All Chapters of Alpha Victor and His Omega: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
140 Chapters
Chapter 71
Minutes, hours, days, weeks. How much time passes, she's not sure. Ariadne slowly comes to, knowing immediately she's not in a spot where she'd fallen. Dark red drapes to her left, an ornate, golden door. The Omega pulls herself up, lying on a large, king-sized bed, sheets of red satin and lace. She's wearing different clothes, too, not the swat gear she'd fallen in. She's wearing a frilly, transparent nightgown and silk thigh highs socks. It's all oddly familiar. When Ariadne tries to get off, she finds one of her hands is handcuffed to the bedpost. She desperately wants to get out, though. She considers gnawing off her own limb to be a viable option. But why? And then it hits her. This is the same place where the six of them, Arthur, Arlo, Felix, Chester, Leonard, and Robin, had raped her. This is the same bed. That's the same door. This is the room where it happened. F*ck. Ariadne yanks with all her might, but she can't get free. She can't be in this room again. She'd rath
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Chapter 72
Ariadne is ready to climb the walls, these gray steel panels with hideous bolts welded right into them.It drives her mad.The Omega runs her hand along the ridges and bumps as though she's searching for secrets, some hidden brail in the metalwork. But it remains unknowable, itching on her restless and relentless mind."Ariadne, what are you doing?" Victor asks, entering the room, his usually bright, red eyes a dull maroon color."Slowly losing my mind," Ariadne hums, settling back on the bed, a hand protectively over the small swell of her belly."How much longer are we gonna have to stay here?"It's been two months since the attack on the casino. Victor and the remainder of his pack have moved out of the house and into Nathan's old, fortified bunker.They know where Harry is, but they can't lure him out, and neither can they stay in the open, vulnerable to any attacks.It's an impasse, a stalemate."I'm sorry, baby," Victor sighs, seemingly ancient with a heavy weight on his shoulde
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Chapter 73
The Omega's heart slams against her ribs, pounding so hard that she's afraid she's going into cardiac arrest.It's suddenly a thousand degrees in that room, with Victor looking up at her softly, still kneeling there."If you're afraid," Victor whispers. "Then I'll go first. I'll go right now."Ariadne's fangs pop on their own as if her traitorous body didn't already do enough to discredit her every day."Victor, I just- what about waiting, what about waiting until after Harry's captured."Victor peers into her. It's clear he's at the end of his rope, with a hundred-foot fall to the bottom."I'm going crazy," the Alpha continues. "I'll take what I can get, whatever you're willing to give me. Please, baby. Anything."Ariadne turns and blows out the candles, immediately turning the room into a pitch. There's nothing but two glowing rubies in the night, staring at her intensely."Take me to bed," Ariadne says.Victor scoops her up, carrying her bridal style to the bedroom. The Alpha flick
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Chapter 74
The Omega dreams good dreams, where a boy on the horizon smiles and says goodbye, with the promise to return. Ariadne waves back with her free hand. Her other is connected to a chubby kid with dark, unruly hair and bright red eyes. It's-A blaring alarm tears Ariadne from her dream. The Omega shoots up from the bed. There's a light on the wall, flashing red. All around them, the grating sound of the warning system.Victor's up, checking his phone from his discarded pocket."F*ck," he curses, rolling off the bed and tugging on his pants. "Stay here.""What's happening?" Ariadne says, hands on her ears, lest she goes deaf."We're under attack," Victor shouts. "Harry's here. He's come. The bunker's been breached."Ariadne's heart drops into her stomach. Her hand curls around her stomach protectively."Promise me you'll come back," Ariadne cries.Victor looks at her hard. "No matter what, I'll-" he pauses. "If I have to kill him, I will."Ariadne nods. She understands that peace sometimes
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Chapter 75
It's hard to keep up with Edward sometimes. Victor decides it's best not to talk anymore. They ride the rest of the way in tense and tenuous silence. It's nearly dusk when they get there, the roped-off, still condemned building. The years have not been kind. The left face of the manor is crumbling and scorched black from the flames. The facade is weather-worn, with thick vines growing over the surface. The gate that runs along the front is still partly standing. Though it was a glossy black in Victor's memory, it is now more orange with a rust than its original color. The smell of rotted wood mingles with moss and ten-year-old char. It assaults the Alpha's nose, along with another fetid, familiar scent. Victor sees him from the car. It's Issac, hands folded together at the wrists, standing in the way that makes him as large as possible. He's guarding the half-caved-in entrance to the house. Victor steps out, dusts off his suit, then leaps over the gate in a single bound. Edward cl
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Chapter 76
Ariadne yelps and the sound puts the fear of god into Victor’s blood. He clamps down hard on the back of Harry’s neck and tosses the man aside. But it’s too late.Ariadne flops to the ground, breathing shallowly as blood pools from her belly and also out from behind, turning her tail red.Oh god.Victor needs to get Ariadne to the hospital. This baby, their baby, their hope for a peaceful future, is dissolving right before the Black Wolf’s eyes.Harry bashes his broken, bloody side against the now collapsing house. It looks to be the last beam if the way the house is shaking is any indication.Victor pulls Ariadne by the back of her neck, dragging her away from the action. Her body leaves a bloody trail.God, there’s so much blood. And what about their son? What about their hope?Victor strains, muscles protesting his every motion. And yet he finds he has hysterical strength, lifting Ariadne as though she weighs nothing.Victor pulls Ariadne out of the house, where a silver wolf is wa
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Chapter 77
"Victor, I had prepared dinner. At what time will you come home?" Ariadne speaks into the speaker."I'm not coming back today. I have work to do.""But-""Alright, gotta go" Victor hangs up the call."- you are in the pub right now..." Ariadne's eyes sting. "It's been eight months. I need you..." After the fight with the cold wolf, Ariadne loses her baby, and after that, Victor completely changes. He said he was mourning for the baby. But Ariadne is too.Victor starts to ignore Ariadne because she reminds him of his baby. The baby he lost because Ariadne F*cking came to the old house and fought with the cold wolf.His baby would be fine if she hadn't come, living the best life with Ariadne…But Ariadne endured all her sorrows and tried to stay happy in front of Victor so that he could forget about the past and move on. But that day still hasn't come.In these eight months, Victor came home drunk without any consciousness, but Ariadne never got hurt by his behavior. She knows how much
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Chapter 78
The following day Victor wakes up to a cold shiver running through his body. The right side is extra cold, which should be warm with a hot body pressed to his side.Where is Ariadne? Victor stretches his hand, searching for her, and finds it empty. The bed had gone cold, indicating the person had gotten up a long time before.Victor's sleepy eyes dart to the clock in the room, which reads seven in the morning. That explains the coldness. Ariadne is an early riser, but still, Victor misses seeing sleeping Ariadne beside him on this day.Victor expected a smiling Omega wishing him a happy birthday as soon as he woke up. It's disappointing to wake up alone on a cold bed. Victor wonders who he slept all these days without her.'I have prepared a surprise for you; I'm sure you're gonna love it' Ariadne's words ring in the back of Victor's head. And a smile sleepy smile forms on his face. He is excited to receive the said gift, too eager to tell precisely. And to give one back to her.Victo
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Chapter 79
By the time Edward or any other could open their mouth to explain, Victor's spinning on his heels and headed out of the door. He sprints down the road blindly. He slams into the side of a wall. Stumbles back.Victor feels numb all over. All feeling lost, nerve-endings cut off. If he could feel, he'd realize he is ice-cold. Far enough to be dangerously close to forgetting what the warmth feels like."Are you okay?"Victor looks up. A stranger staring at him with a stricken expression. He must look a mess. He does look a mess."Are you okay?" the stranger re[eates, taking a step closer. Victor stumbles backward. He feels himself losing control of his limbs."N-no," he stutters, gripping his stomach with his left hand. It hurts. Everything hurts. It's funny the way one can physically feel the sadness. Victor clutches his stomach tighter. Something is piercing at it. And it won't let up.Victor side-steps as the stranger reaches out a hand. Resumes a blind sprint to the exit. The pain spr
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Chapter 80
Ariadne looks at the wall, a soft, neutral blue with off-white old trim. It's pretty, too pretty for a hospital room.The Omega stares at it in confusion, a hand shooting to her belly. There's no swell there, and she panics, looking down, pulling up her dinosaur t-shirt.Her stomach is flat and taut, skin clinging to her hip bones. There's no scar or marks, nothing to indicate that she'd ever been pregnant. How long has she been out? Where is her baby?"Ariadne, get up!" an oddly familiar voice calls from down the hall. "It's time for breakfast."The Omega stumbles out of bed, catching herself in a mirror. Simultaneously, Ariadne's confusion is doubled and cleared.Forgetting to breathe, she studies her own face.She's young again. Instead of tired panda eyes staring back at her in the glass, there are these vivid, bright blue sapphires, full of mischief and humor. Her body feels different, too, with no injuries, no pain, or aches in any of her worn-down joints.What's going on?Ariad
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