All Chapters of The Ace at the Apex: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
875 Chapters
Chapter 131 Unmatched
They had thought that Javier was only a bumpkin from some small-time company and had even suspected him of being a troublemaker, but they now realized that that was not true at all—Javier was there to make sure Andrew went down!Each time he placed a bid, it was targeted at Andrew, and he was still increasing the price in folds now, baffling everyone.The land that had started off from 3.15 million dollars was now at 6.62 million dollars. The way the price had doubled with an additional 10% was aggressive!Chessie was startled by Javier’s bidding. She could not help poking him again and reminding him softly, “It’s 6.62 million now!”Andrew, who saw Javier and Chessie whispering to each other not too far away, understood the situation. That bumpkin boy toy must be pandering to Chessie and borrowing money from her!Chessie was a force to be reckoned in the mafia world, but everyone knew that she was only involved in the sex work field of the gambling, drugs, and sex business. She wa
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Chapter 132 If We Fall, We Fall Together
That was 11.1 million dollars—11.1 million dollars!Andrew surrendered. No matter how rich he was, he had yet to reach the stage of considering several million dollars nothing. He truly was unable to stay as composed as Javier was.As the sound of the gavel rang out, the plot of land successfully went to Javier.Applause erupted from the venue as people congratulated Javier for winning the land and pandered to this wealthy man. The guests felt like their horizons had been broadened today, as the world of a rich man was indeed different from theirs. Compared to Javier, they were akin to poor farmers.Even the bureaucratic big shot had gotten up and gone down the stage to congratulate Javier.“Young man, thank you. Thank you for making a great contribution to our town’s charity. Everyone here will remember you!”After thanking him courteously, the big shot looked at Andrew. “I hope you’ll keep your promise.”Andrew was incredulous. What kind of attitude was that? He had promised t
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Chapter 133 I Don’t Know How to Fight
After dinner that night, Chessie headed out with her underlings to take care of some business—a negotiation with a certain boss. Javier wanted to join her, but Chessie rejected him because they could not afford the appearance of an unfamiliar face.Looking at her composed mien, though, Javier knew that nothing would happen to her. He did not worry too much after they parted ways and asked Herschel to hang out with him.The hotel dinner could not quite satisfy his appetite, as he felt like having some street food. This worked in his favor since he could have a beer with Herchel and chat about the latter’s past. They had known each other for a long time now and had never talked about it. Hence, Herschel briefly introduced himself as they had some street food.“My family didn’t do well when I was young, and I was pretty flippant. They had a military recruitment base in our area, so I enlisted. I actually did quite well in the army and got myself a master who was the champion of the mil
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Chapter 134 That’s All You’ve Got
Javier had never seen Andrew as anything worth his effort, for the latter was too insignificant to be regarded as such. That said, Javier would be damned if he did not repay the gesture since Andrew had offered himself as a gift tonight.It was just that someone seemed even more impatient. Javier had just gone up to Andrew when Herschel dashed forward. There was no way Javier could allow this. This was the only dummy left. If Herschel took him out, Javier would lose his only chance to loosen a limb or two.While Javier and Herschel were ready to fight for the dummy, Andrew surprised both of them. He moved so swiftly that when he lifted his arm, there was a pistol in his hand. His movements were smooth too, as he loaded the gun with his left hand the moment he pulled the weapon out.“Try and take another step toward me. Come on!”As the dark gunpoint was staring back at him, Herschel paused. He was impatient but he was not reckless.Andrew spat, “F*ck, weren’t you so good just now?
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Chapter 135 The Adorable Faye
Javier had initially planned to leave the next morning, but he stayed around since Andrew had to keep his promise by noon. When it was about time, Chessie received 800,000 dollars in her bank account and a call from Andrew.“Chessie, I got into a small misunderstanding with Javier last night. Consider this 800,000 dollars my apology to him…”Andrew made it sound very nice and tactful enough for both him and Chessie. It sounded like he would have taught Javier a very necessary lesson if it were not for Chessie.When Chessie asked Javier about what had happened last night, she received a kiss on the lips from the man as an answer. The man then called Herschel.“Andrew Kearsey. Make sure you make it clean.”He was paid to take care of somebody else’s problems. It made no difference to Herschel whether he had to go to battle with an AK or slit someone’s throat with a small blade. When it came to someone as awful as Andrew, he considered the elimination of the guy a favor to the neighb
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Chapter 136 Jade Uses Bait
Of course, Jade was not going to allow Javier to get what he wanted. After all, it would be embarrassing for her since Ingrid was still working in the kitchen. However, after rejecting him, Jade shyly said, “Come…Come to my room tonight!”Javier was immediately overjoyed! ‘Looks like Jade has completely broken through her mental barrier!‘Tonight’s the night this beautiful woman will be completely mine!’Over the moon, Javier ended up eating a bit too much and felt a little too full. Thus, he was in need of some exercise After Javier was done washing up, he headed upstairs and looked for Jade, hoping that he could exercise to digest the food he had just eaten. At that moment, Jade was doing some yoga exercises in the yoga studio. She was wearing a white tube top, and her yoga pants were as short as a pair of swimming trunks, revealing her absolutely enticing curves completely. Her slim waist and slender legs were enough to make one feel excited just by looking at them. M
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Chapter 137 A Pair of Eyes Silently Watching From Behind the Scenes
Despite how much Jade did not want Javier to leave, he still left in the end. However, Jade did not try to keep him around because she knew a real man was like a kite flying up high in the sky. It was solely up to Jade whether she was skillful enough to control the line that flew the kite. In fact, she believed that she had already done very well, which was why she was able to see Javier off in a very gentle manner. Before Javier left, she even shyly said, “Honey, I’ll be ready for you by the time you get back.”At first, Javier still felt slightly heavy about having to leave Jade behind, but he immediately waved his hand when he heard that. “Forget it, there’s no way I’m going to allow myself to be tricked by you again. Do you think I haven’t learned my lesson yet after the many times you’ve tricked me?”Jade felt slightly guilty at that point. “I-I…That’s because I’m not ready yet!”That was indeed what she felt inside, as she had not gotten over her mental barrier yet.
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Chapter 138 This Employer Is Really Awesome!
After being on an airplane, a train, a car, and some other means of transport for half a day, Javier and Herschel finally arrived in Hyliveskia.Since Herschel had once fought there, he was very familiar with the roads and took Javier directly to a mercenary group.There, Javier met up with two more people Mackenzie had hired, Levi and Gabby. The two of them were from Javier’s country as well, each with their own past, but they had gotten close to one another on the battlefield. At present, they were in control of a team with approximately 3,000 men, all of whom were secretly employed by Mackenzie under Javier’s instructions. Although their numbers were great, Javier looked at their battered guns and…wondered if they could fire a bullet without the guns exploding on them…‘Come on, I’m about to ask this group of people to get to work, not send them off as cannon fodder!’Javier then asked, “Do you guys have better equipment?”Levi and Gabby obviously did not know who Javier
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Chapter 139 Surprisingly, They Were Really Easy to Take Down
Before Javier had arrived, he had already found out that the information about his father and stepmother was inside an underground room in the town hall. However, that very town hall was now under the control of armed rebels, so he was going to have to fight them with force. Fortunately, the town hall was only about three kilometers from where they stood, which was not too far away. On top of that, there were only approximately 2,000 men guarding the place, which was why Javier decided to take action that night.After he explained his plan to Levi and Gabby, neither of them had any objections.They had not been afraid of facing the 2,000 guards before either, but now that they had brand-new firearms, there was nothing for them to be afraid of anymore! On top of that, all the mercenaries were eagerly waiting to try out their new equipment, so everyone was in high spirits! This was extremely promising because it was the exact kind of atmosphere Javier wanted from them. Thus, Ja
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Chapter 140 Let’s Share a Table, Sir!
Chessie was in trouble. She was in a pretty sticky situation, in fact. Previously, she had taken the opportunity to completely absorb all of Andrew’s territories after his death. However, that was a huge piece of the pie that many hungry wolves had their eyes on. Coupled with the fact that Chessie had been the fastest and greediest to grab the pie, everyone else now had their eyes on her. Aside from the fact that she was currently the person with the most power, they were all eyeing her because she was a woman. In fact, someone had even said that they would not allow such a powerful woman to exist in their state! Thus, they all formed an alliance that would cumulatively go up against Chessie, taking her down permanently! On top of that, the person leading the Anti-Chessie Alliance was an old veteran called Jonah Lambert. “Those guys must have a death wish! How dare they think of laying their stinking hands on my woman?!”After instructing Faye to take good care of Chessie,
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