All Chapters of Nightmares Chasing : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
45 Chapters
Chapter: Eleven
Jess felt so weak when she woke up, that she couldn’t even open her eyes. Which for her was a blessing, since at the side of her bed sat Joshua and Xavier. She recognizes Xavier’s voice immediately but tried to stay as calm as possible not wanting to blow her own cover.“How dare you place a camera in its cell” Xavier said furiously as he slammed his hand down on a hard surface. Jess was glad he had, because it hid the increasing beating of her heart on the machine next to her bed.“Please, brother! You are just mad, because of my camera, I know that you tormented her at night. Some nights so bad that you made her scream and cry. So do not pretend that I have crossed a line here!” Joshua shot back, it was the first time Jess had heard his voice, and even though she hated to admit it, his voice was also as sexy and deep like his brothers. If it was not what Joshua had said, jess would have only focused on the sound of their voices, bu
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Chapter: Twelve
Matthew picked up the pen holder and chucked it at the wall of their office, leaving pens to fly everywhere.“Calm down, Matthew.” Raymond said as he rubbed his left hand over his lips. Thinking of a solution to their problem.“This girl is pissing me off at an entirely new level.” Xavier said as he sat behind his desk.“We need to go out and find her, she was injured and then jumped into a river, who knows in what state she is. I do not understand why we are just sitting here and doing knowing.” Matthew said angrily and hit his hand down on the desk next to him.“We need a plan, we can’t just search the entire river, plus we still don’t know where the border of our world and the human world line up. At least we should be happy that she can’t technically cross the river since it is the boarder to our territory and Red Oak pack’s territory. The boarder shields while only allow her to stay on
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Chapter: Thirteen
“That was quiet amazing little mouse.” Xavier spoke, Jess immediately remember the man from her interrogation. Her heart speed up and her palms became sweaty. She held her breath as he spoke again.“You do not know in how much trouble you are.” Xavier spoke in a low and deadly voice, that only made Jess more nervous than she already was. Xavier moved towards Jess, but she had already turned to run, she took two steps before he grabbed her by the back and pulled her towards him. He held her against his chest with one arm around her shoulders. Jess clawed at his hand, but he grabbed her hand and held it at her side. She took her free hand and grabbed another syringe from the white coats pocket, thanking herself, for already unwarping all of them the night before. She quietly moved and stick it in Xavier’s arm. Jess waited for his grip on her to loosen and for him to fall asleep, but too much time had pass with no reaction. Xavier chuckled and moved
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Chapter: Fourteen
Half of Jess’s face was on fire when she woke up. She could barely open her jaw, before her muscle screamed in protest. She wanted to move her hand to rub her face, but when she couldn’t her eyes shot opened. She found her hands tied to the bed and for a moment she had forgotten everything that had happened to her these past few weeks, instead her head went to one place and one place only – her father. Her fear was as clear as day. She jumped up and ripped at the ropes, the bed frame groaned as she ripped them forwards and backward, desperately trying to break free. Her eyes started to fill with theirs and she softly whisper, no, continuously as she fought the ropes.“You are wasting your time.” A man spoke and Jess jumped against the beds board as she got scared. She crawled as far as she could from the voice. Only when she saw four men, she relaxed and blinked trying to get rid of the tears so that she could see who they were. For a mi
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Chapter: Fifteen
“This is not a game, if you don’t tell us what we need to know, we will figure out a way to make you talk.” Matthew said as he sat on his chair and stared at Jess. She kept her head down determined not to answer any of their questions.“No food for two days.” Xavier declared as she stayed silent. He was at the edge of the bed, holding onto the bedframe.“Want to make it four days?” Joshua asked as he leaned against the dresser.“Just tell us what you know. We’ll start at the beginning; do you know what we are?” Raymond demanded, after that question Jess lifted her head and looked Raymond straight in the eyes and spoke only one word.“Monsters.” As soon as those words left Jess’s lips, Raymond moved forward, wanting to punish her for her disrespect, but Xavier beat him to the punch. He stormed over to her and grabbed the rope that was tied to the bed board. He ripped it lose, bre
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Chapter: Sixteen
“We need to come up with a plan. We clearly need to keep a better eye on her and when need to address the pack. They are not stupid; they have become very suspicious after the amount of lecturer at the school we missed and the sneaking around and weird commands we give them. Our pack members have always been trustworthy and obedient, but we might hurt our bond with them if we continue to lie to them.” Raymond spoke as the four of the boys sat in their office again.“We also need to figure out what we are going to do long term with her.” Matthew said and all of them sat and though for a while.“The fact that she is a human will not change and because of that she will always be a threat to us. We need to keep our enemy close and weak. Will move her up from the cells to our floor of the pack house and keep her busy up here. That way our wolves are more relaxed and so are we. But this does mean we should get close to her, just remember that.&r
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Chapter: Seventeen
Rule one: Always address the brothers as Alpha, nothing more and nothing less.Rule two: Never interact with any of them unless they interacted with you first.Rule three: Do the chores you are given each day, silently.Rule four: Stay invisible. They didn’t want to see, hear, or even smell you.Rule Five: Run when called.These where the rules the brothers gave to Jess when she moved into the closet. The room was completely emptied out and in the corner was a blanket and a pillow, she knew it wouldn’t keep her warm, especially with it starting to become more like winter. But it was still better than the cell. Tomorrow would be the first day that Jess would start her work as … A personal maid? – she quested. They also placed a remote- type thing around her ankle, that tracked her and kept her from running away. She was only allowed to be on the alphas floor and the floor under that, that the Delta and Beta lived on. If she
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Chapter: Eighteen
Jess jumped up from the bed as her alarm went off. It was five o’clock in the morning and Jess was seventy percent sure that it was probably still dark outside, she could be sure though since slept with the light on in the small closet. Jess quickly grabbed a white, long t-shirt and long, black tights, that Sarah had donated to her and got dressed before she made her way to the kitchen. She started to cook the meats first, Jess was glad to use the stove, because of the heat. It was really starting to get cold, but it didn’t seem like the others noticed. Once she was finished the sausages and the flapjacks, Matthew walked in. He didn’t show that he realized that she was present, but Jess didn’t mind. She started with the eggs and the juice when Raymond and Joshua walked in. Jess walked the juice and the coffee she made earlier to the eating table, as she walked back to the kitchen, Xavier entered the room. Jess held her head low and continued to softly make he
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Chapter: Nineteen
Jess was shacking. The boys hadn’t let her get dressed in clean and proper clothes. The forced her to finish cooking their meal in her torn shirt and underwear. She tried to cover up as much as she could with her hands and tried to leave as fast as she could after placing the food on the table. But Raymond grabbed her and kept her between him and Matthew. She was covered in goose bumps. When she tried to close her shirt with her hands. Matthew slapped her hands away.“Don’t pretend to be shy know.” He growled. All the boy’s eyes were still golden. Every one’s anger was still clear as day, but Xavier looked happier that he got to spend the rest of the day, thinking of how to punish Jess. The room was filled with silence, Joshua kept staring at Jess. He didn’t take his eyes away from her for one second. His hands had already turned white with how hard he was fisting his hands. After a few seconds, Joshua couldn’t take it anymore,
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Chapter: Twenty
Mike knocked on the double wooden doors and waited for him to be called in. Once he was, he stormed into the Alphas office. His eyes immediately landed on Ward; he was one of the north side’s warriors. His face was completely covered in blood, he was unconscious and tide to a chair. Mike’s rage spiked as he saw the warrior. “He is the one who attacked Jessica?” Mike asked stomping towards the warrior.“Did the brat run to you? What did she tell you, let me guess she is the victim? She didn’t do anything wrong?” Matthew said, the sarcasm dripping off each and every word.“He is the one who attacked Jessica?” Mike asked again. His eyes still lasered on the warrior.“Did she try something with you to Michael. Why do you care so much? Did she play with your mind, to care for her, to like her?” Joshua asked through his gritted teeth. He was already outraged and now the human has interfered
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