All Chapters of The Ace at the Apex: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
875 Chapters
Chapter 151 Go Ahead, Show Me!
Samuel did not have the luxury of time. He could not wait for Javier to be done with his Rubik’s cube, so he got straight to the point and said, “Mr. Kersey, I’m sorry for what I did previously. It’s my fault for failing to recognize who you are. I hope you will be able to find in your heart the kindness to spare me.”Javier paid Samuel no attention and carried on tutting as he looked at the information he had received via email. “Mr. Javier, I was wrong to say that you would never get the chance to see me begging you in your life. I now discarded all my dignity to come here and beg for your forgiveness, so I hope you will be able to do so on account of my sincerity.”Javier still paid Samuel no attention. It was obvious that he did not care how sincere Samuel was being. Forcing down the anger he felt inside, Samuel kept on begging for Javier’s forgiveness multiple times, seeming very sincere about it as well. However, Javier still did not seem to be moved. Finally, Samuel coul
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Chapter 152 Ridding the World of a Scumbag
Jade could not figure out for the life of her why Javier was holding such a huge grudge against Samuel. In fact, she felt frightened as she saw the intense murderous intent coming from Javier, which she had never seen before. She grabbed his arm and said, “Honey, honey… Calm down. There’s no need for you to feel angry because of a person like him. It’s not worth it.”“A person?” Javier scoffed mockingly and pointed at Samuel, who was lying flat on the ground. “Tell me, do you think you’re worthy of even being called a person?”Samuel could not say anything because he was suffering from an excruciating amount of pain due to his jumbled internal organs.However, he still wanted to beg for mercy. Samuel’s main focus was to get out of that place so that he could ensure that Javier would not live through the night.In fact, Samuel wanted to light Reivaj Group up in flames with everyone in it! However, as he was filled with all those evil thoughts, he suddenly felt a chill running
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Chapter 153 Here’s Your 95-Dollar Reward
Meanwhile, Edna had remained in Chad’s office, her beautiful face blushing. She had already decided that there was no more point in staying with Sammy-Blue Inc. since even Samuel, the chairman, had already gone all the way to Reivaj Group to beg for forgiveness. On top of that, Chad, who was a rather handsome-looking man, seemed to be interested in her. Most importantly, she was going to receive 15,000 dollars a month…Taking all this into account, Edna agreed to stay and be Chad’s romantic partner. However, as much as she wanted to stay, there was an organization that begged to differ. “Edna Monroe, correct? We’re with the FBI and we’re going to need you to come with us.”Edna was stunned, and her fair legs began trembling. She hurriedly grabbed onto Chad and said, “Help me, Mr. McCool!”Chad wanted to save her, but he was powerless to argue against the FBI despite the fact that they were dressed exactly like policemen. On top of that, the FBI had an official arrest war
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Chapter 154 Who Are You?
Since there was still some time left after they had dinner, Javier brought Chessie over to Jonah’s house. When they arrived downstairs, Faye was instructed to wait in the car while Javier took Chessie upstairs and knocked on Jonah’s door.Jonah was listening to some oldies and humming in delight, which seemed like a pretty decent hobby. After exchanging some formalities with him, Javier got to the point of his visit that day and said, “Samuel has fallen, Jonah.”Jonah nodded his head. “So I’ve heard. An old friend of mine gave me a phone call today and said that the police have sealed off Sammy-Blue Inc. from the public.”This was as much as the public would know about what had happened, as the FBI would never reveal what had actually happened. Javier took out the evidence that he had made a photocopy of long ago before handing it to Jonah. When Jonah read through every single crime that Samuel had committed, he was so furious that his veins bulged out. After he was done r
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Chapter 155 An Extremely Busy Person
Of course, Javier knew what Chessie was really trying to ask. However, when he saw how beautiful and enticing the woman lying next to him was, he could not help becoming a little flirty.Then, he said, “I’m actually a…”Just as Javier was about to say something, Chessie reached out with her finger to silence him, refusing to allow Javier to continue. “It’s alright. You don’t have to say anything. It doesn’t matter who you are. You still won’t be able to stop my urge to pay you 95 dollars.”Javier felt that this urge of hers was really good and deserved praise! Thus, he sped up and rushed the rest of the way to the hotel.The moment they both entered their room, it was already guaranteed that they were going to have a very intense “battle” over those 95 dollars…Three months passed in the blink of an eye. Sure enough, the FBI and the police worked together to apprehend a whole group of people.A few sting operations to remove some underworld forces had taken place, and almost
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Chapter 156 A Picture With You, Starshine!
The man in the Ferrari took his shades off, and Javier instantly recognized him. It was none other than Luca Pangani—the bigshot from the Easton Group who had nonetheless been skewered pretty blisteringly by Javier before in Xerxes Village.As for the young woman he had managed to woo over this time, it was not hard to guess who she was: Edelgard Weiss. Still, the fact that she had followed Luca here surprised Javier. He had thought he would never cross paths with Edelgard again. Who knew she would come to him herself this time?While he was pondering this, the door to his office creaked open, revealing Jade, who strode right in. “Honey, your darling Edie has come to see you! Oh, Luca’s here too.”That night in Xerxes Village, when Javier and Edelgard had had sex accidentally, was not something Jade had missed, which was why Javier could taste the jealousy dripping from the corner of her lips even if he did not look for it.He stepped forward and pulled Jade—black, form-fitting und
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Chapter 157 You Think You’re Some Bigshot?
Word from Edelgard was that she was somehow getting negative coverage for no apparent reason. She felt that she was being targeted by a rather incessant hater, as the internet was filled with all kinds of anti-Edelgard sentiments. A lot of the hate and slander was just senseless, but it was pervasive enough that she was worried it might cause some trouble at the meet-n-greet.Jade was confident in their ability to tackle this. “Don’t worry about this. We won’t let anything like that happen. We’ve hosted similar events before in the past, so we know enough to focus on security and all other aspects. We’ll also exercise tight control over what kind of media will be present. In particular, all private citizen media will be banned from attending the event.”Hearing Jade explicitly singling out private citizen media was a relief. It was exactly what Edelgard had been thinking. Private citizen media had the tendency to be unregulated and without standards despite enjoying a massive followi
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Chapter 158 Quite the Ego There, Pal
Thorin’s brazen putdown made Luca’s mien change.Luca’s father had always looked down on the “gang” Thorin was currently bragging and being so smug about. His old man had always thought they were below his standards. And then there was Javier, who had dismissed Luca’s father because high and mighty Mr. Pangani was way below Javier’s pedigree!Now, under a hierarchy like this, Thorin was sneering at Javier as though he was his superior?! How insane could this guy get?At this rate, he might as well strip himself naked before prowling around seedy streets to match the degree of his insanity!Luca opened his mouth, ready to shoot Thorin down, but Javier put his hand up and stopped him.The lack of opposition from Luca emboldened Thorin even more, and his rant became more and more uninhibited. “Listen, beautiful. A gorgeous sweetheart like yourself gotta make herself known in the entertainment industry, babe. You deserve to be standing in the spotlight, being showered by millions of c
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Chapter 159 Trouble at the Meet-n-Greet
Two days had passed since the Thorin Gerard incident. Things had been going swimmingly, and the company was bustling with activity as they planned and prepared for Edelgard’s meet-n-greet. Jade also found herself devoting a lot of her time and effort to make it a success.If she were to personally rank her relationship with the actress, she would have given it a “Not Bad” rating. Of course, she was sure their friendship would have improved even more if it weren’t for the annoyingly intimate “misunderstanding” between Edelgard and Javier, which was hovering above them.Meanwhile, Luca felt both grateful and slightly proud for averting a cataclysm for Thorin’s sake. Javier appeared to have moved past the imbroglio since then, because if the man had really wanted to, he would have used his money and connections to destroy the Gerard Family by now. The lack of bad news proved that Javier had really let it slide.He would remember this, he decided. He would remember this moment of mercy
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Chapter 160 You Don’t Get It
The rumors and overt slander had finally broken kind-hearted Edelgard’s back.She had gone missing.Nobody had any idea where she might be. Even Luca, who followed her around with the clingy nature of a puppy, had failed to track her down. It was why he’d ended up calling Javier for help. Javier was essentially the baron of the city and had a connection network way more extensive than his own.After hearing about the predicament, Javier promised he would help out and immediately called Sam. “Mobilize your underlings and locate Edelgard Weiss at once. You can find her picture online yourself.” He commanded him severely, omitting even the barest minimum of courtesy. “I don’t care what kind of tactics you use. I want her found before midnight. Also, do not frighten her once your men find her. Contact me immediately.”Sam dared not waste any more seconds. As soon as the call ended, he began sending out commands to his people before driving his car over and joining the search himself. T
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