All Chapters of Fight for Your Love: Ryo and Oliver's Truth : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
118 Chapters
Chapter 60 - The Cool Kids
At lunch break Kelly and I are sitting at our table. She hands me half of her sandwich and I give her half of my fruit bowl. We look at each other and smile. "Do I get a share of the lunch?" Oliver says sitting at our table. He places his lunch box with a thud and I see his hand reaching for my half of Kelly's sandwich. "What am I going to eat?" I ask as he takes a huge bite. He shrugs and then he hands me his lunch box. "Well, there goes the tastiest sandwich you will never have," Kelly says laughing at me. How is that funny?" I ask opening the lunch box. "What's that funny?" Jameson says sitting opposite Kelly"What you did in Ms Swan's class," Kelly says and we all stare at Jameson"What the hell was that?" I ask still shocked. He didn't tell us he was going to do that. We gave him our assignments to submit on the due date, not on a random Tuesday. "We were done with the assignment. I didn
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Chapter 61 - A
"Jameson. Here is your group's assignment. Graded  that is." Ms Swan says as we walk into the class. I look at the paper and then at her.  What does she mean it's graded? Today is the due date. She still has days to go before we grade it. "I got curious and read through it." She says in response to our shocked faces. "And I wasn't disappointed." She says when I sit down in my seat. "Yo!" Jameson says excitedly when she sees the grade on the right-hand corner of the paper. "What the hell?" Oliver says high high-fiving Jameson when he too sees the grade. He places the paper on my table and my jaw drops in shock at the number there. 98? I can't believe it, she gave us an amazing mark."I told you guys this thing was gold," Kelly says smiling at me. "Very good indeed." ms Swan says when the rest of the class walks in. Marlene enters last. Everyone looks at her the room silent. She doesn't take English with us so I can understand th
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Chapter 61 - Unspoken
3 Days Later "Can I ask you something?" Ryo asks looking up at me. We're lying on the grass in the school garden. She's on her back, her head on my lap. I look down at her and nod. "What would you rather not have, toilet paper or washing soap?" She asks her question randomly. I look at her trying to figure out what brought that on. "I would rather..." I say and then I pause to think about it. I can't imagine a life without either but if I had to choose."Toilet paper." I say and she stares at me appalled. "What?" She asks laughing. "You would rather go without wiping your butt?" She asks whispering the last three words. "Yes. I can't imagine not having bath soap." I say she shakes her head at my comment. "I could never walk around with remnants of my private activities. If you know what I mean" She says and I laugh. "I didn't say I would walk around with poop in my but," I say and she makes a face. "I'd use
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Chapter 62 - Tipping Point
"What do you mean you missed the deadline, Marlene?" My mother screams looking at me like she doesn't know me. I knew she was going to freak out if I didn't do my school work but I didn't think it would be this bad. She's acting like I already failed. This is just one part of my English grade, I can make it up with other assignments. But that's not the reason she's mad at me, is it? She's mad because I broke a promise I made to her and Dad. After my breakup with Oliver, I fell into a terrible space. I wasn't interested in going to school, doing assignments or going outside really. All I wanted to do was hide. As a  result, my schoolwork suffered. I almost failed my grade. My parents were not happy. They didn't understand why I let a boy take over my life. They didn't understand why "I would let a boy ruin my life?:" It took a while for me to back to myself but I did it eventually. I found the strength to get up, get my mind right and save
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Chapter 63 - Seeing Red
It's the morning after my mother went off on me. She decided I'm grounded and she's taking all of my privileges away. That means I don't have a credit card, no allowance and no car unless I have to go to school. I am fuming, how did I get back here? All of the loss and pain I felt when Oliver and I broke up came over me. I can't believe I let him mess me up like this again. I hate him so much. Why am I being punished for his decisions?  My mother was so mad that she didn't want to hear any of my explanations.  I drive into the school parking lot and already regret why I'm here. I don't think I can take being in this place anymore. The messed up part is that I can't skip classes because my parents are going to kill me. As soon as I go missing from any classes my father will know and there will be hell to pay. I bring my car to a stop and sigh. I know I can do this. All I have to do is get through eight hours of smiling and talking to p
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Chapter 64 - Beyond
I follow Marlene into the school. I don't know what got into her just now but this madness needs to end. I won't let her attack Ryo like this. "Marlene," I say when she walks into a random class. She looks back at me and then she frowns. "What the hell was that?" I ask closing the door. "Leave me alone Oliver." She says walking to a wall. She presses her head on it. I watch her breathe hard for a few seconds and she says nothing. "I won't let this go. I've let your behaviour slide for too long." says and she turns around. "Oliver I really don't care about what you have to say right now," She says and she dares to be angry at me."Look, you never going to put your hands on Ryo ever again," I say ignoring her anger, she's not going to bully or cry her way out of this one. I want to make sure she knows there will be consequences if she ever tries to pull anything like that again. "I swear you're going to regret it if you pull this shit again," I say my voice calm but dangerous. She f
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Chapter 65 - The Aftermath
I have six eyeballs staring at me right now. I want to tell them off but I know they are just trying to watch out for me. That whole incident with Marene was super scary. I was sure she was going to attack me. She had the look of murder in her eyes when she pulled me by the backpack. Well, I guess this is my first fight.  I thought when our eyes met. I thought she was going to swing on me and break my nose.  I prepared myself mentally in a few seconds. I even forgot that we there were a bunch of people staring at us. "You guys are staring," I say looking at each of them. "You can stop now," I add and Oliver smiles at me."We're just wondering how you're doing," Jameson says looking at Kelly for confirmation. "I'm doing fine" I say and he nods slowly. "Really, I'm good, you can stop worrying," I say and  Kelly smiles. "I spoke to her, she's not going to bother you ever again," Oliver says his face hard. What di
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Chapter 66 - Principal's Office
"Sir, I have Ryo for you." The Secretary says when we get to the door. I will myself not pass out. I take a few breaths and brace myself for what's to come. "Yes, come in." He says and I take a few steps into the room. I gasp on the inside when I see Marlene sitting on a chair in front of the principal's office desk. "Good Afternoon Sir," I say looking at him. He smiles and he gestures for me to sit down. I take a seat opposite Marlene and she looks down at her hands."Ladies, I called in here to address the incident in the parking lot this morning." He says looking at me intently. I stare at him blankly not sure what to do here. What does he want me to say? "Ryo, do you want to tell me what happened?" He asks smiling at me. I turn to look in Marlene's direction and she's still staring at her hands. Is she going to look up and confront this situation? She's the reason we're in here. She's the one that decided to attack me for no dan
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Chapter 67 - Undeserved Kindness
"Well, Marlene I guess you can go." The principal says and I look up at him. "I should say that behaviour like this morning will not be tolerated." He says and I get up and head out of his office. What the hell just happened? I was sure Ryo was going to rat me out. And I wouldn't have blamed her. I was wrong for attacking her. I don't know what came over me. I was so enraged that I took it out on the first person that I saw. I look down the hall hoping to see her but she's not there. I have to talk to her. She didn't have to lie for me but she did. If she didn't decide to keep quiet I would be in big trouble. My mother threatened boarding school; if I pulled one of my stunts. If today's incident got out, I would have been in a school miles away before I could say sorry. I have to get it together I can't let my emotions take over me like that.  A few hours later, at the school parking lotAs I
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Chapter 68 - Understanding
I pull into the McDonald's parking lot and see Oliver pull into the parking spot next to mine. He smiles at me when he sees me. I open my door and get out of the car, I lock it and walk to his. He opens the passenger door for me and I get in. "You look gorgeous," He says when I close the door. "You look really good." He adds and I smile. "You look gorgeous too." I and he smile. "I do?" He asks shyly and I nod. "You look really good. I love you in all black." I say truthfully. He really does pull off the all-black outfit. "Thank you." He says taking my hand in his, he kisses it and I feel the warmth of his kiss from the inside of my hands all the way between my legs. "What are we eating?" I ask trying to distract myself. I almost jumped his bones right then. We haven't been intimate in a while now. So many things have happened since our date in the garden. I wish we were in the garden right now. I wish we w
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