All Chapters of Nightmares Chasing : Chapter 41 - Chapter 45
45 Chapters
Chapter: Forty-one
 Jess, Raymond and Matthew sat in the kitchen, Jess sat on Raymond’s lap as she was rolling a piece of bread in her hands, forming a ball.“You have to catch this one, Matt.” Jess said and gave him a pointed look, before lifting her arm and throwing the bread across the room, hoping it would go into Matt’s mouth. The bread flew across the room and landed on the floor; it was nowhere near Matt’s face.“You suck at throwing, love. That wasn’t even close to my face.” Matthew laughed at Jessica. Who knew a person could be such a bad thrower even if the distance was only the width of a dining-room-table? Matthew broke off a piece of bread and rolled it into a ball as Jess huffed at Matthew’s statement. She didn’t believe that she was a bad thrower, but it was Matthew who was a bad catcher. He held up his arm ready to throw and laughed as he saw Jess shut her eyes and opened her mouth. H
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Chapter: Forty-Two
Jess sat in the living room with all the boys. Joshua stood against the wall while Matt, Ray and Zav all sat in separate chairs. No one wanted to be the first to speak, but they knew someone had too. Jess had begged them to tell her what happened, what the incident was that everyone was keeping from her. She wanted to know, she needed to know.“You should know, the barriers around everyone’s territories where only set a few years, after this incident.” Xavier began telling the story, everyone dreaded to hear.“Our mom took us to the forest, there is a clearing we use to go to everyday just to play and hang out with her. We were in our wolf’s form running around when we picked up a strange sent, we never smelt before, by the time we ran back to the place our mom was, a gun shot went off. The bullet went through her heart and killed her instantly. Our wolves rode down in pain as our bond broke with her. We were so consumed with pain, that we
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Chapter: Forty-three
Chapter: Forty-threeThings change after Jess learned the truth of the boy’s past. She felt closer to them then before and they were more open with her as more time passed. Things were great between then. They would fall asleep in someone’s room every night, have breakfast together, always joking with one another and they spent almost the entire day together.Jess liked that she was learning herself with the boys. If it wasn’t for Matthew, Jess would have never known that she hated running and if it wasn’t for Joshua, Jess would have never known that she is great at lying when it come to sparing someone else feelings. She also learned that she really liked to make-out with very attractive men. Jess was scared that the boys would get jealous of one another if Jess spent to much time with one of the boys in particular, but they never did. They were genuinely happy for one another and didn’t mind sharing, which Jess was not go
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Chapter: Forty-Four
Once Jess saw maya’s name, all the memories come rushing back, it was like a wave had crushed down on her and left her completed broken. Jess didn’t know how to fell or how to act. She wanted to cry and scream all at once, but she also felt so drained that she didn’t even know if she could stand up. She was completely lost. All her memories played at once. Xavier tormenting her in the cells, but then holding her tightly at night as the slept together. It made jess dizzy and disgusted. She honestly didn’t know what to do. The pain of Maya was still in her heart and as strong as ever. She knew that she never really saw Maya the night she jumped, but just those few seconds she wanted to believe that Maya was still alive, and that Maya was still with her, she wanted to believe that she wasn’t alone.Jess stood up from the ground and started to walk, she wasn’t sure where she was going, but she needed to get out of this house. She didn’t w
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Preview of the second book
Jess removed the loose piece of rock, revealing the pages she had hide so many months ago. She held them in her hands rereading the words that were already imprinted in her brain.One can change with the blood of love in a cup. Drink it all and make the ultimate sacrifice. A strong heart will prevail with a new beginning in a new life. The blood that pulses through the reborn will bond closer with those that have sacrificed it and internal happiness will be yours in the life on a creature of the moon.But fail and you will be met with an everlasting darkness, roaming around in the afterlife with no hope of return.Bee warned that only those with a brave heart and strong bond to those they love might survive and become one of the goddess moon children.Jessica read the page she already new by heart, she tore of the last piece of the page that held the outcome for when the ceremony is not successful and placed it back into her original hiding place. Knowing
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