All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
292 Chapters
Chapter 190
Ela’s pov “No, but mom, I am working as a lawyer for Alpha Osiris.” “Yes, the one who opened his pack to half bloods and humans.” “No, he is really nice.” “No, dad. No. Dad. I will join the pack officially tomorrow.” “Yes. And I met my mate and we are marked. Her name is Ela. She is a member of this pack.” “Mom that is rude to say. No she isn’t human. Her mother is human.” “No, dad. We’ve marked each other. I am not going to reject her.” “Dad! What the hell! I thought you’d be happy that I don’t live amongst humans anymore.” “I don’t understand you both! You finally could be able to see me again. If you can’t be happy for me, than I don’t want you in my life.” “No! Ela is my mate.” “Bye.” Easton hung up the phone. I couldn’t hear what his parents were saying on the other end, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t good. Easton was almost on the verge of tears. I walked up to him and he placed his head against my stomach. “I don’t get it, Ela. I really don’t. They always complai
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Chapter 191
Cyrus’ pov “Thanks man, for coming tonight. I can’t believe you all came here for me.” Easton said, before I left with April. He and I went to get some air, while the rest were still talking and eating inside. “No fucking problem man. Happy to help. I know it can be fucking hard. But parents don’t just get to treat you however the fuck they want, just because they’re your blood.” Easton sighed, “I know. I just wish things were different. By the way, congrats again. I am really happy for you. And April get’s to be pregnant along with Luna Lily.” I was shocked to hear this, why hadn’t Osiris told me. “Lily is fucking pregnant too?!” Easton shrugged, “I’m not sure, but I think so. Alpha Osiris kept touching her belly and being very gentle with her. Maybe they’re waiting until they’re further along.” I get it, I know a lot of people wait until they’re past their first trimester. Just in case it goes wrong. But April told me, she would rather share the news now. She said, “you taugh
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Chapter 192
Osiris’ pov After Cyrus left, Lily and I were left with Asher. Mia and Riker were sleeping in, after having a rough night. Sierra was teething and waking them up every few hours. “I am so excited. Asher, Sierra and now two more kids. The pack is growing. I am so happy the pack is safe now, so I’m hoping you’ll be more relaxed this time?” Lily said. “O she has no idea does she,” Santos said laughing. I was actually thinking the exact opposite of Lily. I had promised myself, Lily and the baby would be safe throughout the pregnancy and had already ordered two soldiers to guard Lily. I had also placed more people on border patrol and have asked the pack doctor to come over so Lily could have an early sonogram. “Yeah, she is going to be pissed.” Santos said, still laughing loudly. I growled at Santos and then turned to face Lily, who had a concerned look on her face. “So I take it from your silence, you won’t be more relaxed?” I nodded, “no. But I promise, you’ll not even notice the
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Chapter 193
Lily’s pov “Luna Lily, do you know why there are two guards outside right now?” April asked me. We were working together in the Gallery and we were both in our last few weeks of pregnancy. April had the cutest bump and here I was walking around like I was carrying twins. I wasn’t, thank the Goddess. Because I was already worried how I was going to manage an almost two year old and my newborn baby. I bought a carrier, so I could walk around more easily. But Asher wanted to be around me all the time. I tried to give him as much solo time with me now, as I could. Today I needed to paint though, have some time for myself and April was already there. She was only working a few days a week, the rest of the time she worked at the farm. But I had asked her to come in, so we could complain together about our mates and our pregnancy. Without sounding like we were ungrateful. “What guards? You mean the one who is following me all day?” I replied. I finally gave in and let Osiris station a gu
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Chapter 194
Lily’s pov After we all said our goodbyes we got into two cars. I was in Emma’s truck with Emma, Mia and April and Prisha drove Talia, Meadow and Ela in her car. The two guard ran behind us through the woods. The lake house wasn’t far, but it was a nice ride. We drove along some mountains, which was beautiful, but also a bit scary. One side was near the mountains and the other you could look straight down. It was also the only part where the guard couldn’t follow us easily, having to run at the bottom of the mountain. But it was worth it, for the view. After fifty minutes we arrived at a beautiful house, next to a big lake. The lake looked really clear and I knew we’d be swimming there. We all got out and looked so excited. I felt bad for Arya, she wouldn’t be able to run around here. All around us were trees and plants and there was even an apple tree in the garden. “It will be worth it when I see that little baby of ours.” Arya said. Osiris and I decided not to find out the ge
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Chapter 195
Osiris’ pov Everyone came over to the packhouse, so the kids could play and the fathers and Jara had help. Well, Jara had to work actually. So we had two more kids to watch. Luckily they are a bit older, so they could entertain themselves with Oliver. “You’re going to have two kids in no time. Can you imagine it?” Riker asked, while I watched Asher play with Sierra.“I can’t wait to meet this baby.” I told Riker. I had wanted a second child as soon as I had Asher. I want a big family, maybe not as big as Edward and Katherine had, but at least three kids. If Lily agrees of course. “There is going to be a girl version of Cyrus walking around soon. You’d better buy some earphones.” Easton joked. He didn’t need to be here, he didn’t have kids. But he offered to help, same as Chris. It was like a boys weekend, but with kids, diapers and no booze. “So nothing like a boys weekend. As if you ever had a boys weekend in your life. The only friend you had growing up was Riker.” Santos said.
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Chapter 196
Cyrus’ pov I woke up in the fucking packhouse, feeling like a king. This place was crazy luxurious, or maybe Osiris just fucking loved me and gave me one of the better rooms. Yesterday we had spend building a damn tree house, while we should have been painting my baby’s room and getting her crib ready. April also said to wash all her clothes and hang them outside, it was better for her fucking skin or something. Oliver and I headed downstairs to get breakfast. Honestly, I could get used to this. Being the Alpha had it’s fucking perks. I didn’t need to do anything here, there were people around me that made breakfast, made my bed. It was like staying at a fucking hotel. Ishaan and his sons joined us for breakfast. “Hey, Ishaan. Where were you last night? We had movie night.” I said as I saw him walk in. Ishaan laughed, “well, we kind of lost track of time playing Mario Cart together. But we’re here and I am ready to help with your daughter’s room.” Kiaan was about Oliver’s age, s
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Chapter 197
April’s pov This was the best idea Luna Lily and I had ever had. It had been so much fun! Yesterday we spend the day swimming and complaining about our mates and today we explored the area, swam some more and ate the biggest lunch. We wanted to come back before dinner, so we left around four. This was just what I needed before our baby girl came and threw our whole routine out the window. I didn’t mind it. It would be worth it, but it was going to be totally different than our current life. Oliver was nine now and he could do almost everything by himself. And now we would have a baby that needed us for everything. I knew I would be able to count on Cyrus though, this was his first child and he was going to be a hands-on dad for sure. He had been ‘casually’ dropping hints ever since we got married, that he wanted a baby. But I wasn’t sure. I wanted to wait until I felt like I was used to my prosthetic and just used to having one leg. I needed to be able to get up in the morning and
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Chapter 198
Ela’s pov The truck in front of us was hit and mom tried to swerve, but it didn’t work and we hit the truck. It flew across the railing and down. Shit. We were stunned for a second, until Talia called us into action. Apparently she really was a soldier, although to me she was just my friend. She suddenly turned into Emma or Gamma Jara. “We need to get down there now. Ela, Meadow shift and Prisha, you will climb on my back as we make our way down. Meadow, we need to defend the car as best as we can, while Prisha can check if they need medical help. Ela? Are you up to fight?” I hadn’t told anyone, not even Easton. But ever since we were marked I had felt stronger and faster. I was still a small wolf, but I hadn’t gotten the chance to test my abilities yet. I wanted to be sure before I told anyone. I guess, this was as good as a chance as any. “I can fight,” I said. “Ela, are you sure? Please don’t get hurt.” My mother whispered in my ear. “Ela? Are you okay? Help is coming.” Easto
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Chapter 199
Damian’s pov Everyone left the packhouse all of a sudden, I had no idea what was going on, until a nervous Easton explained it to me. “They were attacked. The woman were hit by a car and they are now under attack.” Easton said. I wondered why he wasn’t there, but I then saw Cyrus come in the living room with Oliver, Jara and all the kids. “Sorry man, for pushing you. I know you want to go to your mate too. I am sorry you had to stay here because of me.” Cyrus said to Easton. Easton shrugged, “it’s fine. Ela said she was okay. I want to be there, but I trust the rest. And apparently I am a great babysitter, because they left their kids here too.” He joked. I knew Easton was probably worried sick and just didn’t want to add to Cyrus’ stress. “Shit.”Gamma Jara said, she then started mindlinking everyone. “Okay everyone, we practices for this. All the humans and half-bloods go to the shelters near you. The rest of you get ready.” Luna Lily and Alpha Osiris had said that I should j
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