All Chapters of Second Chance for the Alpha: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
172 Chapters
If it’s Not One Thing
             Emily watched James leave the packhouse for a run. She felt tired still but right now she needed to get things going to reclaim some part of her life. Whether it was getting all her personal items in the world back. Or get enough clothes to last until she could. But right now, she needed some stability in her life, or she’d go crazy.             You’d think being in a familiar place would make it easier for a person. But that wasn’t what I did it. If that familiar place wasn’t filled with things familiar to you, it was no better than an unknown place.             Right now, Emily wasn’t feeling the best. She wanted to blame it on James and him insisting they sleep together, but she didn’t believe it was. Emily slept fine and should have awoke
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It Begins
             “The coven representatives will go in with the first wave of wolves. These are our best fighters, and I want a few to stay with the witches to protect them from any physical attacks from others in there as they do their work. They need to combat anything the witches inside might have left as boo-bee traps. We know where things are, but we don’t know how it’s been changed. So we go in slow and steady. Watch everyone’s back. They could be well organized or in utter chaos. Either way has its own group of complications for us. I’m concerned because we know there’s at least one bear, maybe more. But they are dangerous enough alone and a nightmare in a group. If you can get the bears cornered in a location too small for them to shift in, we might stand a chance.” Thomas stood in the woods out back of Elder Ambrose’s cabin talking to several of his pack hidden among the
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Protection Plans
             Janine covered Emily with a blanket. “I’ll get someone to bring you a cup of tea. You just relax. I think I can take it from here. Haden can help me if I need it. James is safe, and we’ll get this cleared up.”             Emily nodded and was napping in minutes. Haden watched the whole thing and then whispered, “Is she not well?”             “If it’s what I think, she won’t be for a while. But right now, she’s exhausted, and this is not something she should handle. The stress is bad for her right now. Would you get some tea from the kitchen? I need to make sure with James that everything is fine where he is or if he needs something. Then I need to message the front gate because if I know the police, they will want to c
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Covering the Injuries
             Eva couldn’t believe how quickly it all moved when they actually put their plans into action. She was now hidden back inside the Elder’s cabin waiting to go to the healer’s cabin with a few others to be introduced to the space and prepare for any injuries that would come through the door. Oddly, she felt a level of excitement over this prospect. After all these years, she’d be putting at least some of her knowledge into practice. Damon was assisting Asia in keeping everyone moving toward the packhouse at a slow and steady pace. She wasn’t sure why, but they wanted everyone to move in enough numbers that were too many to pick off if they tried to do that, but few enough that at first it wouldn’t be noticed. She didn’t believe that this Henry or his people anticipated this action at all and with their guards detained as they are, Henry’s people are significantly low
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Investigations and Awkward Questions
             James stood watching the police crawl all over the area. It didn’t take long for them to realize what a mess was there once they’d pointed it out to them.             “I will say this again. No one here has any connection to these people, and they don’t have permission to be on our property, let alone permission to dig. I can assure you they don’t have permission to kill people here or bury them. This I can assure you of. We have no wish to be involved in any illegal activities.”             “He claims your dogs swarmed him.”             “My dogs didn’t swarm him. They surrounded him and removed the gun from his hand at my command. We use our dogs for
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Entering His Den
             Thomas entered the packhouse he called home to be greeted by several combative strangers. They were able to fight their way down into the basement where the cells and armoury were. It was far from easy, and it was becoming a very bloody mess. It was all done with teeth and claws until finally they couldn’t move ahead any further because the witches needed to step up and take down several wards, preventing them from going further and regaining the basement level. Nothing was moving quickly, but they had to get both spaces under their control. Why Henry didn’t use the weapons in there to his advantage, Thomas didn’t know. But thankfully didn’t happen. Now he needed to wait for the witches to do their just and unravel the delicate mess left by the other two.             But there was more than enough to distract him as othe
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Taking Care of Family
             “You take them down there and make sure James knows to show them the easier way into that area from the road. Thank you, Evan. You’re a saint for doing this. I’m so sorry about these officers, but with guests here and my adopted daughter unwell, I can’t take you myself. But Evan knows the way and can take you there.” Janine smiled as she put on a good act about how regretful she was. It was a relief when the police piled back into their vehicles and moved off again. She prayed to the gods that this wouldn’t blow up in their faces.              She returned inside feeling as tired as she did when Evan woke her. For her, it was just old age creeping up on her. But she was worried about Emily. If her suspicions were correct, this was a tragedy in the making coming to them like a runaway freight train coming through a blocked tunnel. There were no
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It’s in the Cards
            April missed the shelf with the book again for the third time. She glared at it, a little annoyed with it. Her attention was on her phone and the search she was doing to find Hayden. She didn’t even know what his last name was. But it would connect with the old Johannesson property, so why was it so hard to find it? What she found was the motorcycle shop. Though she wasn’t sure if he worked there being the Beta of the pack. But she could stop in there after work and see if they could pass a message to Hayden for her.             The bell at the front desk dinged again, and she didn’t hear Lynn greeting the person. Wondering if Lynn went on break and she’d failed to hear her tell her. April moved to the front and helped a little old lady check out her weekend reading. Just a little light reading, the woman claimed. Fifteen large romance novels. But April would not judge her for
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Who Knows What?
             “Thomas, I will say that I’ve heard a few random rumours, but nothing I would have connected to this situation. I thought it was a more southern issue before you mentioned this. I don’t believe they’ve ever struck this far north.” Asia’s voice came through the phone. “Look, I’ll be in there in less than an hour. Why don’t we look at the facts then? Maybe we can put facts and rumours together, then see what makes sense. Right now, I’m not convinced it’s the same group. But that could be that I’m not looking at the right evidence or enough of it.”             Thomas felt better that she’d not denied knowing anything. Only that she wasn’t sure this was the case or that she didn’t know enough to mention it before. “Alright, we’ll talk and see
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Why Not Interfere?
             Haden found Janine in her favourite room. He could hear James and Emily arguing clearly from here and for the life of him. He didn’t understand why she didn’t stop it. She knew Emily wasn’t feeling well. “What is going on? This is the last thing that poor girl needs right now.”             “Oh, I agree, but it’s their business and they need to work it out together.” Janine appeared unhappy about it, but that baffled Haden all the more. What was going on here?             “Care to enlighten me about why we aren’t stopping the argument and setting them straight? Because for the life of me, I don’t understand what’s going on here.” Haden didn’t know where he stood right now as a visitor to this pac
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18 Protection Status