this? Osiris was gone one day and already I was freaking out. I was trying to nurse Kate, while Asher kept wanting my attention. I had a tough time keeping my eyes open for most of the day and I had to watch out for Asher, because he didn’t realize yet that his baby sister was a lot more fragile than that doll we gave him. I was so happy when Osiris mindlinked me on the way back. Most importantly I was happy that Angelina and Alpha Jayden were save. But I was also happy that I had Os back in one piece. “So he could help and you can take a nap?” Arya joked. “Yeah, mostly for that reason.” I replied laughing. I mean, I did just give birth two days ago. I mindlinked April, asking her how her baby girl was doing. “Leia is doing wonderful. The doctor said she can come home tomorrow. Oliver is so exited to welcome her home and I can’t wait to show you what the boys did with her bedroom. I honestly th
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Chapter 209
Cyrus’ pov Leia was the best fucking baby ever. Her lashes, o my goddess. She was so fucking cute and her tiny fingers. I visited her at the hospital every day, but today we could fucking finally take her home. Leia had been drinking well, gaining weight and her leg had fully healed. There was a tiny scar where some fucking branch scratched her. Thank the Goddess I was married to a fucking werewolf, or my baby would have never survived. I just wish I wasn’t so fucking helpless. I mean, if I was living with humans I would have been a fucking god amongst men. I was stronger, faster and had fucking healing powers?! That shit sounds supernatural as fuck. But here, I was someone who needed protection. How was I able to fucking protect my family, protect my kids? Speaking of kids, Oliver is just as excited to welcome Leia home. He is already the best biggest brother any girl could fucking ask for. He was so fucking gentle and he had even bought her a toy with his own pocket money. April
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