All Chapters of The Alpha's Girl Series: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
144 Chapters
Book 2 - The Warrior's Woman
Thank you for reading The Alpha's Girl! I hope you enjoyed Olivia and Gabriel's story as much as I loved writing it. If you would like to follow the continued events of this world, keep scrolling! The sequel, 'The Warrior's Woman', will start next! Fall in love with Parker and Kaylee's romance! Growing up, Parker had always been in love with his best friend, Kate. They were convinced they were mates and were excited to start their lives together. As the time approached for Parker to leave for training, they made a promise to stay true to each other until he returned. The last thing he expected was to come home to find the woman he loved mated to another, let alone to his own brother. His heart was broken, and he knew the only way to be happy again was to find his true mate. He searched high and low but was unsuccessful. When he had lost all hope, an unexpected turn of events brought the most powerful woman he had ever met into his life. Kaylee was taken at a young age. Her abilitie
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Parker’s P.O.VDreaming of her used to be one of my favorite things to do. She was breath-taking.Kate Ryan was the most beautiful woman to ever grace the Earth. I would take down an entire army just to get the chance to have her smile at me like this every day for the rest of my life. Her short black hair and her deep brown eyes had me captivated. My fingers were locked in the silky strands as I held her close to me. Her legs were tangled with mine in the dew-covered, overgrown grass as we lay by the edge of the lake.It was too cold to swim in, but it was still beautiful and full of memories. There were so many things that I wasn't ready to say goodbye to, even if it was only temporary. Her, being at the top of my list. Having her here in our spot only made sense for this moment. She was my everything. I couldn't wait to return home and claim her as mine. My bloodline required me to attend training at the Supreme pack for three years to prepare me for the title I had been cursed
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Parker's P.O.VThe feeling of my blanket balled up beneath my lower back sent a twinge of discomfort up my spine. I groaned as I sat up, and my back popped a few times. After training, I had come up here hoping to relax before we had to head out on our mission."What?" I called out, running my hand through my hair.The door pushed open without me inviting them, causing my jaw to tighten when the petite woman smiled at me.I was being haunted. It was as simple as that. During the day, I could not escape the ghosts of my past. At night, I could not escape the unforgettable woman begging for help."Your dad sent me to get you for dinner," Kate said as she stared at me. I scoffed as she glanced down at my bare chest before looking back at my face. Of course, he did. He was an absolute bastard who loved to throw my mistakes in my face. The biggest one I ever made was not being born first.I was his backup. He didn't need or care for me and wouldn't unless something happened to Jack. It did
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Darkness had fallen slowly, taunting the pack as they shifted anxiously in the trees. I listened carefully for the pack link, waiting for Hudson, one of the warriors in my charge, to confirm we were ready to launch. He had climbed up to the roof of the asylum that was holding our Luna. He was responsible for releasing the gas that was supposed to knock out the humans so they wouldn't see us. He was already taking longer than usual, and was either focusing, or he was just as quiet as a mouse. A frustrating, unresponsive fucking mouse. 'Hudson, report.' I ordered into the pack link, knowing we couldn't move without confirmation that his part of the plan was complete. There was a moment of radio silence as I watched the building. My wolf was stirring, telling me that something was wrong and that I needed to get into the building. My enhanced sight immediately picked up the motion on the roof, and I growled lowly in my chest as the sight of two vampires fighting Hudson came into view.
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I fell down to my knees, carefully turning her over in my arms. Her short brown hair barely touched her shoulders, and I knew if she were to open her eyes right now, I would see the same pair that had been haunting my dreams for the past few days. Her beautiful lips had a split along the bottom one with blood dripping from her nose, presumably from the fall due to the gas. I held her body close to mine, savoring the feeling of her warmth. The smell of the gas grew stronger the longer I sat there holding her, not realizing how long I had been staring at the angel in my arms until I was called for through the pack link. We had to get out, we had been in too long, and the gas was going to start affecting me. I got to my feet, stumbling slightly as I waited for the dizziness in my head to clear before making my way down the hallway, holding her tightly in my arms. I had been so consumed by her that I had not been aware of the clean-up that was already underway. All of the bodies had bee
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Kaylee's P.O.V. "She was quite a character," I said as Kate stormed out of the room. I knew she would hear me. I wanted her to. With her wolf, she would probably be able to hear everything I said until she left the building. She knew very well what she was doing when she came in here talking to me like I was beneath her. Her disgust and disregard toward me were plain as day. "Yes, dear. That, she is." Parker's mother said with a chuckle as she patted my knee. The sound of a door slamming made me purse my lips together to hold in a laugh, as I knew Kate had heard her comment on her way out of the infirmary. "I take it there is a story there?" I asked as I looked up at Parker. His cheeks turned pink, and I stared at him in fascination. How could a man so large and intimidating be blushing? Was he blushing because of his past with Kate or because he was embarrassed that I was the one asking about it? "I really wish there wasn't." His large hand moved up to rub the back of his neck a
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Parker's P.O.V.It didn't matter that I had volunteered myself to sleep on the couch. The last thing I wanted was for Kaylee to sleep anywhere but my bed. There was nothing that would make me happier than having her feel safe.Now that I finally had her here, I would be able to start the blueprints and outline for me to build our future home on the pack land. We would be out of my parent's house as soon as possible, and we could enjoy being together without anyone interrupting us or eavesdropping.After I showed her my room and gave her some clothes, she immediately climbed beneath my blankets and passed out. I didn't miss the way she seemed to take in a slightly deeper breath as her head hit my pillow. It seemed that she liked the way I smelled almost as much as I liked her scent.She was intoxicating.It took everything in me not to crawl into bed with her and hold her. Seeing her between my sheets had made me feel like everything was finally right in the world.I rolled onto my bac
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Kaylee's P.O.V. There was a fine line between respect and disrespect. Something I had to refrain from crossing when Alpha Gabriel refused to let me visit with Olivia. She was the only person who knew even a fraction of what I had gone through having experienced it herself. I had already come to terms with my situation. It took a long time. It was hard to accept without anyone to help me or who I trusted, but I did it. So, I wanted to be there for her during her recovery. She didn't need to be alone after being locked up in the insane asylum with me, being fed off of by those bloodsucking corpses. I knew she had her mate, but I wanted her to know that she also had friends, someone who knew what she was going through and who she could talk to about it. I was kidnapped and held because they wanted to use my ability for their own personal gain. Olivia was taken because they wanted to make the pack weak. Without the Luna, the Alpha would fall. In return, so would the rest of the pack. T
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Kaylee P.O.V. The rest of our walk was silent. I was so stunned by his declaration that I couldn't find words to respond. Love. He said I was the only woman he wanted to love him. With the intense pull to him, even without knowing anything more about him... I wanted to be that woman. I glanced up at him as he led me through the forest and toward the smell of fresh water. The light humidity in the air was refreshing in the midday heat. Before we even broke out of the tree line, I caught a glimpse of the lake. There was no point in masking my excitement. I hadn't seen a large body of water like this since I was a kid. Pulling out of Parker's arms, I rushed forward. My borrowed flip-flops slid off easily, and I ran right into the water until it reached my knees. A child-like giggle broke free from my lips as I kicked up, splashing water around me. "You are so beautiful," Parker said softly, and I froze, turning to him with my smile still in place. "You're not so bad yourself." With
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Parker's P.O.V. "You would warn me, right? If you decided to leave, I mean. So, I could prepare myself and my wolf?" I asked as I gathered some clean clothes from my dresser. Everything in me regretted asking the question as soon it passed my lips. She was my mate, but that didn't mean that she would be accepting of my mark. Just because someone had a soulmate, didn't mean that everyone chose to be with them. After the unwelcoming first day Kaylee had here, I was surprised she hadn't left yet. The only person who had been truly happy to meet Kaylee was my mother. That didn't say a lot for my pack, but while they respected my position and the title I had earned over the years, it seemed that they still didn't respect me. When I had come home and found out that Kate had moved on from me, that not only had she been fucking my brother but had mated with him as well, I was livid. To me, I had reacted appropriately. I had waited for her for years as I busted my ass in training. I thought
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