Semua Bab Fight for Your Love: Ryo and Oliver's Truth : Bab 111 - Bab 120
120 Bab
Chapter 109 - Crossing the line
I know this is wrong but I have to do this. I have to make Ryo hurt the same way I'm hurting. I hate her and she is going to feel my rage. I tried to fight her. I got into trouble. I tried to make Oliver leave her. He went right back to her as soon as I let my guard down. The only thing that's left is for me to ruin her life. If I can't make them break up I'm going to fuck up her life.I'm going to do it in a way that's not going to get me into trouble. I am going to make it anonymously. All I have to do is find the ammunition to use against her. I walk in the direction they go and listen closely. I didn't see where they went but the building is so quiet that I can hear them. I stop in the middle of the hallway because I can hear a sound. I stop at the school gym entrance. I can hear giggles. I open the door slowly so they can't hear me or see me. I want to walk into the room fully but
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Chapter 110 - Tell All
Later that night "Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?" Kelly says looking at me like I lost my mind. I smile at her and she frowns. "I thought you were going to feed me," I say looking at the box of pizza in front of her. "I'm hungry," I say and she slides the box across the island towards me. I grab it with both hands and open it before she changes her mind. "You're not going to tell me?" She asks and I take a bite of a slice, chew and swallow quickly. "Oliver and I are thinking of getting back together," I say and her jaw drops. "Actually, we are back together," I say and she closes her eyes and places a hand over her heart in the most dramatic way I have ever seen her do. "What do you mean? When did that happen?" She asks and I smile. "Well we broke up and then we started having sex and then today we decided we are not going to hide that we're together anymor
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Chapter 111- Record
The next day I was feeling good this morning. I had a good time in all of my classes and  I was having a great lunch until I looked up and Oliver was standing over me looking at me like I owed him something. Usually, I would have been happy to see him looking at me in any kind of way but today
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Chapter 112 - The Video
I watch Oliver walk away from me and all of the anger I have been feeling for the last couple of months radiate through my body. I can't believe he has the nerve to come up to me and tell me what to do.He can't talk himself out of this one. I'm realising this video.I take out my phone and open the student school group. I hit the attachment icon and search for the video in the gallery. I had planned to send this from an anonymous number but Oliver coming to me and pretending to care about me really pissed me off. Like I said, to hell with the consequences.I upload the video and stare at it. This definitely going to get me into trouble with my parents, if they find out.  There's a chance they won't but if they do I'm in some deep shit. One of the students might rat me out to one of the teachers. I'll deal with that when and if it happens. I hit send before I change my mind and wait for the chaos to unfold. 
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Chapter 113 - The Wrong Idea
A few days later Marlene walks into homeroom and every pair of eyes is on him. She walks to her chair and then she sees her friend Blaine staring at her. Her eyes are red and her cheeks are puffy like she's been crying. She looks away and a cold sweat starts at the base of her neck and then it
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Chapter 114 - The Chopping Block
Well, my number's up. I'm in the principal's office. He's looking at me with a mixture of anger and disappointment. I've seen that look before and it's never affected me. But today it's hitting me. I really messed up this time. I knew this was coming and I was prepared for it, but somehow this feels worse than I imagined. I'm probably going to be suspended for a few days and I welcome that decision. This whole situation didn't pan out the way I planned. I'm embarrassed. The who,e school is mad at me. I'm alone out there in the cold. There's no mistaking the hate in their eyes. I didn't bargain for that reaction from the students. Usually, I'm celebrated for my pranks and revenge plots. But this time, I'm the enemy and they banded together. "Do you know why you're here?" He asks and I shake my head lying. I have a feeling this about the video but I don't want to confess to something I'm not sure he knows about. I released the video on the student chat
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Chapter 115 - The Smoking Gun
Across Town  I pull up to Marlene's driveway and park my car. I know I have to do this but I feel bad. The front door opens and her mother comes to the door. I watch her for a split second thinking about backing out. I could drive away and pretend I never came here. What Marlene did has to reach them eventually right? I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Blaine's tear-stained face po
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Chapter 118 - Who are you?
When I walk out of the principal's office my eyes collide with Nicks. He's Blaine's boyfriend. He's leaning on the wall opposite the office door and he's scowling at me. "So you're the one that ratted me out," I say nodding and he nods too."You were going to get away with it," He says angrily. All I can see behind his eyes is hatred. "I couldn't bear the thought of Blaine hurt and you walking around here like nothing's wrong." He says taking a step towards me. "You always get away with stuff." He adds and I frown. "Look I'm sorry I didn't know I was recording you and Blaine, I thought it was someone else," I say and he groans in frustration."That doesn't make it any less wrong." He says his voice getting a little louder but not so loud to alert anyone else. "You think it would have made it better if it was Ryo and Oliver in the video but it's not." He says looking at me like I'm crazy. "You live to hurt people, you do
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Chapter 119 - Its decided
 "Come here." My mother says when I walk into the house. She's waiting for me in the entryway looking at me like I'm the worst disappointment in her life. I look down at my hands ashamed. She takes a sip of her coffee and then she stares at me silent. I guess she knows. The principal's call must have come when I was driving home."What in heaven's name were you thinking?" She says her voice low and dangerous. "I don't understand why you have to be like this." She says and I look back at her. "Marlene we've tried everything with you. How could you think that this was a good idea?" She asks looking at me for an answer. "I didn't mean for things to get this much out of hand," I say and she looks at me like I lost my mind. "What? How can secretly recording someone having sex not get out of hand?" She says raising her brows at me. Her voice is louder and she's genuinely confused by my answer, 
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Chapter 120 - It's my fault
So.....My father is home and has been pacing the living room for the past 30 minutes. As soon as he walked through the door he demanded that I sit on a sofa and listen to him tell me how much of a disappointment I was, I look down at my hands too ashamed to look him in the eye. I hate making my father angry for two reasons.One. He hates it when I don't play by the rules. He and I never saw eye to eye because I was a very carefree child. I was too independent for his liking. Two. He makes drastic decisions when he's angry. He doesn't care who it affects and how it affects them all he knows is that he's making it."Your mother and I are tired of your stunts." He says stopping in the middle of the room. I look at his feet as he walks towards me. "I don't care what the school decides at the hearing."  He says stopping in front of me"We are shipping you to boarding school." He says and my ears start to ring. 
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