All Chapters of Mated to my Alpha brother: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
126 Chapters
One hundred and ten.
Damien’s POVWe turn to look at Logan, who is standing looking up at us with an innocent smile. The light in his purple eyes had disappeared and they were now an almost deep purple instead.“Logan?”“Witches are bad. Bad people daddy, I help.”I had never spoken to him about witches, there was never any need to speak of them yet. He will learn about them in school when he is in his teens.Irina drops to her knees, holding her arms out to him, as he runs into them, she holds him tight and whispers ‘we don’t hurt people,’ but as he looks over her shoulder to me, the smile disappears before he turns his head away and buries it into Irina.I didn’t want to think about it, I didn’t like what I was seeing, and I hoped that Austin was wrong, but I was seeing it more and more. Our child was dark, he was two and he held a darkness about him. Is this what would make him the ultimate Alpha?The chef lets me know that dinner is ready through a link and as I tell Irina and Logan, she looks at me w
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One hundred and eleven.
Damien’s POVIrina was still sleeping as Logan continues to tell me that mommy’s pack were in his dreams, talking about hunting him down. He was shaking as he speaks, tears forming in his purple eyes as he keeps glancing at a sleeping Irina.“Daddy, they are coming.”“I won’t let them hurt you. I won’t let them take you.” I pull him towards me on the bed, as his tears run down his face.“You can’t stop them.”He snuggles in between Irina and I, his breathing heavy. He may not be the next Blood Alpha, but he was connected to them just as much as Irina and I wondered if he would be able to listen in on their plans. As the tears stop and he settles down, holding my hand. He tells me he is scared.“Don’t be, I will protect you with all of my heart.”He buries into me, his sniffling eventually turning to quiet snores, and I watch as his chest rises and falls with each breath.I wake Irina when I am certain that Logan is deeply asleep, repeating to her what he told me. First she looked at m
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One hundred and twelve.
Irina’s POVDamien’s eyes are glazed, his brows in a deep v, when they return to normal colour, the noise from outside seeps in. Lonecrown was being attacked!Damien glances at me and then at Kendra, “Whatever you do, do not leave!”He hurries out, leaving Kendra and I, her hand is gripped just as tightly to mine as mine is to hers. I had no abilities; I couldn’t help and we were basically sitting ducks. My doctor comes into the room, barricading the door, not that it will be much use if it were the Blood Pack that was attacking.Screams of people running for their lives echoed through the window, just like that night my mother had gone to war, only now the sound didn’t bring me comfort, now I feared for my family’s life.“Who is attacking?” Kendra asked quietly, her nails were now beginning to dig into my skin, leaving little half moons across the back of my hand.“It’s Blood Pack.” The doctor growls as he peeks through the blinds.“Where is Logan?” He wasn’t here with me and he wasn
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One hundred and thirteen.
Damien’s POVI lost sight of her; it was impossible to keep an eye on my mate without being taken down. Our numbers had grown in the last two years, and I hoped there would be enough of us to keep them at bay. They were bigger and slower than us and in the last two years, I had requested everyone step up their training, we had to be better and it had paid off. We were faster, stronger and quicker than ever, all in preparation for this day.Some of their pack run by me and the wolf I was fighting, I briefly see Irina’s wolf charge towards the packhouse, she had Raine back.I didn’t have chance to link her as the wolf I am fighting tackles me to the ground, snapping my arm as he crashes down on top of me. The pain shoots all the way up my arm and into my neck as I shove him from me.“You will pay for that.” I roar at him and plunge my teeth into his neck, tearing out his throat and spitting it in his face. He crumbles to the ground as I snap my arm back, waiting for the bones to start h
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One hundred and fourteen.
Damien’s POVIt was weeks before she regained consciousness. Logan stayed with us most days in the hospital waiting for his mommy to wake up. He would sit on her bed or lay cuddled into her, telling her about everything he had done that day.Kendra stayed too, checking over Irina, checking the Doctors work, the Doctor wasn’t impressed but Logan liked her and that was more important to me.“You help my mommy?” he asked her one day and she nods her head, smiling at him.“Yes, she will get better, her brain just needs to rest, like a big, long sleep.”Now was my opportunity, I had been waiting for the right time to speak to him about what had happened.“Do you know what happened to mommy?”He shakes his head at me, a little frown on his face. "They hurt my mommy."I use the time to explain to him what had really happened to Irina, in terms that he would understand. He stays quiet, listening to my words and nodding his head.“Logan, I do not want you to use it, not until you are much olde
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One hundred and fifteen.
Irina’s POVLogan sits quietly with me as I close my eyes, listening to Damien and Kendra. Even I’m surprised when he tells Kendra that its time to tell the world of our existence.“Did daddy really say that?” Logan whispers in my ear and I peer at him with one eye.“Sometimes to make ourselves better, we have to accept change.”He screws his face up at me, trying to understand what I was saying and I was about to explain when I hear Kendra yell at Damien.“My daughter is dead! Don’t try and stir up some shit that I don’t need!”“Kendra, I don’t think she is. You said yourself Gunnar took her away from you and brought her back after he showed Ketill, whose to say he didn’t switch her for another newbor?”“Don’t you think I would have considered that? She is gone Damien!”She pushes her way back into my room, slamming the door in his face. If she had been a pack member, Damien’s reaction would be very different, instead he mutters “humans” and walks away.Kendra flops down in the chair
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One hundred and sixteen.
Irina’s POV“Huh?” Kendra caught me completely off guard and as I look at Liam, he doesn’t say anything, because clearly, they had already talked about this.I call for one of the omegas to come and take the children, I needed a clear head to be able to think and I couldn’t do that with three pups charging around the kitchen.“You think she is alive?”“Look, I know you think I’m mad and Liam does too.”“I never said such a thing” Liam shakes his head, pulling out a chair next to Kendra and taking her hand.“But I keep having dreams.”“Dreams can mean anything Kendra, it doesn't mean it is your daughter."She shakes her head at me “Not when I’m asleep. I mean like how Logan kept coming to you all those years ago.”“You think you’re seeing Lana?”Her head bobs up and down.“Tell her!” Liam whispers and Kendras eyes search mine."Tell me what?"“Can you remember the day you woke up in the hospital, after the Blood Pack’s death?”“Yes, but we don’t talk about that” The thought makes me sh
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One hundred and seventeen.
Damien’s POVI couldn’t ask Logan to do such a thing and what if he did it and it turned up nothing, everything would have been a waste of time, thankfully Irina understood that I didn't want him to use his abilities.The girls come running in and jump up to me, I loved all the hugs they gave. Since Logan had grown, he didn’t want the hugs as much and preferred a fist bump.“Daddy, come play” they speak in unison, their deep green eyes piercing my own as they grinned and as I lower them to the ground, they tug at my hands, as I allow them to pull me out towards their room.Turning the corner, the girls scream as we come face to face with Logan. Irina comes running out and grabs Logans hands, dropping to her knees as she tries to pull him from his trance. His eyes were a solid white and I call for an omega to take the girls. We hadn’t seen Logan like this in years.“Logan!”He doesn’t respond and Irina goes into panic mode, tears streaming down her face as she whispers ‘don’t do this’
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One hundred and eighteen.
Irina’s POVI could hardly sleep. Damien tries several times to pull me against him, but it was no use, I was agitated, worried about our family. Several times I sneak out of our bedroom and into Logan’s, just to watch him sleep. It would be his birthday in a couple of days, and we had promised to take him bowling along with a few of his friends and the girls, but I had a bad feeling about it.“Irina, come back to bed.” Damien’s hands rub the back of my neck, trying to ease the tension and as I relax into it, Logan stirs, making us both jump and quietly slip out towards our bedroom, we had become wary of our own son and we both knew it.“We can’t let him do this to us Irina.”“I just… I just don’t know what to expect.”“Maybe that’s the problem, maybe we are always waiting for the bad stuff. Maybe we should try and let him live a normal life, not constantly be on top of him.”I nod my head as I bite my bottom lip while climbing into bed and try to settle down to sleep. Damien pulls me
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One hundred and nineteen.
Damien’s POVTiana wouldn’t give me any details as to why she wanted us to stop looking for Lana. In fact, she made it very clear that it was non-negotiable. I had made the call first thing that morning when Irina had gone on a run. I didn’t need to look for her when I woke, it was clear what she was up to by her missing running trainers.Now she was being forced to choose between her best friend and her son.“Irina we have time.”She shakes her head at me when I tell her Tiana’s offer, “We don’t though do we; you see how Logan is getting, lately everything winds him up, he killed someone because he had had enough of them, that’s not normal child behaviour, even for a wolf!”“You are over thinking Irina, but you know as well as I do that this could destroy your friendship.”Tears fill her eyes as she fights between her decision. I was willing to make it for her but at the same time she probably knew what I would say.“I will call Kendra and Liam, ask them over for dinner tonight.” She
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