All Chapters of Mated to my Alpha brother: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
126 Chapters
Irina’s POV“You're really thinking about ending the Blood Pack?” He asks me for the hundredth time as we head home, my hand clutching the photograph of my womb.“Yes Damien” I was starting to get a little annoyed, I had made my decision, I had said what I wanted, what my plan was, and he was still questioning me.“No one has ever done it; everyone has always been too inferior to them. I didnt even know that they still existed until Austin told me!”We walk up the steps of the packhouse as he expresses his concerns, only stopping when we are inside.“You really think it is going to be that easy?” he glances up at me from his chair.“Probably not, but I don’t want them in my life, I don’t need them in my life. I don’t want our child brought up with their twisted ideas.”Screams erupt inside my head, forcing me to bring my hands up over my ears. Damien p
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Ninety one.
Damien’s POVShe sent me into sheer panic for a moment. I would do anything to protect our child, absolutely anything.I stare at her in the mirror for a few minutes, not quite believeing what she had just done. Waiting for my heart rate to settle to a steady rhythm and for Aiden to stop cursing. Rubbing my temples, I get ready to pull away when she starts speaking.“I could make them kill themselves.”This time I turn to look at her. Irina is leaning back on the seat, her hands resting on her stomach as she stared out into the trees.“Did you just say what I think you did?”She doesn’t look at me, “I hate the mind control, its always right there on the edge, teasing me, testing me, wanting me to use it, to see how far I could push people. If they all die, there will be no need for me to even consider using it.” Her shoulders sink as she sighs. She hadn’t ever really talked about it.
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Ninety two.
Irina’s POVHe tells me everything. The witch who Damien had gone to for a spell, how he called her for help because of the guardians, how she had told him what to do and then the phone was wierdly disconnected. He talks about a mark or symbol that will be on the letter if water is applied and how he was fighting with the decision of destroying the last thing my mother gave me.We sit at the table, the letter lying open in the middle, neither of us speaking as we both stare at the letter. My mother’s handwriting neat and tidy as it always had been.“What if it doesn’t work?” I was the first to break the silence “Then the letter would be ruined”Damien nods his head at me, “But what if it leads us to answers?”I stare at him, frowning, “What other answers do we need. The baby is going to be a strong Alpha, I know how to kill the Blood Pack! What more do you need to know?”&ldqu
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Ninety three.
Damien’s POVI’m awakened by an excruciating pain, a horrid uncomfortable stabbing pain, rolling across my entire torso. It was worse than when Ketill stabbed me. I try to reach out to Irina, only for my hand to hit a cold pillow. With the pain, I sit up and look around. Irina wasn’t even present in the room, where was she? It was still dark outside.“Irina?” I reach out through a link but it was like I was being blocked, my words fizzing out before she hears them.“What’s going on?” Aiden asks me, he was contorted up in just as much pain as I was, whatever was happening was affecting the both of us.“I don’t know” I tell him, everything had been fine when we went to bed. Even Irina had been calm and had cuddled into me. I hoped that she hadn’t done anything stupid. I hoped she hadn't gone through with her plan.Barely being able to move, I call for Austin. When he appears, he
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Ninety four.
Damien’s POVWeeks had turned into months. Being apart from Irina was slowly taking its toll on me. My anger levels were on the rise daily, pack members were beginning to fear me, others would make their excuses to get out of my company.Ironically, the pack was calm, there was nothing going on and everything had returned to normal, except my mate wasn’t here.Slamming the glass of vodka down, the glass shatters and I call the omegas to bring me more. They hurry in, one tries to clean up the glass without making eye contact with me, the other pours me another glass, her hands shaking, sloshing the liquid over the side.“Watch, you stupid bitch!”I practically rip the glass and the bottle from her hand, causing her to squeal as she hurried from the room.“Stupid wimps” I mutter and shake my head“Stop with the alcohol!” Aiden huffs at me, but I had no intentions of stopping, I needed to drown out the pain I felt, the anger that lived within me.“You know as well as I do Aiden, we are f
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Ninety five.
Damien’s POV It had to be it, my child was communicating with me in some kind of panic, his crying taking over and the pain I feel is almost unbearable. I hadn’t felt as bad as this since Irina had disappeared, the pain taking over the dull ache until I could barely move. Sweat started pouring off of me as I tried to move. “What the fuck is happening to me?” “Us!” Aidan pants between his breaths “Where’s mommy?” The child cries through the link and I just about pull myself back together to reply. “What do you see?” I didn’t know if the child would be able to understand or process anything with his newborn eyes. “Someone is carrying me, it’s cold” I was heartbroken, not just for me or the child but for Irina, someone had taken the child from her! “Trees?” “No but I hear something, something underneath me, water maybe. It’s cold, it’s touching me”His words were followed by silence, the pain in my stomach tearing me apart. We’re they trying to drown my child? The room around me
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Ninety six.
Irina’s POVIt was hot, like ridiculously boiling hot. My skin was tight as I tried to move, and everything ached, sort of like I had been in bed for too long, my body stiff where I hadn’t moved for some time.Groaning as I sit up, I almost cry, I was alone, my baby bump gone, instead a healed scar stood in its place, a long red raggedy line that reached hip to hip and my stomach was completely flat. What had happened, where was my baby? And why did I have a scar? My healing abilities should have healed me properly.“Hello?” I call out and no one answers, Raine is quiet too, a little too quiet. She doesn't stir, which has me worried.“Damien” I call out through the link, it was weird, I knew he hadn’t heard it, but I also knew it hadn’t even travelled far enough to reach him, sort of like my words had just died out.I was starting to panic, what could have happened? The last thing I remembered is being stabbed in the neck with something. I couldn't even look at my neck to see if there
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Ninety seven.
Irina’s POVMy bare feet pound the hot ground, I could feel the wounds opening up on the bottom of my feet as they hit bits of gravel and what felt like glass, but I couldn’t stop, not even with all this pain. I didn’t know how long I would be able to keep it up, I just knew I had to keep going.I scream as something hits the back of me, sending me sprawling to the floor, without missing a beat, I get myself up and continue, the smell of blood from my feet slowly filling the air around me. If I keep running, I was going to leave a trail of blood but at the same time, if people see me running from wolves, they will help, or so I hoped.In the distance I see roof tops, maybe a small town, or village, just something. Pleading with my own legs, I beg them to keep moving, just enough to get me there, just enough to get help from them.As I get closer, I start screaming at the top of my lungs, at first it didn’t slow the wolves down, but as people began to appear and look at the commotion,
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Ninety eight.
Damien’s POVHe was small, it was to be expected considering he was only two, but still it did come as a complete surprise. A small black wolf stood in Logan’s place, on all fours, his tail swaying as he looked up at me with his big purple eyes.I hurry to close the door, I didn’t need him running off, and I definitely didn’t need anyone walking in. He carefully takes a few steps, swaying as he figured out how to move around on all four feet and let’s out a tiny howl. It was actually quite funny, like watching him learn to walk all over again. I just wished that Irina was here to see this, but I was grateful he looked like me, at least it was easier for me to explain.Logan bounds towards me, jumping up at me. Scooping down to pick him up, he nuzzles his cold nose into my neck, gently licking me with his rough tongue as he tries to clamber up me with his paws. He was taking it so well, normally a first shift was extremely painful and as he was only two, I was expecting there to be a l
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Ninety nine.
Irina’s POVI had listened to her words carefully, she had told me that witches were not to be messed with, not to be tricked, because they always see through it and would punish us in unspeakable ways.“Why would you agree to give her your soul?” I wanted to know what could be so bad that they needed to make a deal with a witch.Kendra shrugs her shoulders at me, but it wasn’t a shrug of ‘I don’t know’ more of a case that she had no choice.“Everyone here knows about werewolves, vampires and everything else in between. Its why we live here, the vampires hate the sun, the wolves hate the heat, but still linger and we all have one thing in common. We have all been affected by one of them. But I must admit, I haven’t met any wolf that was running from the others. The witch here promised to protect us in return for our souls when we passed”She looks at me carefully, taking a swig of water.“You really pissed those wolves off!”I shrug my shoulders, trying to wriggle my stiff feet. My mu
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