All Chapters of The Ace at the Apex: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
875 Chapters
Chapter 171 Kill Him With Technique
Gigi had been anxious about why her street-fighting champion friends were not here yet, but her attention had unknowingly shifted to the gambling table.She now cared more about the bumpkin loser’s dumb begging face when he lost the $1,500,000. She could even imagine Javier kneeling before her and pleading with her in tears and snot.The more she thought about it, the more pleased she was. Gigi reveled in her imagination as she scoffed. “Stupid beggar, I’ll watch how you die in a while!”Michael gestured to Javier at the table. “I’m the dealer. You place your bet first.”Javier made an “oh” like he had never played before, gave it a thought, and threw in all $1,500,000.Looking at the tray of casino chips shoved forward, Michael was bewildered. It was normal to go all-in in Three-Card Brag—one would not look at the cards and bet like that purely on one’s luck. However, to bet on luck with $1,500,000, was the guy…dumb?Michael was not the only one who was dumbstruck. Gigi, who wat
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Chapter 172 This Is the Sense of Superiority
Gigi was panicking. She had embezzled $9,000,000 and put in $6,000,000 now. She was only left with $3,000,000. If her elder brother were to find out, he would break her legs directly.Michael was anxious as well. He had wanted to win with technique, but why the f*ck did he encounter someone who played with determination instead of technique today? No matter how skilled he was, what could he do when Javier refused to touch the cards? Technique could not fight determination at all.For his $4,500,000 laid on the table, Michael turned to Gigi and whispered harshly, “Transfer me the money!”Gigi looked troubled as she replied in an equal whisper, “I don’t have any more. I only have $3,000,000 now. I thought he was putting up an act, that $10,500,000 was about it. Who knew he’d throw in another $6,000,000? This is going over $10,000,000 now. Where would I get so much money from?”Michael wished to break Gigi over his leg more than ever like he would break a bamboo. Was she tricking him?
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Chapter 173 Not Held Responsible
Javier was arrogant with a high sense of superiority. It disgruntled many people, but no one dared make a sound. Physically, they would not be able to fight him. Financially, they did not even have to think about it.Michael and Gigi had been planning to resort to violence and snag the $28,500,000 Javier had put in and the $16,500,000 they had pooled together. Unfortunately, they knew there was no hope now as they watched the street-fighting champion get knocked out so easily.Flicking the bud of his cigarette, Javier waved at Gigi. “Come, bimbo, come here.”Gigi did not like the term of address being used, but she had no right to say anything for now. Losing her spunk and fight, she went to Javier with her long legs feeling a little like jelly and nearly gave out on her body.The thuggish action and crude words embarrassed and exasperated Gigi. Despite that, this was nothing compared to the $9,000,000 she had thrown in. She begged Javier, “Javier, based on the friendship between y
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Chapter 174 Change
Leaving the casino, Javier went to the car with Mackenzie. The moment Javier opened the door, Gigi rushed up furiously like a frenzied b*tch.Javier scoffed at the sight of the disheveled Gigi. “What? Learned a new skill? Becoming a sticky chewing gum now?”Gigi stayed in the seat and shouted, “I don’t care. The money’s mine. You have to return it to me!”“Tch, tch. Not bad, huh? You’re getting cranky with me now?”Javier went to the trunk and pulled the side panel open to retrieve the car jack. Going back to the car, he gestured for Mackenzie to drive and told Gigi, “Okay, since you want to play, we’ll play something exciting tonight. You sit on the car jack, and I’ll make you have fun.”Gigi was terrified. She had been under the impression Javier would not hurt her since their grandfathers knew each other, but she realized her grandfather was nothing in Javier’s eyes. There was no favor to be done.She wanted to jump out of the car because Javier was already installing the jack
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Chapter 175 Insisting That You Don’t Leave
Zeke refused to give up. He wanted to find Javier’s bank account number from Gigi’s transaction record and pull some strings to check Javier’s phone number through the bank card, then contact Zephiel. But when he inquired about Gigi’s transaction record, he realized that the card number was not displayed.It was obviously not the bank’s mistake. Zeke had heard before that as long as the client’s profile was high enough, the bank would take the initiative to conceal their information. This also meant that Javier was that high-profile person Zeke had heard about.It would have been an easy way out, but it was brutally cut because of Gigi’s audacity and haughtiness…At the same time, Javier arrived at the hotel with Zephiel.“I’ve already helped teach Gigi Snowden a lesson for your old-time buddy. Aren’t you going to help him through his current plight?”Zephiel waved his hands at that. “It’s not a life and death situation. It’s just whether he’s having bread or cake. He can resolve
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Chapter 176 Bumping Into Thorin Once More
Of course, Javier was only messing with Luca. There was no way he would be serious with him over something so trivial.Speeding away, they finally arrived at Easton Group’s headquarters.Luca was mumbling away downstairs as though he wanted to say something. Javier was able to see through all of his thoughts with a single glance. “Since it’s not going to be convenient for you to talk to your father, forget it. All you have to do is convey a message to me. It doesn’t matter whether he decides to meet me or not. The Panganis’ future solely depends on your family’s capabilities, nothing else.”Luca did indeed want Javier to meet his father since the latter had instructed over and over again that he wanted to meet Javier should the opportunity arise.However, now that Javier had said this, Luca could not muster up the courage to say anything further.Javier said, “This is a good thing. Otherwise, how are you going to be able to communicate with me if your old man treats me politely?
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Chapter 177 Arrogance and Unruliness
Luca could more or less guess that Javier was suspicious of Thorin’s intentions that night, but Luca begged to differ.“I’m sure Thorin isn’t that kind of person, Javier.”Javier smiled and did not want to argue with Luca. ‘There’s no point arguing with a fool unless I lower my standards to meet his. Instead, I’m going to make him understand what growth means through facts.’The bar Thorin had brought them to was a spacious one, enough to fit thousands of people.The place was indeed packed with people, and the atmosphere was very lively.This was a place where handsome men and beautiful women would gather. As long as they were interested in one another, all that was left was a few drinks, and they would be off. Usually, it would be one cheer for freedom, two cheers to salute death, or one cheer for the time they were spending together that night, two cheers to head off to bed.After that, it would be a series of events that would be rather obvious to imagine…The next day, wh
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Chapter 178 Refusing to Accept One’s Kindness When Given
Thorin’s sudden performance managed to catch Harold’s attention. As such, Harold began to become slightly interested in Javier. More accurately, he was interested in seeing how Thorin would drive Javier down to the ground like he was nothing.Thus, he asked Thorin, “Hey, Thorin. What’s the country bumpkin done to get you all excited?”“It’s nothing much, actually. But this country bumpkin here has a pretty girlfriend, and believe me, she’s f*cking perfect! She’s beautiful, has good curves, and has this unique temperament that really pulls on your heartstrings whenever you see her. You have no idea how many times I had to look for women to vent my frustration because of her, Harold!“Let me put it this way, I still feel this huge urge inside of me whenever I think of her, and I want to have my way with her!”Harold became interested in Thorin’s introduction and looked at Javier curiously. “Hey, country bumpkin. Do you have any photos of that beautiful woman Thorin just mentioned?
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Chapter 179 You’re No Longer Welcomed Here
After one retaliation after the other, Harold felt he was being severely humiliated, especially when it was in front of so many people.“I’m going to teach you a lesson so hard that you’ll realize just how weak and small you are in Medb!”Javier merely flicked the ash off of his cigarette in the face of a furious Harold. “I really have no idea how weak and small I am, but I do know how weak and small your mother was.”Harold was slightly stunned but instantly blew his top when he understood what Javier meant.He then waved his large hand, and the men inside the private room all rushed over and surrounded Javier in the middle.This was especially true for Thorin, who even held up a red wine bottle. ‘I’ve been waiting for this day to come for a very long time!’Javier looked at the people who were surrounding him with a smile. He genuinely could not be bothered to even criticize them for how they failed to realize just who they were dealing with.Javier had been following Mackenzi
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Chapter 180 Nobody’s Going to Save You
Stone could not be bothered to explain what he had just done to cause Thorin’s confusion.Instead, he directly said to Harold, “Remember to clear up all of the debt you claimed you were going to settle before you get the f*ck out of here. You declared that all of the expenses here tonight would be on you, so go get it settled at the counter. If you don’t, I’ll make sure you have it settled at your house!”Stone was a member of the circle, so of course, he did not mean it when he said he would head up to Harold’s doorstep to settle his bill.Thus, as much as Harold was unhappy about his situation and how confused he was, he could only suppress the anger he felt and walk out of the room under the public’s gaze. Most importantly, he still had to pay off the expenses of everyone there that night, to which most of them had a hand in laughing at him.There was someone who was even shameless enough to head up to the counter!“Hey Harold, I’ll do you a favor. Get me ten bottles of Remy Ma
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