All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
292 Chapters
Chapter 161
April’s pov Life as newly weds was great! Cyrus and I could finally mindlink and as suspected, he used it mostly to talk dirty to me. Not that I minded one bit. His shelter was up and he starting working together with the rogues. They first had a hard time accepting taking orders from a human, but like with most werewolves, Cyrus had charmed them with his personality and words. If Cyrus could become friends with Alpha Osiris, he could win over anyone. I was getting used to my prosthetic leg and the freedom which it brought. Life without crutches and my wheelchair, was great. Although I still used them from time to time, when I was tired or my leg hurt. Cyrus not only worked at the shelter, he and Prisha had been tasked to welcome the other humans and half-bloods. It meant he was really busy, but he loved both of his jobs. I didn’t mind, it was only temporarily and Cyrus was home with me every night and every morning. Falling asleep next to my
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Chapter 162
Meadow’s pov I sat in one of the empty rooms in the Blood Iron packhouse, waiting for the battle to end. I didn’t mind being alone, I was just to it. I was an omega at my old pack, one that couldn’t fight, so I was used to waiting and hiding. But I had been training and I finally felt like I belonged. I wanted to defend this pack, defend my home. All this time alone made me think about the last few weeks. After our date Chris kept his distance, but he tried to contact me a few times. I didn’t see the point. We were clearly not a match. He would be far better off with Nora. Maybe she wouldn’t freak out if he tried to kiss her. “Don’t say that. I am actually really proud you stood up for yourself.” Aurora said, “you shouldn’t let anyone touch you without permission. No matter how many sparks there are.” Part of me still felt an attraction to Chris, but he wasn’t what I needed right now. I needed to work on myself and I needed to get out of this
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Chapter 163
Damian’s pov Being the youngest brother to the next Alpha in line is generally not great. Everyone loved Jayden. He was the golden boy and I was the crybaby. My dad hated how sensitive I was and how I didn’t like the thing he did. Growing up with an Alpha male in the household isn’t easy. My dad is used to being the boss and everyone had to do what he said, no questions asked. If you didn’t listen you would feel it for days. Crying about it only made things worse. There was no room to be myself. Jayden tried to help me, by making me his Beta. He promised me the position when he was twelve years old and I was ten. My dad had given me a beating after I had lost a sparring match at school. “You are going to be my Beta and everyone will respect you and listen to you.” Jayden said proudly. Jayden wasn’t just my brother, he was my best friend and I would follow him anywhere. When I turned eighteen I met my mate and it didn’t go as p
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Chapter 164
Lily’s pov I had been trying my best to keep busy. Focusing on Asher, walking through the packhouse to keep everyone informed and helping wherever I could. Every packlink that broke felt like a failure. I knew this was the place I was supposed to be, but it was still hard waiting. while Osiris was out there risking his life. April mindlinked me, telling me Cyrus was under attack. I quickly shifted and left Asher with some of the elderly, they might be old, but I knew they would defend Asher with their lives. When I ran towards the fight I was mindlinked again, telling me there were more wolves in the packhouse. They were targetting humans and halfblood, which meant Asher and the elderly wouldn't be their first target. But I was still worried. Right now I had to focus and make sure everyone stayed alive long enough for the others to get here. I ran upstairs, checking if any rooms had been breached. Ishaan was fighting a wolf off, while Prisha and the kids hid in the walk in closet.
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Chapter 165
Osiris’ pov It had been two weeks since the attack and I didn’t know what to do about Damian. I wanted to kill him, but Lily told me to give him a chance to explain. “There is no explanation that can justify betraying an entire pack.” Santos growled. I didn’t disagree with him. I couldn’t imagine why Damian would do this. After we took Kane in. “You’re just angry Os. Angry that someone threatened our pack and killed our members. You can’t blame the whole thing on Damian, they would have found us eventually”, Lily said last night. I loved how positive she was and how she always tried to see the good in people, but I had a hard time doing the same. We had lost too many people, especially people that were new to the pack. Ishaan and Prisha were even thinking about leaving again, not trusting that this world was a safe place to raise their family. I had taken all these people in and told them they would be save here, that they could be themselves here and within two months Alpha Art
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Chapter 166
Cyrus’ pov Fuck, did I just shoot myself in my fucking foot. I was trying to help Kane out, he deserved some fucking closure and Damian being down in the dungeon didn’t fucking help. I also saw an opportunity for this pack to be even fucking better. “There are no other lawyers in this pack. I need your help with the trial Cyrus.” Osiris said. I was a good lawyer, I just fucking hated it and I never worked in criminal law. I worked in corporate law, so that meant I had to call up some of my old friends and ask them for fucking advice. Without mentioning what this whole fucking thing was about. As if I didn’t have enough on my fucking hands, with the shelter and the farm was still being built. Fuck. “I’ll see what I can do. But I am no fucking expert in this. Maybe you can reach out and see if there are other werewolf lawyers? Or half-bloods whatever.” I finally replied after some consideration. Shit, I just got out of hospital
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Chapter 167
Meadow’s pov I laid there holding Chris’ hands until the doctor came and brought us to the hospital. I still can’t believe he defended me like that, jumped I front of me while wolves were attacking me. Where did he even come from? Wasn’t he supposed to be elsewhere during the attack? It didn’t take that long too heal. Thank the Goddess for healing powers. Cyrus was a lot worse off and then I couldn’t even think about Benedict and his wife. I still saw their bodies when I closed my eyes at night. I hadn’t been in battle before. I had seen death, but not like this. Not up close. Chris and I had talked a bit throughout the last two weeks. But mostly about nonsense and the weather. I think we both didn’t know what to do about each other. After such a battle, romance wasn’t really a priority. We were rebuilding, burying our dead. Chris was busy helping out at school, especially those kids that had lost someone. We’ve been seeing each other during
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Chapter 168
Chris’ pov I couldn’t believe how much time and effort Luna Lily had put into our date. She must really like Meadow. Her mother was such a good Luna and she might not look like her, Luna Lily did have Luna Katherine’s kindness and good heart. I was really impressed by Meadow. The things she had survived. I now understood why everyone told me to take it slow and be careful. Living as a rogue, than being imprisoned by Alpha Osiris and everything that followed afterwards. I still didn’t know what she did to be banished, just that she obeyed her Alpha. But Meadow was too kind, I couldn’t imagine her doing something bad. She would tell me when she was ready and I would wait. I didn’t mind waiting. Just holding Meadow’s hand last night was good enough. Of course I wanted to do more eventually, I mean look at her! Meadow was so beautiful. But we had enough time for that. I wanted to see Luna Lily and thank her personally. It helped that I st
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Chapter 169
Osiris’ pov I had asked Meadow to get in touch with Samira. She was the one who said banishing people and turning them rogue didn’t work. I thought she might like to be there for the trial. Maybe has some insights into what would be a good punishment or how to do things in the future. I know Meadow and Samira like each other and I also sensed that woman didn’t really like me that much. I had a lot of other things to do anyway. “You were scared.” Santos joked. I wasn’t scared, but I’d rather not go there myself if I didn’t have to. Samira had said she would come in a couple of weeks, hopefully by then Cyrus was finished with everything that needed to be done. I said I would get an attorney to represent the pack, but I actually had no idea where to start. I talked it over with Lily, who had some good ideas. “How about you ask the new members of they know anyone? There must be some more wolves out there, perhaps some that wish to stay with humans. But that could still help us for o
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Chapter 170
Cyrus’ pov This wasn’t what I pictured I’d be doing here. But fucking anything for the pack right? I didn’t hate it, as much as I used to. Maybe because I knew I could go back to my old fucking job after this. Or maybe because the more I did it, the more I thought that Damian deserved fucking better than he got. Osiris was such a damn good Alpha and Lily’s dad, was a great guy too. From what I heard he was a good Alpha. But that fucker Alpha Arthur. Shit he sounded all kinds of wrong. I never thought I would say this so fucking easily, but it was a good thing he was dead. “So Doctor, could you tell us a bit about Damian’s injuries after he came to our pack to warn us?” I asked. “Damian had been badly beaten. His sides were ripped open, using claws and several bones were broken. But what surprised me most was the old scars I saw, the ones that hadn’t been healed. They must have taken place before his eighteenth birthday.” “Could you de
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