All Chapters of The Huntress' Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
124 Chapters
A life for a lash “You better be right about this.” Stone’s jaw ticked as he looked ahead. He wasn’t a huge fan of the plan Star came up with, but she convinced him to go along with it; the idea of a hunter creating an alliance with werewolves was foreign to him.  They were approaching the Lockwood territory from the north-east side, the Warden’s house was far from the civilization of the pack which made it both easier to infiltrate and easier for him to hide hostages.  “Only one way to find out,” Star Smirked his way and nodded to the group behind her, it was 21:15 which meant that patrol was on the opposite side of the border.  Star and Beatrice led the group, they weave
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The eye of the storm Star’s foot drove into the punching bag with ruthless negligence, the voice in her head was rambling at a mile a minute which fuelled the rage bubbling inside her. The unhappiness from earlier had long turned to anger, more at herself than anything else and it was because of that, that she was determined to dispel the ill feelings before they festered.  Truthfully, her problem didn’t lie with the fact that Stone kissed her, after all, he was simply acting on the signals she sent, her anger stemmed partly from the fact that she allowed him to believe she was even remotely interested and partly from the fact that she couldn’t keep her emotions at bay long enough to keep up the facade.  Delivering a harsh blow to the bag, she readied herself
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Belonging is sometimes found in the strangest of places  Maximus’ eyes ran down her body searchingly the moment she appeared in front of him, “I told you I was fine.” She rolled her eyes. “I couldn’t be certain, I’ve seen the kind of damage that pig can do.” He sneered and held out a hand to help her over the fallen tree.  “Good thing he never took me seriously from the beginning,” Star smirked.  “Never thought I’d see the day Stone made such a vital mistake.” He smirked back.  “Let’s not count our chickens, there’s still a lot of ground to cover if we’re
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Avenging death  Everyone was imposition well before the sky turned dark, there was no mention of the time of the attack and Star found herself growing worried, her only form of communication with Maximus was over the phone and she didn’t want to speak aloud in front of his pack members and worry them unnecessarily, so instead she sent him a text message.  Star: I have a bad feeling about this, something tells me they’re planning theattack for the early morning. “The wolves are more vigilant at night,”those are Stone’s exact words.   Maximus: If we keep everyone up all night, they will be fighting fatigue as well.
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The hands of life and death The man’s body stilled when she withdrew the knife and he stumbled to turn around, not quite registering what happened, but before he could lay eyes on her, Maximus’ figure pounced on him, pinning him under a heavy paw.  Thick black blood poured from his other shoulder, but even in wolf form, he seemed unaffected. Maximus was paralyzed as he watched Star peel off her hood and raise the sword he gifted her.  “This is for my family and for every werewolf you’ve laid your filthy hands on. Today you’ll die by the very sword you laid in my hands.” His eyes were wide, not with fear, but with realization. His death was inevitable.  Star gripped the sword abo
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Healing  Spotting Landon in the distance she quickly approached him, “What can I do?” she had to keep herself occupied, her fingers were already starting to tremble and the last thing she needed was to have a panic attack.  “Do you have any medical experience?” He glanced over at the triage mats which were becoming fuller by the minute.  “I did medical training at The Academy, but I’ve never worked on a werewolf before.” His lips curved upwards, but it fell before she could really call it a smile. “You’ll be fine, go help them out at triage, take the simpler cases and get people off those mats. Kits are over there.”
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Life goes on Star watched on as pack members threw her father’s paperwork into boxes much as they had done to Stone’s earlier. Maximus was still passed out in the hospital, so naturally, Landon assumed his duty as the highest-ranking pack member and carried out the plan they agreed on.  It was all she had left of her brothers and father apart from the house and whatever pictures she had of them over the years, but watching the werewolves tear through all the work he’d done over the years was bittersweet.   Part of her hated that they had to destroy it, part of her was relieved, after all, it was the very thing that led to their deaths.  She thought she might have felt better knowing Stone wa
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All victories are meant to be celebrated  Star sat on the padded chair beside Maximus’ hospital bed, much like she had every other day since her return to his territory, reading through paperwork regarding the transfer of her father’s house.  Sheriff Jeremy was able to find a buyer much quicker than she’d expected, but she was grateful it would all be over soon. All the items she decided to keep were in storage for when she would leave for college and though it was only a few months away, she was thinking of moving closer to New Hampshire sooner than that. If only Maximus would wake up soon.  A slight movement caught her eye over the papers in her hands and her head shot up to find Maximus staring straight at her. She wasn’t ready for the happiness
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The best things happen unexpectedly  “Where are we going?” She asked when he led her away from the party and into the packhouse.  “You’ll see.” He winked and pulled her along, leading her up a dark stairway beside his office. “Wow.” Star breathed when the door opened to reveal a beautiful rooftop garden. “Why didn’t I see this the other night we were up here?”   “The shutters were closed.” She nodded and walked to the center which held a fountain covered in creepers.  “It’s gorgeous.” She dipped her hand into the cool
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As I close my eyes to old ends and open my heart to new beginnings “I’ll stay,” Max’s body froze a step away from her door. “At least until the semester starts in the fall.” She decided, not giving herself time to take back the decision.  “Are you sure?” She nodded, she was in the moment, she only hoped she didn’t grow to regret it. “But I have a few conditions.” Max considered her words before nodding for her to continue, “I will take up duties in the pack like any other member.”  “Of course.” He gave a curt nod.  “We will see where this goes, but if it doesn&
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