All Chapters of The Alpha's Girl Series: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
144 Chapters
Kaylee's P.O.V. I had never seen the dungeons before, and Parker was very clear that he never wanted me to set foot in them. After the torture I experienced when I was captured, I didn't want to see where others were held and tortured. Parker had been distracting me all morning with his hands, tongue, and cock. Doing everything he could to drive me wild while keeping me in our bedroom. I knew that was his intention. Besides the fact that we were locked away in our bedroom again, I was more than in favor of it. If he would let us, I would drag him away to our cave where we would have a decent amount of privacy while also being outside and free. But when he would do that thing with his tongue, my eyes would roll back into my head, and I would forget every concern or complaint I ever had. I had watched Parker's eyes gloss over as someone reached out to him in the pack link, and he stalled before dragging me into the shower where he had his way with me one last time. This time slow an
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Parker's P.O.V. Kaylee seemed shaken as we walked Oliver to the edge of our territory. Several wolves were surrounding us at a distance to our sides and behind us as we made our way to the border. After Kaylee's vision, I kept a close eye on Oliver, but he genuinely seemed just as confused as we were. He had no idea what his mother was up to and that made it all the more worrisome. "You are to call me as soon as you get back home. If I don't hear from you within the hour, I am going to come searching for you myself." Kaylee demanded. I smiled when I heard the power behind her command. It wasn't much, no wolf would actually feel compelled to listen to it yet, but it was there. She was getting stronger, or at least her wolf was. I just had to hope she would be strong enough for this upcoming full moon. "Don't get all overprotective on me now. Everything will be fine." Oliver stated as we got closer to the border. I slowed as we reached the edge, and Kaylee followed suit. Oliver spu
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Parker's P.O.V. "Why did we ever leave our bedroom?" I muttered angrily as I stormed out of the building. Kaylee trailed behind me, rubbing my forearm soothingly as she reconnected our hands. I had not so politely asked Gabriel to let me know if Oliver called, but I knew it wouldn't happen. Oliver had made it clear that he was in danger. "That is a great question. Let's go back there and talk in private." She whispered, letting me lead the way. I heard footsteps following us, and a quick inhale through my nose confirmed that it was Jack and Kate leaving the office as well. As soon as we turned and entered the pack house, I let out a groan, hearing the front door open as I unlocked the door to our room. "Parker," Jack called out as I shoved the door open and pulled Kaylee inside quickly, trying to get away from him. I didn't have the time or the energy. I had to make plans to sneak onto the Blood Moon pack lands, find Oliver and then confront his father to put an end to the war. Ju
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Kaylee's P.O.V. Pushing all thoughts of Kate aside, I turned to look at Parker, waiting for his instructions. It was getting clearer to me with every passing second that Parker was absolutely born to be an Alpha. Everyone looked to him for guidance or instructions. "I have to go after Oliver. I have the feeling that whatever his mother is up to, it is going to happen soon. She isn't going to wait. If the Alpha knows that his son is back, it will ruin her plans." Parker explained as he rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. He was stressed, understandably so, but it still made me feel guilty. "Has anyone been able to reach the Blood Moon Pack?" I wondered aloud. I knew our pack didn't get along with them, but I had to assume that someone would be able to contact them unless they received an order to cease all communication with us from their Alpha or Luna. "Why don't we contact Abram and have him talk to the Alpha? They might be ignoring us, but they would have to take the call
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Kaylee's P.O.V "You're right," Kate whispered venomously. "This is really stupid." I looked over my shoulder, sending her a dirty look as I peered around the corner of the building. One pack members was making their way inside their home, and I took off as soon as their door was closed and the coast was clear. I heard her keeping step behind me as I sprinted through the last section in the neighborhood and toward the forest line. As soon as we broke the tree line, I looked back at her for directions. My panting was loud, and I scolded myself for not getting in any cardio besides sex since I've been here. I was severely out of shape. "You trying to run is fun to watch, but if you intend to stop this before anyone gets hurt, we need to pick up the pace." She groaned, rubbing her eyebrows with the tips of her fingers on one hand before muttering to herself. "I can't believe I'm about to do this. It's fucking humiliating." I raised my eyebrows at her, impatient and not wanting to deal
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Kaylee's P.O.V. It only took a minute for a large brown and silver wolf to come barreling through the crowd. He slid to a halt, sending dirt flying as his wolf reached the border. My hands shook as I finally saw my father in front of me. I had heard about him when I was little, but not often. My mother didn't like talking about him too much. She would normally excuse herself after a few minutes and go cry in her bedroom, thinking I didn't notice or hear her. He had left her pregnant with me and then ripped her heart out to go start a family with his true mate. "You're the Alpha?" I questioned, knowing the answer at the way his wolf let out a small whine in my direction. His large paw lifted from the ground before he stomped it back down as if he were trying to tell me to walk over to him. "Your son, Oliver, is currently being held by your Luna. He was collected by your wolves two hours ago at the border. We ask that you demand his release and stop the war against my people in the M
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Parker's P.O.V. I eyed the two wolves on patrol outside of their dungeons from a distance, watching and waiting to see if they had a pattern in the way they moved and if they were alone. So far, they seemed fairly well trained. While that wasn't an issue for four of us to take on two of them, it would become an issue if they saw us. All it took was one call in their pack link, and their entire fighting force would rain down on us. We wouldn't have the time to get downstairs and unlock Oliver before their reinforcements arrived. It was a huge risk, but we had no choice. 'Scarlett, Hudson, the two of you have the guard on the south side of the entrance. Jack and I will take the one on the north. We need to stay silent and approach from behind. If they get the chance to alert the pack that we're here, it'll all be over.' I said through the pack link, making sure all three of them could hear me as I waited for each one of them to acknowledge my instructions. With confirmation that we w
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Kaylee's P.O.V. When we walked through the pack land, it was extremely noticeable how different the two packs were. The Earth thrived around the Blood Moon Pack. The grass and moss on the trees were a darker green than what I had been used to seeing at the Midnight Pack, and I couldn't help but take in a deep breath of the clean air. The pack had moved so silently on the moist, plant-rich ground that, had I not seen them, I would not have realized they were even walking with us. I expected to feel some sense of panic as they surrounded us and led us through the collection of houses, but instead, I felt peace. It was something that I hadn't felt in a very long time. I eyed the large house before us with wonder as we were led inside the stone and wood-decorated building. Although, one could argue this was a castle. Surrounded by mountains on both sides, the pack house was a large three-story building where all of the offices, communal kitchen, and game rooms were, as had been expla
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Kaylee's P.O.V. The sound of a throat clearing had me reluctantly pulling away from Parker. My eyes glanced over the tensely reuniting Jack and Kate, who were standing close but weren't touching, to see my father standing in the doorway. His bright green eyes and dark brown hair were so similar to the younger man standing next to him, and I sighed in relief at the sight of Oliver standing tall and unharmed. "Don't worry about me. Just focus on your mate." Oliver said as he moved toward us and dropped into one of the leather chairs to my side with the back of one of his hands across his forehead. "Your little brother was just held captive, but whatever." I rolled my eyes with a smile as I shoved his shoulder with my hand. The burn marks were gone from his neck, and the bruising had disappeared from his face. There was a small twinkle in his eye as he sent a wink my way, and I knew he was happy that everything worked out. "Kaylee?" A small voice asked from the door, and my stomach ti
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Kaylee's P.O.V. The trip back to the Midnight Pack was bittersweet. Everyone was tense, knowing that Alpha Gabriel would not be happy that we all went on this rescue mission without his permission. Parker made me ride on his back the way home, and his excitement was pouring from his body. I held on tightly as he dipped and dodged around trees, bucking his back up higher than he needed to when he jumped over things. He was like a puppy playing. Every time I made a noise or tightened my grip on him, he would look back at me with his tongue hanging out to the side, and a large wolfish smile stretched across his face. It was adorable, and while my heart was hurting from having to be separated from my mother again after all this time, I couldn't help but smile back at him. Anytime I had seen his wolf out, he was angry or fighting someone. But this time, he was genuinely happy. I was half tempted to tell him to just keep going past our old pack and take me far into the sunset to live a p
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