All Chapters of The Alpha's Girl Series: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
144 Chapters
Kaylee's P.O.V.There was a spring in my step. I was aware of it. I felt happy…free.I had woken up on top of Parker, his arm wrapped around me and our legs intertwined on the couch. As soon as I moved, he had held on tighter. It was the best sleep I had gotten in years. At first, I had given in to the temptation to snuggle into him further, pressing my face into his warm neck and relaxing back into the dream world.It was the sound of his father moving past us and toward the kitchen that burst the peaceful bubble I had been in. After the tense dinner that we had the night before, I was expecting at least one snide comment to come from him. Perhaps a look of disgust or disdain. But, as he moved passed, I cracked one eye open to see him staring back at us. He dipped his head in our direction, acknowledging our presence before continuing on.That brief, civil interaction had shocked me, but it wasn't the cause for the pep in my step. It was the way Parker had held my hand when we left t
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Parker's P.O.V. I was ecstatic after getting the approval to start the blueprints for our home. Everyone in the pack was allowed a house of their own after finding their mate, under the condition that they contributed to the building of it themselves. Normally, the pack works together and brings the lines on the paper to life, but it was voluntary. I knew from my history that there wouldn't be many people lining up to help me. If there was one thing a wolf was guaranteed to do, it was holding a grudge. Our memories weren't perfect, but there wasn't too much that we would forget. It had been five years since I came home and reacted to Kate cheating on me with my brother. Knowing that pack hadn't forgiven me yet, meant that it would define me forever. That one outburst of hurt and betrayal had been held over me at every possible opportunity. Kaylee had gotten home before I did, and I had only hoped that no one was there to bother her. My mother adored her, but Kate, Jack, and my fath
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Kaylee's P.O.V.I felt him tense beneath me before he slid the dining room chair backward. His arms moved down so he could pick me up easily, and I gasped as he rose to his feet, pulling my legs around his waist, refusing to let me go. The feeling of being pressed so close to him sent butterflies on a rampage through my stomach.My hands gripped his broad shoulders, admiring the way his muscles were moving and flexing beneath my touch as he carried me upstairs. His gaze was firm as he watched over my shoulder, and the darkness that grew in his eyes as I tightened my legs around his hips sent a thrill through me.Serious conversation aside, he was enjoying this closeness as much as I was. The feeling of our hips pressed together, of his hands on my ass as he carried me down the hall and toward his room… was incredible. I shifted in his hold, accidentally brushing against his hardening member and causing a growl to rip from his throat as he released one hand to open the bedroom door."Y
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Parker's P.O.V. – Five Years AgoRunning had never felt so good. For the past three years, it was always a punishment or a training tactic to keep us in shape and build up our endurance. But now… now every step motivated me to take another, each one quicker than before. Because the faster I ran, the sooner I would see Kate.Being apart for the three years that I was at the Supreme pack for training was difficult, but being away from the woman I loved for that long was soul-crushing. I dreamed about her every single night. It was finally time for me to reunite with her, mark her, settle down with her, and start our family.All of my dreams were coming true. I had finished my training at the top of my class, something my father was sure to be proud of, I was about to have my woman back in my arms, and I was finally going home.The wind shifted as I grew closer, and the smell of my pack filled me with more excitement than before. I had yet to run with them in my true form. I didn't even
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Parker's P.O.V. – Present Day The fresh morning air was refreshing and very much needed as I ran through the forest, stretching my legs. I knew Kaylee was an Oracle and not a wolf, but one day, I hoped we could run together, even if that meant I had to put her on my back. It was an exhilarating feeling to be able to move so quickly, so freely. It would be a nice way for her to bond with my wolf if she still wanted to be with me. Kaylee had been very understanding yesterday, almost too understanding. I told her about how after that incident, the pack was hard-pressed to welcome me back. She heard how I was ostracized to the point that I didn't want to stay here. She heard how I left for the next year and traveled from pack to pack, training with our allies and working hard to improve my ranking among our kind, not just our pack. The Alpha said it would be good to get away and digest the information before coming home. But by the way the packs I had visited paraded their unmated woma
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Kaylee's P.O.V. One good thing came out of spending the day with Parker's mom. In addition to us getting along really well and having a blast together like old friends, was when I had touched her hand. I had the smallest of visions. It wasn't anything big, just her sitting on the porch swing, feeling peaceful. But it was a feeling that she seemed to be lacking currently. Knowing that she was going to finally have peace was exciting. Parker was stressed, and as the Alpha called the pack in for a meeting, I knew it was only going to get worse. The council didn't like that the Alpha moved in on the facility that was keeping Luna Olivia and myself in captivity. Not when the pack had a treaty with the clan of vampires, and the Vampires technically hadn't broken any of the agreements in the contract. The pack was in violation of the treaty, and there would be punishments for that. As he explained this to me, I knew I had nothing to worry about. As long as no one told them about me, their
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Parker's P.O.V. "I had a feeling you were going to say that," Abram said under his breath. His chest expanded as he took in a large inhale before projecting his words out to the crowd. "Alpha Gabriel, under the bylaws of our council, an investigation will be open on you and your actions. Until a verdict has been reached, regarding the violation of the treaty and the attack on Shadow Hill, you are hereby stripped of your title." The pack all gasped or growled in response, mimicking my own anger. If Gabriel hadn't requested that we all stand down, I would have stepped forward. I led the charge that day, and I stood by my actions and the decisions I made during the attack. There was nothing that could have stopped me from saving our Luna and in turn, saving my mate. I was going to go find my mate anyway, so I would have ended up in that facility regardless. I would have torn out every throat and ripped off every head in that building if it meant saving Kaylee. She had been so strong s
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Kaylee's P.O.V. I tried my best not to be the needy girl who wanted her boyfriend to stay with her at all times, but watching Parker walk into that building had my breathing come out just a little quicker than before. He was a very large man, someone who barely fit through doorways and looked like he could take down a grizzly bear with his bare hands. Yet, seeing him walk into that building sent me into a spiral. He had no idea what horrors could happen within those walls. I pictured him being overthrown, held down by several men before they dragged him down the hallway and into an empty section of the infirmary. A lone chair would be waiting for him in the middle of the room, the straps laced with silver and the base of the seat bolted down to the ground. My hands shook as I placed both palms on my temples, trying to break the image from my mind. But no matter how hard I tried, I saw him getting strapped down. The white lab coats moved around him, but I was unable to see the faces
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Parker's P.O.V She looked so strong walking next to the Luna. I didn't want to crowd her, but after seeing and smelling Kaylee's fear and panic yesterday when I went to visit Scarlett, I knew it would be hard on her to go back to the infirmary today. Yet, she held her head up high and walked Olivia to go visit Scarlett anyway. Gabriel may have been temporarily stripped of his title as Alpha, but I would never refer to my brother as my Alpha, nor would I call Kate the Luna. Gabriel was the Alpha, and Olivia was our Luna. It was as simple as that. If Jack had a problem with it, he could exile me from the pack, and I would go find another one to live with. It wouldn't be easy, but I had been leaning that way regardless. It wasn't surprising to me that even after Scarlett had made an attempt to get Gabriel's attention, Olivia was still going to visit her. Olivia may not like her for making a move on her mate, but she was still a good person. Knowing that Scarlett had been so severely in
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Parker's P.O.V. Breakfast had become my favorite time of the day. It wasn't because of the food. It was because I got to sit down with my mate and mother and enjoy a meal. We didn't have to deal with my father's judgment and disapproval. Nor did we have to deal with my brother and Kate joining us and ruining our morning. Until today... The light mood of our breakfast was quickly interrupted by the sound of my brother rushing into the house, the front door slamming closed behind him. I smelled his stress before he came around the corner, and I groaned, knowing he was about to release that onto us and ruin our morning. His dirty blonde hair was a mess as if he had been running his hands through it or pulling on it, and there was a slight shadow under his eyes from exhaustion. While wolves healed quickly, they also still needed their sleep to avoid getting run down and weak. Or, weaker in my brother's case. "Jack, what a
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