All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
292 Chapters
Chapter 171
Lily’s pov“Luna Lily, can you tell us what you saw when you entered the room?” Cyrus asked me.It surprised me how good he was at this. It wasn’t that he wasn’t smart enough. It’s just, I had never seen him so professional and without any curse words. I had just told everyone how Damian asked me to take Kane in, back at my dad’s pack.“When I came into the room Damian was fighting with Alpha Arthur and badly losing. When I tried to help, he pushed me to the side. Alpha Jayden jumped through the window and stood there, staring at his brother and his father, while I tried to help Damian fight Alpha Arthur. Eventually Alpha Jayden joined the fight, when Damian’s face was being crushed by his father. Together with Osiris we stopped Alpha Arthur and Alpha Jayden ripped his throat out.”“What happened after Alpha Arthur died?”“Alpha Jayden became the next Alpha and he pleaded for us to take Damian. He said Damian was tortured and that he was promised Kane would be safe. Alpha Jayden said h
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Chapter 172
Meadow’s pov “So how do you feel now about the whole trial?” Chris asked Cyrus. We were on a double date and it had been a month since Damian’s trial. “It was fucking weird, being a lawyer again. It’s like riding a fucking bike I guess, I didn’t find it really hard. It’s just not something that I enjoy. You know? Life is not about fucking money, although money does help.” Cyrus laughed loudly, “I mean money fucking helps a lot. But in the end you have to do what makes you happy.” Chris nodded, he had just started training to become a guidance counselor, something he wasn’t planning on becoming. But from what he told me, he really liked the idea of helping kids in high school. His previous job had mostly been administrative. April mindlinked me, “this is fun right? Now that we’re both in a relationship, we should double date more. I’d like Cyrus to have more friends than just Kane and Alpha Osiris.” I smiled at April. I loved how outgoing she had become since meeting Cyrus. She was
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Chapter 173
Ela’s povI thought I’d fit in here. I was always different at school. I was the Indian girl, but it wasn’t just that. My dad is a werewolf and I couldn’t tell anyone. I didn’t know what it would mean for me. Me and my brothers were the only half werewolf kids I know. Half bloods is what they call it here. Like something out of Harry Potter. I thought if we moved here, I would finally belong. But I didn’t. I used to be the fastest and strongest kid in class and now I was the last one in gym class. Things changed after the war. The pack united against a common enemy. They seemed to accept me and my brothers too. And there were more half blood kids here too. It was really scary when we were attacked. I didn’t have my wolf yet, but I was still stronger than my mother. So I jumped in front of them, I would heal. Well, mostly. I still had some scaring on my arm. “So tell him about me!” My wolf Ati shouted. I was thinking about what I could write to Easton. I wanted him to get to know
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Chapter 174
Ela I was almost finished with school. A couple of months and I would have my diploma and I would have to tell my parents that I wasn’t going to medical school. But that I had enrolled in culinary classes and business classes so I could open my bakery. I also needed to ask Alpha Osiris if he could help me with this, but the man was very intimidating. Gorgeous, but scary. I don’t know how Cyrus gets along with him so well. The whole alpha thing is weird. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like, joining a pack and having an Alpha and Luna. But as soon as I met them at our house, I felt it. There was this power coming from them, this authority. Maybe mom and Cyrus didn’t feel it, but I had the weird feeling I had to show them my neck. Like royalty, but if the king and queen were able to kill you by turning into wolves. “Ela, are you paying attention?” my gym teacher said, snapping me out of my thoughts. “It doesn’t matter anyway, half bloods aren’t able to win anyway.” Blaire said
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Chapter 175
Ela’s pov I haven’t talked to Easton all week. I know I should reply to his email, but I was scared of saying the wrong thing. I know it’s not fair for him to give up his dream for me. But it’s not fair that I would have to give up on my pack and my dream either. Easton could work as a lawyer here and he would have a much bigger impact here, he could be the first werewolf lawyer. He could help reform this whole pack. He hadn’t send me another email to ask why I didn’t respond. Was this whole thing one sided? Was the only reason he was talking to me, because I started talking to him? I couldn’t talk to my dad about this all. He understood mates, but it felt weird talking to my dad about it. So after the movie I told Talia about Easton. “Shouldn’t meeting your mate be easier? Shouldn’t he want me? It’s like I need to fit into his life instead of him making sure I am in his life and figuring the rest out later.” I told Talia. “I am turning 18 in six months, so I don’t know what it’s
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Chapter 175
Easton’s pov Shit shit shit. I had never thought I’d see Ela here. Shit. I had been emailing with Ela and it was so nice getting to know her. I could see why the Moon Goddess had chosen her for me. Ela was smart, had drive and a sense of family. She loved swimming like I did and she loved making cakes and other sweet pastries, while I loved eating them. My wolf was so happy Ela had reached out, that he finally talked to me. He had been ignoring me ever since we left the Iron River pack. I was so scared if I saw her again, that I wouldn’t leave. I had given up too much to become a lawyer, I needed to finish law school first and then figure out the rest. At first I thought I would take Alpha Osiris up on his offer, this way Ela could stay close to her family and try to open up a bakery. But then I got an offer for the law firm I am currently working at. They wanted to hire me after I got a diploma. It was everything I had dreamed about. Ela shared that she was having a though time,
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Chapter 176
Ela’s pov Screw Easton and his stupid job and his pretty face. I don’t need a mate. I just need to focus on my life here in the pack. I focused on baby Ryan, Auntie and my family for the weekend and then went home. Monday at school Talia saw something was off about me. I was easily irritated and I looked a mess. I couldn’t sleep. I was so angry and hurt. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t look good.” Talia said. I shrugged, “I’ll be fine. I just need to forget all about stupid Easton and focus on other things.” “Why don’t you come over to dinner at my house? Have some girl time?” Talia offered. It sounded nice and it would be a nice distraction from everything. So I accepted. We went to Talia’s house and I met her brother, the video gamer. True to his reputation he was playing a game on the tv, one my brothers also played ‘Trackmania.’ “This is Theo.” Talia said. “Hi, Theo. You should hang out with my brother some time, he loves games just as much as you. “ We sta
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Chapter 177
Osiris’ pov Things at the Iron River pack have been going well. Cyrus’ farm and shelter is now running smoothly, mostly run by former rogues and one of the new member’s a vet. Cyrus, Oliver and April now live on the farm and run it together. Even Oliver helps feeds the animals. I’ve taken Asher there to see the animals. It’s almost like a petting zoo now. I just hope Lily doesn’t try to convince us to adopt one too. I like animals more when I can give them back. It’s been months that there has been any sign of trouble, but we’re always ready for anything. Jara has made some changes to the training program, based on findings done by her nephew. This way they can make the halfbloods stronger. We’re even thinking about making humans train in close combat too. At least they’ll have a better chance if something happens. “Who are you talking to man?” Santos said annoyed. “I am just thinking about how well everything has been going for the last few months. This pack is becoming stronger
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Chapter 178
Easton’s pov I had finished law school and started working. I was living my dream, but why didn’t it feel like it? Maybe because I was still low on the food chain. I was working 60 hours a week, sometimes more, doing the paper work and research for the bigger lawyers. It would probably take years before I actually got a case of my own or would co chair in court. Damian’s trial had spoiled me. Given me a taste of what it could be like. Milo had ignored me ever since I last saw Ela. I should have said something, anything. But I gave up. She deserved better, someone to put her first. Maybe I was selfish. I wish Milo was still talking to me. He would get angry and probably tell me that it wasn’t the job, but the fact I was doing it without my mate. Shit. I just wanted to see her. So like a damn stalker I tried to find her on social media. All her profiles were private, but her friend Talia had hers on public. There were a bunch of photos of them together. Just seeing a picture of Ela
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chapter 179
Ela’s povWhat the hell?! Why was Easton here? I thought he didn’t want me, I didn’t hear anything from him in months and now he is here!One part of me felt excited, my heart was beating and I wanted to run towards him. But the other part was angry and knew how he had hurt me, how he didn’t want me. “You need him. He’s your mate.” Ati said. She had been very vocal about Troy, so much so that I stopped dating him after three dates. Kissing him felt wrong, I didn’t feel any sparks and I kept picturing Easton. It didn’t help that Ati kept shouting in my head to stop seeing Troy in those moments either. Troy was meant to find his mate and I was meant to either reject Easton or for some miracle, have him in my life. If he earned it, at least. That was something Ati did agree on, Easton had some work to do.I knew Troy was still interested in me, but we agreed before we started dating. If one of us wanted to stop, we’d remain friends. And we have. We were at that pool as friends,
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