All Chapters of Sold By Her Husband: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
58 Chapters
Part 2: First Recording
Shamsiya's gut clenched as she walked into the studio. It was her first recording today. Though she did make some preparations, she had no idea what to expect. The elevator dinged, and she stepped out on the fifth floor. Already, a large crowd was gathered before the recording studio, chattering excitedly as they discussed how well she would do. "Today is her first day. She might not do so well." "The company signed her without doing a quality test. If she can't even manage a simple recording, then it only means she used unethical means to get in." "But our president isn't the sort..." Upon sighting her figure, the gossiping crowd immediately fell silent. Nick followed their eyes, his breath catching in his throat when he saw Shamsiya. He didn't know if it was just him, but his ex-wife looked and felt different. There was an ethereal glow around her, soft yet soothing, obscure yet omnipotent. A presence so strong that attracted his attention and drew him to her. I lived with thi
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Part 2: Stay Away
The signs had been there, when she had always been thinking about him and anticipating his appearance. But her fear of opening herself up to another betrayal made her close her heart. Iblis Jabril wasn't Nick Jackson, yes, because he was a colder and more ruthless being than the scumbag. His strength daunted the most powerful kings of the supernatural world, and his was filled to the brim with women. She accepted him as her husband, but she had also vowed never to give him her heart. They didn't have a future, and she didn't want to get hurt. So she left him the first chance she got. Leaving the Demon Kingdom should've been the end of their story. So when...did she begin to fall for him? 'Was Nick Jackson's betrayal not painful enough? How could I fall for the demon of all men?' Troubled and distressed, she wiped her tears and pushed back to her feet, striding out of the elevator the second the metal doors slid open on the ground floor. Her stomach rumbled, reminding
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Part 2: Vampire Attack
The Black Fang Pack came alive at the sound of the deafening shriek. Omegas burst from their residents, nostrils flaring, teeth and nails elongating, as their skin turned furry. Lanky shadows emerged from the darkness. Thin and tall, their pale skin and chilly eyes were an immediate giveaway to their identities. "Vampires!" "What are these bloodsuckers doing here?" "Apparently, they've forgotten the treaty!" Growls and howls of rage swept through the gathered Omegas. After the war, the three kings had made a treaty to stay out of each other's territory. As werewolves' worst enemy after the Supernatural Hunters, the bloodsuckers could only mean war by entering werewolf land. "Omegas of the Black Fang Pack, we're not here to start a fight with you. Our King sent us with an important mission. Go back inside, and we promise to leave as soon as we complete our task." A tall vampire with half of his face shrouded in shadows, directed condescendingly. "Pah! A bloodsucker wants to te
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Part 2: Caring For His Wife
Iblis always knew he was a beast more sinister and abominable than the vilest creatures of the supernatural world. If he wanted something, he got it by hook or crook. And if he didn't, he got rid of it through any means. He could stoop to any level to achieve his goal, and didn't give a whit what anyone said. Even then, there was one thing he prided himself on, and that was his control around women. No matter how beautiful or charming they came, he never lost his mind, nor did he ever take one by force. Simply put, when it came to women, he could be called a decent man, as he gave them the right to say no. They willingly offered themselves to him, and unlike other men, he never resorted to immoral means to get them into his bed. Now, however, even this last decent quality of his was at the risk of crumbling in the hand of his wife. Holding her closer, Iblis moved her hand up and down his shaft. His core throbbed and his body tensed. With a guttural grunt, he jerked forward and squ
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Part 3: Back To The Demon's Side
She was cold. She felt numb. Jumbled words mixed with residual notes of music pulsated in her ears. She recognized the voice. It belonged to her husband. As the word 'husband' registered in her mind, an image of a man gurgling blood flashed before her eyes, and her mind stilled. She didn't feel pain. Her heart didn't ache or twist in guilt and grief. On the contrary, it was as still as a body of water. He gave his life to protect her, but she felt nothing upon his demise. She couldn't understand why. Why did he do it? When he sold her without blinking an eye, why did he throw his life for hers? Had she been mistaken about him, labeling him the lowest of the low, when in truth, he was only a victim of circumstances? But even then, he had no right to sell her. No right to treat her like a property. Besides, they were already divorced, and she was the wife of another man. Even if he deserved another chance, he was too late. Both her heart and her loyalty now belonged to another man.
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Part 3: Bridging Distance
This confusion continued for about two more days, before Shamsiya overheard a conversation between two palace servants. "Sigh. It's strange to work in Jabril Palace now. With all the mistresses married off, I feel like I'm in an entirely different place." "Right? I don't even recognize Our Lord anymore. I mean, his one goal has been to get an heir. Then out of the blue, he chased away all the females that could grant his wish, including the pregnant mistress." "I think his new wife, the Second Queen, has a hand in his change of heart." "Oh? Why do you think that?" Shamsiya stood stunned in place. When did the demon marry off his mistresses? She hadn't heard anything about it. Rising out of her seat, she moved to the window and glanced at the distant South Palace. It all made sense now. Why it had been so quiet. Why she hadn't seen any female in flamboyant clothing strolling around. Iblis Jabril married off his mistresses. Like the servants said, was it because of her? Her heart
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Part 3: Sealing The Promise With A Kiss
All her life, she'd only received curses and condemnation from those around her. No one treated her like a living being, disregarding her feelings and constantly name-calling her as if she was some sort of a plague. This was the first time in the twenty years of her life that someone actually told her she was special to them. Afraid she didn't clearly get his message, Iblis looked into her dazed eyes and sternly commanded. "Siya, stop thinking about that maggot. If he truly cared about you, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to sell you. It wasn't love that drove him to take that step. It was his guilty conscience and the realization of what he lost." She didn't respond to his words. This infuriated him. "Damn it, woman! He's gone! Erase him from your thoughts and clear him from your mind. Please Siya, don't bring him between us again. You're mine, and you can't think of any other man. I don't like it..." He ended in a pleading tone. If anyone told Iblis a month ago he would be
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Part 3: Realization
Shamsiya felt like a boat stranded in a storm. The moist tongue clamped around her mound scorched her skin, forcing erotic moans to escape her lips. She was lost and confused in the rush of sensations, unable to understand what was happening to her. How could such sounds come from her own mouth? She didn't have the chance to figure this out. The man shifted, his mouth moving onto her other mound as his hand replaced his mouth on the first. "I...Iblis..." She half-groaned, half-pleaded, wanting to stop him, but lacking the firmness to push him away. Her lower belly blossomed in throbbing heat, and bursts of tingling pleasure assailed her senses. Just as his hand moved down her body and paused over her private area, her stomach rumbled, shattering the spell they were in. The demon froze, then erupted into laughter. He slumped on top of her, kissing her tenderly as he pulled her up with him. "Oh, Siya, how could you ruin show a perfect moment?" He complained sulkily. But his eyes were
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Part 3: Queen Nymrit
Rattled by the thought, Iblis unconsciously stepped back. He stared at the back of the woman's head with a gaze sharp enough to cleave a person in half. Suspicion brewed in his heart, and he wondered...if he was under some sort of enchantment. "Then...I'll serve." Immersed in her own thoughts, Shamsiya failed to notice her husband's strangeness. She withdrew some plates from the cabinets and served the dishes, then set them on the table and looked over her shoulder. "Wash your hands quickly. We should eat before the food gets cold." The demon remained still for a moment, a strange gleam flickering in his eyes as he mutely stared at her, before finally nodding his head and going to the sink. Seated facing each other, they ate in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. After finishing their meal, they returned to the bedroom and settled on the bed. However, the earlier lust and desire waned under the confusion of their feelings. Shamsiya scooted into her husband's arms, her head
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Part 3: Queen Nymrit 2
"What does it mean when a woman says she wants to own you?" Seated in his study, Iblis stuffed a bite size cake in his mouth as he glanced at his friend. Choking on his tea, Jonis set down his cup and gawked. "Own you? There is actually a woman who wants to own you?" "Why? Is there a problem?" Iblis questioned with a frown. "No, no, it's just..." "Just what?" "I never expected there would be a woman brave enough to love you." Jonis sighed and shook his head. He admired the woman who had the courage to love this man. "Love? Are you saying...she loves me?" Iblis sat up, flabbergasted. Siya and love, that too, him? How could that bold, fearless, and reckless woman...actually love him? He found this harder to accept than the thought of her being his loved one. "Well, when a woman says she wants to own you, it usually means she's possessive of you. That's an emotion only those who feel something for you would express." Iblis rose out of his seat and paced the study. Siya loved him.
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