All Chapters of Second Chance for the Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
172 Chapters
Document Search
             Eva stood outside of the tents and the healer’s cottage. It was grim. Several of the prisoners died over the evening. Not from their wounds, but from murder. Unlike the first attack, where the assassin killed themselves. The rest just disappeared into the night. Now they were watched by guards all the time.             Eva’s skills weren’t needed right now and so she was getting some warranted time off. It was needed. She was tired and frustrated. No, not tired. She was on the verge of exhaustion. Damon was at the packhouse receiving a series of boxes containing the notes on weapons they owned or moved on to other packs for better protection. These were exotic weapons, and they enchanted many in one way or another. Specific to dealing with specific threats. Powerful and dangerous. Gods only knew what this group was looking for
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             “James, is this ridiculous? We’re taking up the time of a healer who could actually help someone. I feel stupid sitting here waiting for them to come here. What an inconvenience for them. I could have easily found my way over there later in the day or tomorrow.” Emily hated inconveniencing people with silly things, and this, to her, was one of those silly things. She’d just had a terrible night for sleeping, is all.             “Emily, I’m not willing to take any chances with your health. We’ve gone through this before so many times before this. It’s something new, so we get it checked out. I’m not going through this again. It took so long for you to recover from the first time. It was bad enough not mated to you. I don’t want to have to deal with it now that we are mated. It would hur
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Possibilities and Sadness
             Thomas looked over the lists on his phone of the reports about his people. He’d made an appearance at the healer’s cabin and received must of these lists. He’d sadly lost three people, Asia lost one. The injured prisoners weren’t dead at the of his people’s hands. His people were merciful to them. It was whoever they worked for that saw them as collateral and a danger to their plan if they talked. It frustrated him to no end. They needed more information on these people. No, they weren’t people. They were the creatures that made shifters into monsters in the eyes of humans in general. If what they’d worked out so far about their goals. These monsters wanted something to control the reaction of humans to them. That meant they weren’t as confident as they led their followers about opening up to humans. This wasn’t an open up to humans and live in peace with th
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             Janine found Haden quiet for quite some time. When she glanced up at him from her place, he appeared deep in thought. Did she want to ask? Or would they end up arguing again? Were they arguing early? She wasn’t even sure they’d fought earlier. All she knew was he’d questioned her decisions, and she hoped she explained her position appropriately. Gods, she’d forgotten how difficult it was getting to know and understand another person. Was it worth it? Janine’s mind automatically answered with a resounding yes because they were working together, if nothing else.             Haden sat near Janine, watching the day pass from his seat. She’d given him a lot of food for thought. She showed him her loyalty and he could hold that against him. Nor could he fault her logic. She was stepping back from a situation that d
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Searching Up a Clue
             Damon and the others sat around in the conference room poring over journals and scraps of scrolls covered in different spidery writing, looking for one vague thing. The fact that no one could agree what they were looking for made for quite a bit of confusion when narrowing down possibilities. He threw down the tattered scroll in his hands to the table’s surface. Karl, you’ll need to read through this one. It’s in that text again.             Karl’s a witch on loan to help get through some of the older documents, because no one in the area wanted any of this except a small group of deluded fools. Karl specialized in many of the older languages and could read whatever this was with relative ease. “Let’s me finish up with this one and then I’ll try to tackle that one. I think I’m beginning to see dou
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Good News Bad News
             Emily couldn’t put the doctor and James off for this visit to the Medical Centre. The place she absolutely hated and would avoid at all costs. She felt nauseous just thinking about the months she’d spent here and all the things she endured at that time. Emily was sure that they were overreacting. But here they were, poking and prodding her again. This was what she didn’t want, and James paced as the tests were done. He was worried in his own way. She knew that. But why he was so insistent this time she didn’t know.             Now they waited and waited for the results, and Emily knew this wasn’t one of her finer moments. She was moping and pouting. Her only excuse was that she felt like she could sleep forever, and no one had let her. It was feeling like forever, and she didn’t want to become trapped in here
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End of Day
“That’s it. I don’t know about you but I can’t look at another report or message. This is crazy how much damage was done in just a couple of days. You’d think I was gone weeks or something.” Thomas tossed down his phone onto the coffee table with one hand while the other kept Asia snug against his side. “Oh, I’m sure people are just adding little things to the workload in hopes of getting little things cleared up a little faster. Don’t fault them. At least they feel they can request it of you.” “I guess that would explain why the Cleavers want their front stoop replaced. I mean it wasn’t event in the middle of the fight. Anyway, what do we have to do exactly tomorrow. Just so I can make some notes as a reminder.”
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             “I can’t believe the amount of facts that are just randomly recorded and kept. There’s no order to this.” Eva stood at a box holding several journals in her hands. “There is no real dating system for these. I thought this box dated to the First World War, but this journal is from the nineteen fifties. Someone really must organize this. If it were my charts and records, people would die before I connected the dots to why they were sick. Medication disasters would happen, treatments missed or repeated. Surgeries could be performed on the wrong limbs. Damon, someone needs to correct this sooner rather than later.”             “I agree. I didn’t realize it was this bad. It’s the first time I’ve seen most of this. Who has a need to look at it before this?”   &nb
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Complicated Decisions
             The healer returned and sat solemnly across from them. “Now, before you say anything, I took it upon myself to contact those conducting the trails currently. I did not disclose names, but I gave them the general parameters of your situation. They have given those parameters a general overview. It’s believed that from the results they have received so far from other trials, your situation is hopeful for a positive response to the treatments. There’s no surgery and your pups should survive. Now this trial only started a few years ago, and it’s a long-term commitment. The trial looks at both the mother and the pups as they grow. One question they could not answer was the long-term effects any pups would experience. With that information, they have also said that because you have waited so long for the trial, not your fault the trial didn’t exist much before this. But the sooner they a
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How to Handle Family
             Thomas and Asia walked through the compound looking in on people and places. Find out what was going on with requests and complaints. They got reports from the witches on the state of the wards they were reenforcing and their progress. Thomas couldn’t be happier with that. He made sure to make notes of all the issues he’d found. This was something he should have done much earlier than this. But better late than never. He might not be doing this now if he’d failed to send Henry and his friends packing. That was another thing he must look into. How was the tracking of that group going? It sounded promising the last time he received news.             “This is going well. I think you have some great people here. Once we’ve fully mated, I believe we should introduce people to each other so that they are comfortable talk
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