All Chapters of True love's first kill: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
106 Chapters
89: Annie's POV
I wake up to a soft knocking at the door. I am wrapped up in Ansel's arms, covered in blankets, I feel warm and safe, this shiney after glow moment would be perfect if there was not someone knocking on the door begging for my attention. I look up at Ansel, he is still fast asleep, I want to let him rest, he put in a lot of work last night. I try to slip out from under his arms, moving nice and slow so as not to wake him. I inch my way out of the bed, the moment I stand up I notice that my whole body is sore in the best way. Every time I more I feel the shadows of Ansel's touch on my body.  I look around for something to wear, the first thing my eyes fall on is the sheet from the bed, laying on the floor next to me. I wrap myself up in the sheet and answer the door.  I instantly regret opening the door. Standing there in front of me is my father, and I do not want to see him.  "Ben, what can I do for you?" I ask him, my voice is in a for
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90: Annie's POV
We spend the day in the smallest of the castle's ball rooms with the children, making paper flowers, butterflies, and snowflake's to cover the walls. The smaller children simply scribble on paper with random colors, insisting that their art work also be taped up onto the walls. We serve them lunch in this room, finger sandwiches cut in the shapes of hearts, stars, and circle's, which I imagine must be the only cookie cutters the right size that Miss Frankie could find. We also have chips, cut fruit, and carrot sticks. After lunch I teach the children how to make beads out of colored paper. Then we string them onto necklace's. The older children help me make a very very long paper chain, we hang it all across the room, from the walls, the chandelier's, and the candle brackets near the doors. By dinner time that evening the whole room looks like a craft's store threw up in it. There is rather a mess of crayon writing on the walls, and paint spilled on the dance floor's. But th
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91: Annie's POV
The moment I see Ri'elle I can tell by the look in his eye that he is thinking the same thing that I am, this lightening is not part of the storm. It is part of an attack on the pack.  "Meet me in my room, in 15 minutes. Bring Micheal and Paula if you see them. No one else yet, I want to talk with just us first." I tell him.  "Okay, I will see you there. I haven't seen Micheal, but I know where Paula is." Ri'elle says, then she turns and walks away.  I turn and head back to my room, looking for Micheal as I go. I find him in the hallway headed to the bathroom. I tell him we are planning a meeting in my room in a few minutes and he agrees to come. I also find Ansel along the way and bring him back to my room with me.  We quickly clean up the floor and clear a space for the five of us to sit on the floor while we talk. After a few minutes the others arrive, Paula has her Amore with her, I don't know him well enough to know if we can
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92: Annie's POV
I race through the hall ways, fighting to keep from shifting. I have never this emotional as a werewolf, I was always just a human, now I am fighting for control of my own body. I reach the doors and they are locked. Without even thinking about it, I break the lock's, throwing the doors open. I practially fall into the room, I look down at my feet to see a man on the ground, I can see that he is breathing, but other than that he is not moving.  I look around the room to see about one thrid of the adults on the ground. Children are standing over their parents immobile bodies, screaming and crying. I quickly take in those on the ground, people from each of the two packs that merged. The adults who remain awake are tring in vain to comfort the children, but they are not listening, and I can't blame them.  I reach out through the pack link, as the queen if I choose to I can feel both the emotions and the physical pain or sensations of the entire pack. As I reac
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93: Annie's POV
"We need to move all of the livestock to the third floor of the west tower, as fast as we can. I want you guys to start on that, Ri'elle need's a few other things from my room. I am going to run up and fetch those, then I will join you to move the animals." I tell them, I know that they want to know the whole plan, but I don't have the time to explain everything right now, and thank the heavens they both know better then to ask. We reach a fork in our pathes, I need to go left, up to my room, they need to go right, down to the room where we are keeping the smaller livestock animals.  "Go up to the right, third door on the left, follow that hall till you get to the stairs going down, take the stairs and then to the left you will find the chickens, follow the noise. The other small animals are all along that hall." I tell them, then I turn around and ru  the other way towards my room. I throw open the door and dive for the closet. I dig through and find my bag with o
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94: Ansel's POV
I hate that we still need to use animal's to make our magic work, I chat with Micheal as we move then rest of the chickens. I learn alot talking to Micheal, like that Ri'elle hate's using animals for magic, and if there was any other way we would do that. However... since we are in the beginings of a war, and the enemy is using animals and humans both to make their magic work, we have no choice but to use animals as well. Ri'elle is working on finding another way for his spellwork to work other than animal sacrifice. Like alchemey, kinda, say we use flowers to make spell A work, and bones to make spell B work, but spell C has a similar effect to parts of spells A and B, but requires an animal sacrifice because it is stronger, or something. Micheal is suggesting that we could use flowers, bones, and something else to equal the animal without actually using any animals. Like a living tree in a pot, or a few peices of fruit, or some other kinds of flowers, or some combination of these.
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95: Annie's POV
I am seething with anger, how dare they speak to her this way, I love Miss. Frankie. She was the first one who treated me with respect in Ansel's pack, even before we knew I am the queen. Plus, I told them all that it is her kitchen, they were to get her permission before they touched anything in her kitchen.  I ask her what happened, and why they were being so rude to her. She explains that once the hot chocolate was made, she had her staff start passing it out to the children first, then they were going to offer hot chocolate, coffee, or tea to the adults. However, they never made it that far, when the warriors saw that they had to wait until all the children were served first, most understood, but a few had an issue. The one's who had a problem are young, and arrogant. When Miss Frankie tried to explain that they would get a drink next a few of them tried to force their way past her and into the kitchen. They demanded a snack, and when Miss Frankie told them there wo
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96: Annie's POV
I rush to the west tower, I have a bad feeling that something went wrong on Ri'elle's end. I race up the stairs and burst into the room, I find Ri'elle in the center of the room, spiritual energy fills the room, he is covered in his own blood, it looks as though the spirits are trying to rip him apart limb from limb. I know that if I siply rush to him the connection will be broken and his spell will backfire onto him completely. Right now I am thinking that maybe the spirits simply do not like the offering that he used.  I skirt around the edges of the room, being carefull not to touch any of the silks. I make my way over to the rabbits in their cages, I reach in and take out one, I slit its throa and coat myself in its blood, saying a quick cleansing ritual as I do. Then I take a few cautious steps towards Ri'elle, then the door bursts open again and I see Ansel with some warriors right behind him. "STOP!" I order. "Leave, go check on the pack, if you touch any
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97: Annie's POV SCW
I follow Micheal as he takes me on a tour of the worst of the wounded. There are only a few people who got hurt badly enough to need to see a doctor, a few warriors where on the stairs when they passed out and as a result they fell down the stairs. One older man fell onto his tool box giving himself a concusion, and a few other fell in similar way. There is a total of 8 broken bone's and 3 concusions. Plus the 5 mothers who went into labor as a result of the stress from passing out the way they did.  There was a total of 544 pack memebers effected by the spell, and only 18 people where hurt or effected badly enough to need to seek medical attention right away. The other 526 people have been givin the order to report to the hospital wing within the next 2 days, refusal to do so will result in punishment. I hate the idea of threatening the pack members, but this is how things are done, and everyone knows that I hate doing it, so they know to really listen when I do make t
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98: Ansel's POV
"Micheal, thank you for meeting me here. I didn't want to leave her alone while she is still asleep...Something strange happened last night, and it wasn't the first time... There is something wrong with her..." I tell him in a low voice.  "Okay, slow down and start from the beginning." Micheal tells me. "Okay, well... You know when we marked each other, tight?' I ask him, he nods and I go on. "Well, then on the first night we stayed in this room she made a big deal out of having sex, like it was the first time. And then she marked me again, and she had the same reactions to the marking as the first time." I tell him, then I pause and take a deep breath, I hate that I have to talk to Micheal about our sex life.  "Okay, but that was 2 nights ago, so what happened last night that made you call me here so early in the morning..?" Micheal asks me.  "She did the same thing, she initiated sex and then acted like it was the first time again. At
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