All Chapters of Sold By Her Husband: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
58 Chapters
Part 2: Satisfy My Hunger
Iblis shook his head. "No, you either pay me back right now, or go back with me." He didn't want money. He had enough to last him ten generations. What he wanted...was her."I don't have any money right now. Give me a month, and I promise I'll return the full amount. If you force me...well, you already know I'm a woman who isn't afraid of death." She stared at him with a cold expression that sent a chill down his spine.Recalling the time she stabbed herself, Iblis froze, then cursed under his breath. Everything about this woman was attractive. Her violet-silver eyes, her wavy ink-black mane, and her luring body that boiled his blood. Everything, except for her fearless personality.Though it was just as appealing when he first met her, Iblis wished she didn't have the courageous trait at this moment."One week. That's all I'm giving you. If you fail to return the three-hundred dollars in one week, you'll willingly return to the Demon Kingdom with me. Deal?" He asked, watching her fac
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Part 2: Pasta For The Demon
At the sound of the door closing, Shamsiya weakly sagged to the floor.What three hundred thousand? The bastard had enough money to buy a country. What he wanted wasn't the measly sum. He was after something else, but what?Her lips tingled, and the memory of their earlier kiss returned to her in a shuddering wave. Shamsiya buried her face between her knees. Her heart frantically pounded in her ears. He kissed her.Though aggressive and rough, the fucking demon of the scary stories actually kissed her. What was he thinking? Did he do it because he thought she slept with Nick Jackson, and hence, didn't deserve him lowering his head and asking for her permission? Was he scornful, angry or...did he...have feelings for her?As suddenly as this thought appeared in her mind, her lips quirked up in a mocking sneer. He had already made it crystal clear. She was still his property. How could any decent male develop feelings for a female they deemed lower than a servant-especially when the fem
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Part 2: Getting A New Job
Shamsiya had only one word to describe this meal. Stressful! So stressful, she couldn't even describe the taste of the pasta. It felt like wax and starch on her tongue, stirred in a full pot of sodium. Simply put, it was a miserable experience she never wanted to repeat. Once, she stuffed too much of the pasta in her mouth in a haste to finish quickly and escape from the torture. As a result...she choked and the demon had to pat her on the back for her to breathe again. By the time the meal was over, she was drenched in cold sweat and felt as exhausted as if she had hiked a mountain. Staggering out of her seat, she carried their trays to the sink with an ugly expression on her face. She had to speak with the demon. She couldn't have him popping in her house any hour of the day. If she had to endure this kind of torment for two weeks, her body would shut down from over stress! "The meal was enjoyable. Although, it could've been better, it was still good." The oblivious man stood ou
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Part 2: On The Streets, Late At Night
"Marry your mistresses? Iblis, did you contract a disease?" Jonis rubbed the scar on his face, wondering if the disease his friend contracted was as heinous as the Flame Lich that latched onto his face before. The thing was so vicious, it distorted his mind and influenced his emotions. If his friend fell prey to a similar parasite... He glanced at the demon, and was rewarded with a dark glare for his concern. Chuckling awkwardly, Jonis raised his hands in a sign of truce and took back a step, before he got kicked in the shin. "Okay, okay, I won't ask questions and send the invitations. Could you see the Werewolf King now?" "The Werewolf King? Tell him to fuck off. I'm no dog of his to go running at his bark. Also, inform him there'll be war if he ever enters my kingdom without invitation again." Iblis felt he must really be losing his edge, if even a furry dog had the courage to request his presence. It was one thing for him to humor the lowly creature. It was an entirely differ
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Part 2: The Lawless
At the same instant she identified the men, the group of Lawless turned their heads, and their gaze fell on her figure. "Oh? What do we have here?" "It looks like another bitch for us to sell." "Hehe...she looks healthy. Her organs will sell for more." "Forget about the organs. This slut is hot! I want a taste before the trade." The men, a band of 6, excitedly rubbed their palms together and licked their lips. Discarding the two bond women, they stalked towards her like a pack of hungry jaguars sighting a deer. The lust in their eyes blazed darker as their gaze recklessly roamed over her figure, twisting their features and making them appear more hideous than they already were. Shamsiya released a long sigh. "You know, it's not your face that disgusts me. It's your revolting nature and dirty thoughts." When caught in a precarious situation, there's a strange moment of peace, of hesitation and calm. It's almost like watching a wave rise the instant before it crashes down. Faced
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Part 2: Shocking Discovery, Sunshine Studio
"Shamsiya? That's your name?" The older woman, who was silent probably because she wasn't as comfortable with supernaturals as the younger girl, unexpectedly became agitated at this moment. She grabbed her arm and harshly turned her around, and asked aggressively, "What's your mother's name?" "Ah...can you let me go? You're hurting me." Shamsiya grabbed the woman's hand and peeled her fingers from her arm with a dark frown. "Mother, what are you doing? You're scaring our Savior." Nazma hissed, and grabbed her mother's arms to pull her back, completely embarrassed by her behavior. "I'm sorry, Shamsiya. She must still be in shock..." "It's fine. Where do you live? I'll drop you off." Shamsiya was unnerved by the woman's behavior, but she suppressed her discomfort and played it cool. She couldn't leave without safely dropping them at their doorstep. Fortunately, Nazma's mother didn't make another grab at her and silently walked by her daughter's side. But during the entire stroll
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Part 2: Heartache
Whip! "Ahh!" Whip! Margrette writhed on the ground, a cold, barren, aching place opening up in her heart, where until now, there always had been a glow of warmth that corresponded with the coven and Nick Jackson. One had been her family, the other her love. She thought with them, she would never want for anything. There would be a place for her to return to, a group of her kind who would always have her back. And a man she would love, whom she would build a home with. That's what she thought, but she had been wrong. Madam Grettel never saw her efforts. Even after her powers were suppressed by the Flame Whip, Margrette pushed herself back to the Black Fang Pack to right her wrong, to oversee the Marking Ceremony of the man she loved and his wife. The Head Witch should know. She knew everything with the help of her globe. She was ready to hand her man, her love, to another woman to complete the mission given to her. She endured the pain of heartache to fulfill her orders without
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Part 2: Your Husband!
After a startled pause, Shamsiya squinted her eyes and asked. "You...why are you here again?" The suspicion and displeasure in her voice brought a cold sneer on the demon's face. "Why can't I be here? Or...were you expecting someone else?" He glared at her, his eyes smoldering with an ominous gleam that immediately clogged her throat. Was it...jealousy she was detecting from him right now? No way. Not possible at all. Why would the demon be jealous at the prospect of her expecting someone? After all, if he really cared about her, he would've never sent her away with Nick Jackson so easily. Internally scolding herself for being a delusional fool, Shamsiya plastered a fake smile on her face and pressed her good hand on his chest to push him away. "Before you came in, I wasn't expecting anyone." The iron-like grip on her waist relaxed, but the demon didn't retract his arm. "Demon Lord, this is my house. We're merely in a business transaction. What right do you have to drop in whenever
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Part 2: Urgency, Approaching Danger
***Mature Content*** A night like any other, made different by a series of deafening explosions rocking through the building. Amidst chaos and panicked screams, urgent cries pierced through the air. "Everyone, run!" "The demon...the demon's here!" "Fuck! That devil's here?" "How did we offend him?" Scattering in random directions like headless chickens, the terrified group of blistered men pushed and shoved, each more desperate than the other to flee from the scene. "Kill! If even a single rat escapes, you will all pay with your lives!" Grim and cold, the Demon Lord's command descended like a hammer on the panicked group, pushing the Demon Soldiers into a violent frenzy. Blood flowed, bodies fell like a stack of cards. Indiscriminately swinging their swords, the demons slaughtered every Lawless in the underground den, until nothing but the metallic scent of blood and the faint whimpers of terrified women pervaded the atmosphere. The demons swept disinterested glances over th
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Part 2: A Strange Dream, Mass Marriage
Iblis had a strange dream. In this dream, he was the God of Death, and his wife, Shamsiya Moore, was the Goddess of Life. Their first meeting was explosive. Literally. Separated by gender, the Gods and Goddesses in the Ethereal Realm lived in different regions. When they entered the Tower of Gods for the first time, they came from opposite directions. With every step, flowers bloomed at Shamsiya's feet, while the ones beneath his wilted to ashes. Butterflies and light fairies danced in the thick coil of her obsidian mane, as every living creature 10 feet within his radius succumbed to death. Happiness and laughter followed her wake, while doom and gloom surrounded him. When the two groups reached the center of the tower and came face to face, their eyes collided, and every window in the Tower of Gods exploded in a shower of glass. Scones flared, the dead rose and morphed, while they...just stared at each other. It was like a wide chasm suddenly opened beneath their feet, creating
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