All Chapters of The Bodyguard: Guardian of the Phoenix Project : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 Chapters
Simon Lee  When Laura opened the door and I saw her dressed in those jean shorts and the white T—shirt that left the shadow of her bra showing, I had to contain my urge to kiss her. I was there for another reason. The conversation with Thomas couldn't get out of my head. I could no longer hide the reason for her coming to New York from her. She would never forgive me if I found out the truth.I walked past her and in the living room mirror I saw her look at my ass. How naughty! She was biting her lips. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to chase away the lewd thoughts I created in my mind as she walked past me. I was sweating nonstop. Laura seemed to understand how hot the room was, as she opened the window.I sat on the couch and tried to find the right words to start that conversation.—Simon, you're scaring me.— Sorry. I don't want you to be nervous. But I
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Laura Anthony When Simon walked into my apartment, I could never have imagined that he was in love with me. I asked for forgiveness because deep down I knew I was to blame for years of separation. I ignored him all that time. I tried to blame everyone for what had happened to me, for being alone and helpless in that man's hands, but deep down I knew that no one was to blame for anything. I was just running away from reality. It was easier to believe that everything would have been different if Simon hadn't left, if my parents hadn't died. But what control over life do we have? How can we predict what will happen in the future? All that feeling that had been stored inside of me exploded the moment Simon placed me in his lap. I loved him and I wanted him to know that, so I declared myself. Nothing else mattered. If he said he didn't love me I would suffer a lot, but at least I would know. Living in uncertainty, thinking what it would be like if I had the courage to declare myself, woul
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Simon Lee When I woke up the next day, Laura's terrified eyes were still in my mind. Nobody wanted to tell me what had happened. Matheus was coming to New York and I couldn't communicate with him. I left a message asking you to call me urgently. Thomas didn't reveal anything to me. He said it was a personal matter and that Laura was the only one who could tell me. From his reaction, I already knew there was something very serious. And he could very well deduce what it was. Just imagining what was going through my head, I already felt the anger consume me. I spent hours at the gym taking all my anger out on the sandbag. With each punch I imagined the face of the bastard who had touched my Laura. There was no other explanation for the way she flinched at my touch. She had been abused and I wanted to slowly kill the bastard who did it.That night, all the insane thoughts went through my head. I was never a violent guy, but I knew ex
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Laura Anthony —No! Leave me! Do not touch me! I woke up screaming and only calmed down when I heard Simon's voice calling me. Holding my face, he tried to locate me from where I was. — Laura! Hey Little One! I am here. I am here! It was just a nightmare. calm down. You are at my house. It's here with me. Simon's deep eyes woke me to the present moment. I buried my head in his chest and felt my heartbeat slow down. Since I went to New York I was sleeping on tranquilizers. It was the only way to get rid of those horrible nightmares. I didn't expect to sleep in Simon's arms, but I was so tired from the night before that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I clung to his chest, which also had an altered heartbeat. He must have been startled by my screams. Now I was there, afraid to look at him. What was I going to say? I had walked into that apartment determined to change my life. He intended to have a conversation with Simon and tell him everything that had happened, why he had reacted the
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Matheus Anthony —Sara, glad you answered. How is she?—You've managed to sleep now, but you arrived here very agitated. I had to put a few drops in the water, in addition to the pill, or she wouldn't be able to erase it. You'll probably sleep all day.— You did well. I don't want her here tomorrow morning. I need to speak to Simon before she does. He almost blew it all away.—Have you spoken to your father yet?—Yes, he can't come now. Things got complicated— He? asked my colored—haired friend.— Yea...— Okay ! You can let me take care of her.                                                      ***  Laura Anthony
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Simon Lee  I loved watching my Laura sleep. It was as if nothing and no one could hurt her at that moment. I still hadn't recovered from the madness that had taken place in the bathroom. I never imagined she could take the initiative like that. When she sent everyone away and said she would help me with the bath, I saw malice in her eyes. It made me very excited and I had to control my erection. I had just gotten out of the hospital, but the mere possibility of having Laura so close made me forget about all the shortness of breath.The excitement only increased when she started to undress me. Her gaze held a naughty desire and I wanted to know how far she would go. I didn't want to hurt her, but I needed to know if Laura could go a little farther than we'd tried so far. So I pretended I was dizzy just so I could get closer to her and know if I should stop or not. She was receptive to the joke and it drove me crazy. W
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Laura Anthony  Simon convinced me to do an experiment with his mother's psychologist. Dr. Solange was Brazilian, but had lived in the United States for fifteen years. I sympathized with her straight away. She was young, about thirty-nine years old, looked very competent. In the first session I told her about my childhood, my relationship with my parents and my family. We talked a little bit about their deaths and what happened next, but I didn't go into details.In the second session I managed to vent. It wasn't so hard to talk anymore, after all I had told Simon everything. I related to her everything I went through in the days of captivity. That day, I left there exhausted from crying. Simon took care of me and understood my silence for the next few days. Over time it got easier. He returned to work and I questioned him about the threats he had received. We came to the conclusion t
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Simon Lee Laura managed to surprise me every day. That woman was a burning ember. All it took was a breeze to light that fire. I knew she was getting to know herself every day and that fascinated me. All of her teenage experiences were nothing more than kissing boys as childish as she was. At least that's what she had revealed to me. The first time she was with a real man was traumatizing and painful. Laura didn't know pleasure, didn't know what it was like to be wanted with love. That's why each new experience was so fascinating to her. The discovery of the body and sensations, everything made her excited. A movie, a conversation or some gesture I made, was able to wake up his body and make it boil. But she was still afraid to try. I could feel her burning inside, but she couldn't let go. This was also new to me. He was used to experienced women who knew exactly how to act. But it was always all about sex. There was no emotion, no feeling. With Laura I was constantly on high alert.
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Laura Anthony I had no idea what was happening to me. He had completely lost his wits. No sooner had I lost myself in Simon's arms than I was there in the shower teasing him like an insatiable madwoman. I didn't recognize myself. That man had the power to awaken things I didn't even know I was able to feel. Simon thought I was under the influence of alcohol when I started seducing him. I had been drinking, yes, but nothing that made me aware of what I was doing. In fact, I knew exactly what I wanted, but I didn't have the heart to say it so blatantly. So Sara advised me to pretend I was a little tall. If everything went wrong I could pretend I didn't remember anything the next day. I thought the idea was too far,fetched, but I decided to give it a try. I thought it was so cute when he got scared because he thought I was drunk. He didn't want to take advantage of my so-called drunkenness, and I thought that was great. Simon, in addition to being kind, was very ethical and that deligh
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Laura Anthony I reached the sidewalk and started looking for a taxi. I could have walked, but it was too late and I didn't know New York that well. I was fiddling with my phone, thinking about calling a private car when Jonny pulled up with the Blazer in front of me.— Hi Laura, how are you?— Do you want a ride?—What are you doing here at this hour?— I asked in amazement.— I just left some reports at the agency and decided to grab a snack here at Tino's . He smiled without getting out of the vehicle.— Ah yes! That Mexican restaurant. I still don't know, can you believe it?—We can arrange a day with Simon and Sara.— We will see! Will you leave me at home? I asked, already thanking God for having appeared. I was afraid Simon would come after me.—Of course, get in there!— he said as he unlocked the doors.I turned aroun
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