All Chapters of The Ace at the Apex: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
875 Chapters
Chapter 161 Comparing Infamy and Fame
Who knew if it was the natural process of sobering up or the improved blood circulation from “exercising” that made the alcohol dissipate? Still, Edelgard was no longer intoxicated when things came to an end.She still felt quite groggy, but her thoughts had cleared up, and she was embarrassed when she realized that the same thing had happened with Javier again. She felt shyer when she recalled that she had been the one to initiate the entire thing.Burying her head on Javier’s chest, Edelgard was too mortified to lift her head up. She was too ashamed to look at Javier. Despite her shame, the hand that was stroking her hair made her feel warm and loved. It felt like Javier had given her courage, as she looked up with a blushing face.“Javier, I—I got drunk, so what happened tonight w-was a m-misunderstanding…”Forcing the words out of her lips, Edelgard ducked her head down again, too shy to keep staring at Javier’s charming eyes.“Alright, don’t think about it anymore. We’re both
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Chapter 162 Stinking Reputation
”I’m the chief of Xerxes Village, Thomas Bloom. I heard that you guys are accusing Edelgard. As an old veteran who’s joined the army and fought in wars, I’m very disappointed and sad about everyone’s wrongful accusations.“Edelgard comes to our village every year to teach voluntarily, making monetary and non-monetary donations. She’s sponsored a few university students from our village, as well as numerous ill villagers who needed treatment. It’s also her donations that have allowed us to have a water supply in the village.“On what grounds are all of you accusing Edelgard and calling her a traitor of Yuzuia? Are we, the villagers of Xerxes, Yuzueans?”Thomas berated everyone angrily in the video, letting a few curses slip as he spoke. When his anger crested, he even fished out a cigarette pack with worn-out corners and pulled out a roll-up cigarette to smoke. No one knew if it was due to the smoke or the rage caused by the netizens, but his eyes were moist.“I held a gun and chase
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Chapter 163 Will You Miss Her?
Renee’s notoriety had completely ruined her. Any show that had employed her stopped working with her, while the ones that were already filmed edited her part out.In comparison, Edelgard’s fame shot through the roof. She had been less popular as an actress but was now rapidly rising in popularity due to this incident and she grew even more famous than young actresses with a large fan base. More importantly, she had decent acting skills.The internet was flooded with compliments about her. Veterans actors and famous directors posted to sing her praises, while some official accounts reposted and commented on her kind deeds. Instantly, Edelgard became an example for actors everywhere and experienced incredible honor.The next night, she booked a whole hotel floor of a banquet hall to host Javier, Jade, and everyone else in Reivaj Group.“Thank you, everyone. Thank you for not abandoning me during my hardest time and for the effort you guys have made to help drag me out of the dirt. Th
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Chapter 164 Here Comes the Old Fox
Time passed in the blink of an eye, and half a month flew by just like that.Within two weeks, Reivaj Group went from being unknown to becoming a household name. The beautiful boss, Jade Odell, the ace management head, Chad Floyd McCool, and the finance tycoon, Mary Jane Gould, became famous along with Reivaj Group, while Javier remained an unknown boss.Thanks to his manipulation, no one knew his real identity. Only a few people knew about his existence. This half a month had made Edelgard a real celebrity as well. She hogged the very top of popularity with no competition, and even the bureaucracy department hired her for a movie that was based on her voluntary teaching time in Xerxes Village.Basically, everything was developing and progressing positively. Things were going great.Javier did not have to worry about work anymore during this period of time, as he went to work leisurely each day to flirt with Jade, then took full advantage of her when they went home after work. Th
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Chapter 165 She’s a Decent Girl
Zephiel and Jade chatted a lot in the office. It was regular small talk without much meaning or reasoning. At least Javier did not notice anything important. However, after Jade left, Zephiel told him while sipping on his coffee, “She’s a decent girl.”Javier had no idea how Zephiel could tell. Perhaps it was true that one saw the truth in the most mundane matters. Maybe he was not as trained now, so he could not understand what the old fox thought and how he looked at things.Zephiel continued to speak. “Your instinct…has always been decent. Selena is a great girl too, so stop resenting her. Different environments result in different people, that’s it.”Putting the cup down, Zephiel reminisced.“I couldn’t figure this out back then, didn’t understand why people would change because of money. I asked your great-grandfather after that, and he replied with another question. He asked if I’d surrender if we were attacked by old enemies.“Of course I wouldn’t. I answered him without ev
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Chapter 166 Both Shameless and Despicable
Zephiel was slightly shocked by Mackenzie’s compliments.“Looks like this Jade woman is a pretty decent woman for you to even say something nice on her behalf.”Mackenzie shook his head. “I wasn’t saying something nice on her behalf. I really did send someone to look into her. She’s a competent woman who knows when she should go on the offensive and when she should stand back. Also, she understands that following Javier’s instructions would be in her best interest and she quietly supports him from behind. Out of all the people I’ve met, she’s very much like my grandmother, both forgiving and understanding. However, Jade’s probably got a much better life than her. Zephiel heaved a long sigh when he heard MacKenzie mention his grandmother. “Marilyn…really didn’t have her life cut out for her. Back when she was in Sammius, she would look through photos every day. Although she never once mentioned it, it was obvious that she was waiting for someone. But until the day she died, she ne
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Chapter 167 Society’s Scum
The trio headed for Zephiel’s old friend’s residence after Zephiel gave Mackenzie an address.It was an extremely large bungalow located in Old Medb, and it seemed spacious yet simplistic.However, a bungalow like that would be ridiculously expensive, costing about $10,000,000 for about 6,500 square feet. On top of that, the bungalow was located in an average part of Old Medb.If it were located in a higher-end area, the price would immediately shoot up to hundreds of millions, which was a terrifying sum.Of course, this would be terrifying only to most people. In comparison, a bungalow like that did not seem anything worth being surprised about to both Javier and Zephiel.After Mackenzie parked the car, he remained inside while Javier accompanied Zephiel into the bungalow. They met an old man who was watering his plants inside.The old man was about 70 years old with a bald head that reflected the sunlight. He was holding a pail in his hand as he watered what seemed like rathe
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Chapter 168 The Two Beggars
Zephiel burst out laughing in tears when he heard that he was being called society’s scum and a beggar.He then asked Javier, “Do I look like one?”Javier nodded in all seriousness. “Pretty much.”Seeing that Zephiel was about to kick him, Javier hurriedly added, “I look like one too!”Zephiel retracted his leg before it landed on Javier’s butt. However, Zephiel may have given up on kicking Javier, but Gigi had not given up on wanting to scorn the two Kerseys.“Heh, you seem to know your place and that you are a piece of trash. Since you know that you’re being a hindrance here, hurry up and get out of my house! Just the sight of you here makes me sick!”Javier replied, “If you’re feeling sick, you might wanna see a doctor and confirm whether you’re pregnant or not. Otherwise, it probably means you’re about to give birth already.”Gigi did not expect the “scum” to retaliate, so she was instantly infuriated. “I’m not f*cking pregnant! I meant me seeing scum like you makes me sic
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Chapter 169 The Insanity!
When the Maserati’s engine roared, Javier flung the fire extinguisher in his hand, and it landed directly on the car.The car’s front windshield was shattered to pieces with a loud “Clang”, causing Gigi to steer away from Javier. Javier could not even be bothered to step away throughout the entire ordeal. Instead, he just looked at her with his eerily cold gaze.Finally, Gigi stepped on the brakes when she saw that her car was about to slam against a wall.When she got out of the car, she charged toward Javier like a complete psycho, waving her long fingernails about like she was about to scratch him.In the meantime, her curses flew out like hot pancakes. “You f*cking beggar, how dare you f*cking destroy my car? I’m going to kill your whole f*cking family!”When she arrived before Javier, he merely raised his leg and sent Gigi rolling on the ground, shrinking like a cooked prawn. After that, Javier approached her and grabbed a lock of her hair before slamming her against Macken
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Chapter 170 Feel the Burn!
Gigi only felt that Javier’s insanity knew no bounds. It was like he had a huge death wish. Furiously, she looked at Javier, and her voice shuddered a little as she said, “Sure…Sure! I’ll get down on my knees if I fail to kill you tonight!“Also, you can f*ck off trying to take advantage of me! There’s no way I’m going to let you do it!”Gigi was so angry she almost coughed up a mouthful of blood. ‘You’re trying to have your way with me? You? Not a chance!’However, Javier could not be bothered to pay her any attention. Instead, he tried to understand the rules of the gambling table. “I just got here from a village, and we usually play with very small bets. What about you guys? Are the stakes high over here?”Meanwhile, the owner of Golden Jack, Michael Hill, made his appearance. Although Michael was new to casinos, he was an expert at gambling techniques.Previously, Michael had learned a few things from his teacher, an expert at cheating. Michael was also a smart man, an activ
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