All Chapters of The Ace at the Apex: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
875 Chapters
Chapter 181 I Don’t Like Holding Grudges
Countless people cheered and shouted Luca’s name in the bar. They were several times louder and stronger than the cheers for Harold earlier.Luca felt like he was energized upon hearing the cheers for his name. The tidal strength came from just one sentence by Javier. It felt addictive, and the gratitude was never before felt.Not only had Javier not held grudges against his recklessness back then, but he had also helped him up to such a high position from being a prodigal son.Luca gnashed his teeth as he made a silent resolution, determined to manage this shop properly and not let Javier’s trust in him down.A girl was hanging her head and looking disinterested among the partying crowd. It was Gigi. Her friends had come out for some fun with her tonight since they had noticed she was moody the past few days. It was unexpected that Gigi had spotted Javier, who was in the booth on the second floor during the night.She had been delighted, thinking she could go to Javier tonight an
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Chapter 182 A Cruising Dragon
Harold panicked. He felt fear overwhelm him. He knew that Javier was going to cripple him and he was not joking about it!Just as he was about to wail and beg, however, another voice spoke up, “Isn’t this going a little too far?”Lloyd Young was disgruntled. He had been ecstatic over the small progress he had made in a business deal he had negotiated tonight but when he was passing by the junction just now, his car got hit by a Bentley Bentayga. What was more infuriating was that there was no one driving the Bentayga.His chauffeur went down to check and said the front window on the left side was crushed while their Rolls-Royce Phantom had a dent at the front and the side airbag had deployed. When the chauffeur was getting out of the car, he had to use the passenger side too.It was ridiculous. They got hit by a car that was without a driver during the nighttime.His chauffeur later reported to him that two people were fighting up ahead. More precisely, someone was being beaten up
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Chapter 183 A Friend’s Woman
Javier did not even care that he had encountered Lloyd. He just thought that the guy was…all right, not as brainless as the other guys he had met previously. As for treating him like a serious opponent, Lloyd was far from it. It was not only that Javier was disdainful, he did not have such leisure time either.He was still occupied with finding news about his parents and he had to find a chance to find out about the Osborn Award from people in the show business. While he contemplated, he received a text. [I’m back. Luca said you came. Are you asleep?]Just when Javier wanted to get someone in the show business to answer his questions, Edelgard texted him. What a coincidence. Javier sent a “not yet” reply and the next moment, his phone rang. Edelgard was calling. Both of them chatted for a bit on the phone before Edelgard invited Javier for supper. “I just got off my flight and haven’t eaten anything. Let’s eat together!”Javier readily agreed as there was no way he would reject her
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Chapter 184 Preparation Underway
The jolt that went through her thigh rocked her senses. Edelgard shot a glare at Javier, though she did nothing else to stop him.“I’ve given this a lot of thought, Javier,” she said solemnly. “I’ve come to realize that my body is just used to your touch. My heart, though? It belongs to Pangani. Luca…is more my type than you are, if I’m being honest. And he’s going clean too. He’s turned pragmatic.“I know you’re more or less the same, but you only like me for what this body holds. What you like about me is sex and nothing more—because your heart belongs to Jade Odell,” she continued. “That makes us friends with benefits, Javier. At most, we’re best friends with benefits.”The corner of Javier’s lips twitched. “Well, that’s quite the analysis. So, now what?”Edelgard broke out a smile. “So here I am, standing here, telling you goodbye. I’ve decided to accept Luca’s confession and get together with him, so we can’t be caught doing this anymore, Javier. I don’t want to hurt him.”Ja
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Chapter 185 The Queen of Films
With regards to forming a film company, Chad would have had to consider and come up with plans and make preparations if it had been someone else.However, with Javier, it was a completely different matter. Chad knew better than anyone just how much resources the Kersey family had, which was why he very readily agreed to it. “But we haven’t got the professional staff required though. The setting and filming crew would be a simple matter, but we still need studio managers, directors, good scripts, and so on. We haven’t got experience in this field, so if we end up investing too much, we might end up with insufficient cash flow in the end.”Javier was not worried about Chad’s concerns at all. “That won’t be a problem. I’ve got the money, so we can directly hire the professional staff required. I want you to focus on the preparation, I’ll have the money transferred to you in a moment. I’ll go contact someone about this, so you don’t have to worry about it.”With both money and personn
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Chapter 186 These Will Suffice
While waiting, the female attendants from the company entered the house and poured glasses of water for Javier and the young man.Javier said his thanks and placed his cup on the table, where there was a vase of light pink rose with a shade of orange.The young man immediately became unhappy and threw his cup onto the floor.“Are you f*cking blind? Can you not recognize this rose? That’s the Juliet Rose, said to be the king of all roses. Just that bouquet alone cost around 150 thousand dollars, so do you think you’d be able to pay for it if the rose ends up being damaged by the heat from your cup just because you placed it next to it?!”Javier did not say a word, but the female attendant was shocked senseless. “Are you kidding me? Is this bouquet really that expensive?!”The young man mockingly laughed, which was filled with sarcasm as well. “I don’t blame you if you don’t know it, but that’s the purest of all Juliet Roses, so it’s the most expensive rose in the world. Also, a ros
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Chapter 187 Lussy
The female attendant was now officially fired. If Saoirse were to decide that someone is to be fired, not even the company’s chairman would be able to overrule her.Something like this had happened before in fact… The chairman’s nephew had said some rather inappropriate words to Saoirse that were filled with obscenity. Later on, Saoirse had him packed up and thrown out.However, rather than leaving quietly, the guy kept on yelling out how he was the chairman’s nephew.The chairman caught wind of the situation and asked his nephew to apologize to Saoirse to close the matter. However, Saoirse immediately turned towards the main entrance and headed out. When asked by the chairman where she was going, Saoirse said she was going to go work for his competition. The chairman panicked and kicked his nephew out of the company immediately, banning him from entering his company ever again. Such was Saoirse’s capabilities. She was so capable that the chairman had no choice but to go along
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Chapter 188 I’ll Be by Your Side
After hanging up the phone call with Lussy, Javier put away his cell phone back in his pocket.He originally had not thought highly of Lloyd, but he found the man rather intriguing after this incident.‘Given Lloyd’s capabilities, there are many ways he could do this that would be simple and violent. He could have looked for someone in court to pressure us or directly get involved in a stock exchange snipe battle. All of those methods would be violent and satisfying, but Lloyd didn’t use any of them.‘Instead, he chose the simplest and cheapest method. Have a random guy who died due to an alcohol overdose and have him brought to the bar’s main entrance. Then, he made a dirt-cheap phone call and had the bar closed for business.‘I must say…this little tactic of his is a pretty good one. Plus, its effects are surprisingly good. He’s definitely someone who’s done this before.‘Now that I’ve found someone so interesting to spar with, I’m not going to snipe him through the stock exchan
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Chapter 189 Time to Subdue This Succubus!
A million thoughts ran through Javier's mind about what he wanted to do to her, but he still stopped himself the moment his hands touched her.This was not because he was a coward but because he was not as thick-skinned as Soairse.In the past, Saoirse would yell to the top of her lungs when something like that happened, “Help, someone’s trying to ra—”Thus, Javier was truly in awe of Soairse and her tactics.Saoirse reached out her hand and gently rubbed his ear before returning to her seat.As she walked, she mumbled, “I’ve always had this d*mn temper of wanting to bully those who are cheeky and sly. I just can’t seem to want to bully the honest ones. I remember I had my eyes on you a long time ago when you were absolutely unruly back at the Kerseys. My goodness, the fun I had bullying you at the time! You couldn’t even do anything to fight back.”Javier raised his hands once more to surrender. “You win. You’re the best. I won’t ever do that again. I promise I’ll behave myself
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Chapter 190 The Watermelon Tree God
Meanwhile, Saiorse did resign very decisively.When she left, she brought her female secretary along with her. Her reasoning, however, was very simple. “I need someone to take care of my personal belongings!”However, Javier still believed that Saiorse felt comfortable with this secretary.After leaving Skyward Group’s office, Saiorse drove her Maserati Quattroporte with Javier in the passenger’s seat and left.During their journey, she asked, “You’re a boss in your own rights since you’re able to fork out $300,000,000 so easily, so why would you still have to hitch a ride? Are you not worried that you might end up embarrassing yourself in this prosperous city of Medb?”Javier chuckled and said, “What’s there to be embarrassed about? I prefer to have more depth. Those with depth will naturally be able to garner respect. On the contrary, those without depth would have to rely on these to make themselves look better!”Saiorse asked, “For example…Me?”Javier asked in return, “Do yo
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