The Alpha's Girl Series의 모든 챕터: 챕터 101 - 챕터 110
144 챕터
Parker's P.O.V."Parker, there isn't anything I can do besides be there," Malcolm said as he leaned against the front of his desk in the pack infirmary. Malcolm was an older wolf. He had specialized in medicine for decades, traveling around and assisting wolves injured during battle when he was younger before he settled down in our pack with his mate.I had already been frustrated after meeting with Gabriel's father, the previous Alpha. He had no information that could help and informed me that I should have gone straight to the infirmary if I wanted answers. His dismissive tone and clear irritation at having to speak to me made my wolf livid.It was just another reminder of why our pack had fallen so far. Since I wasn't able to turn to my previous Alpha for guidance with his vast knowledge of other creatures, and the current Alpha had no experience with Kaylee's kind, I did as he advised. I left and went to the infirmary.Kaylee was with
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Kaylee's P.O.V.Scarlett forced a smile as I moved down the stairs slowly. I felt like I was either recovering from hip replacement surgery, or I needed one. Everything hurt, and it was only getting worse with each passing hour. Parker did his best to stay by my side, but he had a responsibility to his team and his pack. During the day, he had to leave me, but luckily there had only been one night where he was scheduled to run patrols over the past few days.It was killing him to see me this way. I could see it in the darkness under his eyes as he watched me, and I could feel it in his gentle touch. Having him near helped ease the pain, and his touch chased the fear to the back of my mind.I didn't know what to expect tonight when the moon started to rise, but I did know that it would be hard on both of us.Scarlett had become a decent friend, but we were still getting to know each other. It was hard to bond with someone when I knew they
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Parker's P.O.V. Kaylee panted as she lay on the ground. Her eyes were looking in my direction, but I knew she wasn't really seeing me. The whites around her unique irises stood out brightly as they were filled with angry red lines, and her perfect lips quivered as her body shook. I reached forward, grabbing her arms, trying to pull them from her chest so I could see if she had gotten hurt when she fell. Scarlett had been with her, but it was common knowledge among our kind that during the first transition, the only one who could be near that person was their mate. Having other wolves around could prevent the new wolf from coming forward. We had no explanation as to why. Some thought it was because the new wolf was showing submission to the other wolf, causing them to recede further into their host. Others assumed the new wolf would see it as a challenge, and they would kill their human, trying to get to the surface on their own to fight. If a human and their wolf did not accept ea
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Kaylee's P.O.V. I could feel my body sway with each step Parker took, but I couldn't move it. My head lolled back as he walked with me to an unknown location. Each whispered plea for my survival and each apology that came from his perfect lips sent me further into the dark abyss that was my mind. Whatever he stuck me with, my body was fighting to reject it. No matter the pain I was in, I didn't want to be put under ever again, and I had hoped Parker knew that. Evidently, he didn't. He stopped moving and adjusted me in his arms before a gust of cool air washed over us. I heard the door shut after we walked through, and I wanted to let out a sigh of relief that we were home. "Parker, this way. We need to get her connected, so we can monitor her vitals." The unfamiliar male's voice was calm, but there was a small shake behind it as if he were scared of my mate. My mind began to spin as it clicked in my head what he was talking about. He wanted to connect me to machines…machines that o
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Parker's P.O.V. I could still hear her breathing, panting with fear through the open bedroom door as I was tossed onto the couch in the downstairs living room. My body was frozen. Both myself and my wolf were torn and didn't know what to do. She was alive and safe. That had been the objective of last night, and it had been successful. But in saving her life, I cost us our relationship. The horror on her face and the way she desperately tried to get away from me were burned into my brain. It was the worst thing I had ever seen or experienced. Yet, I had no idea how to fix this. "You need to give her space. Let her cool down. She just woke up." Jack said softly as he took a seat next to me, leaving my father standing over us. "No, I need to fix this. I need to explain." I whispered as my eyes stayed glued to the knot in the wooden coffee table in front of me. Kaylee had to know the truth. She had to understand that what I did was to save her life. If she did, then maybe she wouldn't
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Parker's P.O.V. Twice. I had seen her twice through the window. The first time she had just been walking by, presumably to the bathroom. The second she stopped. She opened the window and took a deep breath of the cool, humid air. I could see the relief on her face as she enjoyed the fresh air. Her hand moved out, palm up as she tried to catch the drops of rain. For just a moment, she looked happy. Then she looked down. She looked down and saw my wolf laying out in the rain, and the small upturn to the corner of her lips disappeared. I let out a whimper as I tried to apologize, but my beast was still too angry and upset to let me shift back without it being a fight between the two of us. I had cost him our mate, even if it was temporary and even though it was to save her life. He had the right to be angry. 'How is she?' Hudson moved forward, the fur of his wolf drenched, letting me know that he had just gotten done running patrol. I glanced back to the window, not wanting to take
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Kaylee's P.O.V.It took a lot of convincing from Parker's mother, or Ma as she continued to insist I call her, for me to get the courage to approach Parker. Seeing him outside in the rain was the final straw. He had sat there for two days while I battled the demons in my head. He only ever stepped away for what I assumed was a quick bathroom break because he was right back within a minute or two.Sleeping without him was the worst. I felt him close, as he was just outside, but not having him next to me was awful. He didn't deserve to suffer and sleep in the rain just because I was mentally fucked up.I had packed us a bag about an hour ago but was still standing in the front entryway, trying to push all the demons to the back of my mind. There was the fear that as soon as I stepped out of the house, I was going to be surrounded, overpowered, and taken back to the infirmary."One step at a time," His mother encouraged from behind me. I spu
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Kaylee's P.O.V. The walk to the packhouse was tense as our hands occasionally brushed against each other. Each time, it was like touching him for the first time all over again. Sparks shot through my skin and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Scarlett had split from us when we passed her house, so I couldn't use her as a distraction. My mind was swirling with everything Parker. His touch, his taste, his smell. Even the way he was walking had me ready to swoon. I felt like a bitch in heat. Where do we go from here? Do we start over, or just wait out this tension between us until it disappeared? "We need to stop by the conference room to get permission to stay at the packhouse." He whispered to me. 'Apparently, we go to the conference room from here.' I thought bitterly. I released a sigh as I mentally smacked myself in the forehead. It was like dating for the first time. I didn't know how to talk to him, or if I should. If I did, any number of his pack members could be able to
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Kaylee's P.O.V. All at once, everyone at the table started talking over each other. I could hear what they were saying, but it felt like I was underwater. The weight of the situation had me falling against the back of the chair in stunned silence. "What did they do to the Blood Moon Pack?" A deep, familiar voice called out from my side of the table. I couldn't see who it was from where I was sitting, and I didn't bother to turn to look. "They had to have done something, or else they wouldn't be giving the ultimatum of war." "Do we really want to keep a potential criminal in our pack?" Parker's hand was tight in mine, and I could feel him shaking as he tried to maintain control of his wolf. I glanced up at him. If they were going to take me, I wanted to memorize everything about him first. I knew he would come for me if I was handed over to the Blood Moon Pack, but I wasn't sure how long that would take. The last time a group tried to take me, I was held captive and tortured for f
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Parker's P.O.V. I saw red. My blood pumped loudly in my ears, silencing the world around me as I held my wolf back from slaughtering the traitor. Jack shook beneath me, his head turned as he submitted, giving me easy access to rip his throat out. Everything in me was fighting the urge to give in and kill him like the traitor that he was. I heard my name yelled out by several voices, but only one made it through the fog. Her soft call to me was so different than everyone else who was yelling or trying to order me to back down. My wolf pulled back in my mind as I continued to hold Jack to the floor. 'Why? Why do you always go out of your way to hurt me? Why couldn't you just let me be happy? That's my mate they're after! Because of you, they're after Kaylee!' I snapped my jaw in his face, satisfied when he flinched away from my teeth as I continued to snarl at him. 'You're a traitor! You're dead to me! I should rip your throat out right now!' The feeling of several arms pulling me
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15 Protection Status