All Chapters of Fight for Your Love: Ryo and Oliver's Truth : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
118 Chapters
Chapter 41 - Are we talking now?
"You look like you're deep in thought" Marlene says behind me. I look up and see a few people looking at us. We're in the library and she's talking pretty loudly. I convince myself that th's why they are staring at ud right now. I don't want to give the other thought any space right now.  I turn around to look at her and she's smiling. I respond with half a smile and she winks at me. I raise my brows in surprise and she waves her hand at me. "Are you okay?" She asks whispering, she  sits in the chair next to me. I look around us again and people are still staring at us."I'm alright." I say pushing my chair .ack. I create space between us. She's leaning into my face and I don't feel comfortable . "Is that all I'm gonna get from you. two word sentences? Or three letters." She says looking at me for a second and then she looks away. "I...uhm" I start to say and she sighs. "Nevermind you don't have to exp
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Chapter 42 - Blue skies
The sun is bright in the sky. The blue sky is spread to as far as the eye can seen. I set a up blanket for us in my parent's backyard. I was supposed to plan some grand date and go all out but I thought this would be  so much more Ryo's speed.The plum tree is in full bloom, the pink flowers are so bright. Their beauty is breathtaking and I knew she would love it. I love it too. I've seen these flowers so many times and they never inspired this type of emotions in me before. Suddenly I appreciate everything a little bit more. And I can attribute this new found appreciation to the beautiful being next to me. It's like she transferred her love for nature to me. Ryo has become the light and color in my life. Her influence is beautiful. She's lying on her side serene as ever. It always boggles my mind how she can be so gorgeous doing absolutely nothing.  She chose to wear a yellow floral flowy dress today. She looks like she stepped out of thos
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Chapter 43 - Sky High
A week ago I was afraid of heightsI was afraid to show my feelings I was afraid to be alone. Today here I am I'm going round and round on a Ferris wheel and I'm not afraid. I can see the whole city from up here. I decided to share my feelings with Oliver and leave everything on the table. I'm hoping he will see this as me being brave and he'll fall in love with me again. With the being alone part, I'm still afraid. I don't know how to move in this time of singleness. I'm terribly afraid of what this means for me. I came here alone, and my friends don't want to hang out with me anymore, I could look through my phone and find a guy who's willing to be my rebound but I can't. I had a conversation with my mother the other day and she challenged me to stay single. "Marlene baby, sometimes after a very bad breakup. She started. I knew by the first breath she took that
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Chapter 44 - Impulse
My mother loves carnivals. She loves getting on all of the rides. So when the carnival came to town I had to take her out. We deserve a mother-daughter date. I've been spending so much time with Oliver, I wanted to make time for her. I'm glad we came, it's a great night to get on the Ferris wheel and watch the city light up at night.  And she's excited too. I'm waiting for her to come back from the bathroom so we can get on our next ride. We are going to get our money's worth tonight. We are not leaving here until we get on every ride. "Hi," Someone says behind me. My first thought is to not turn around, I'm so used to being ignored that I always think no one ever wants to talk to me. Especially in a public place like this.  That said I turn around anyway. I'm curious to find out who the person is talking to.  "Oh shit," I say when my eyes collide with Marlene. She's the last person I thought would be behind me right now. 
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Chapter 45 - Text
How was the carnival?Patient O  Five minutes later there's no reply. That's very unlike Ry. She normally replies to my texts immediately. I stare at my phone screen wondering what's going on. I open the text thread and I can see that she saw my message but she hadn't replied.  I guess you're tired from all of the activityWe'll talk tomorrowI love youPatient O  
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Chapter 46 - Screenshots
10 am the next morning It's been 7 hours since Ry and I last texted. I tried calling her multiple times multiple times but she didn't answer. I haven't left my room since. I'm frozen, I can't move. I need her to talk to me. I can't believe this is happening right now. Everything was going amazing. I hate it when we fight. I especially hate it when she gives me the silent treatment.  I didn't get a wink of sleep. I really should have listened to Jameson. He warned me and I didn't take him seriously. I was so happy with Ryo that I didn't think this would happen. We were in a very good place yesterday and now we're here. I feel like I went to work and
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Chapter 47 - In This Moment
A while later Ryo asked to meet me at the city garden. I look around at the beautiful scenery. I'm at the entrance waiting for her to show up. I have a few minutes to spare before she gets here, She said to meet at 12:30 but I showed up at 12:15. I couldn't wait another minute in my room. I had to get out and find something to do before my head exploded with what-ifs. I stare at the roses hanging on the arc at the entrance. They look so vibrant and alive. How did I not know that there's something like this in our city? This is incredible. I find this place beautiful but it makes me sad. I wish we didn't come here today, while we're fighting. I wish this was one of our incredible dates. It's going to hurt really badl
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Chapter 48 - Whisper
"This feels good," I say wrapping my arms around Oliver. We're lying on the garden lawns looking up at the sky. I'm straddling him and his lips are placed softly on my neck. "I love this so much," I add and he kisses me softly. I close my eyes enjoying the feeling. "I love this too." He says and I can feel his hand go up the inside of my thigh. I gasp softly and hold on tighter to him. I almost didn't wear a dress this morning but sitting here right now, I think I made the right decision. I love that he has easy access to everything. "I don't think that's a good idea," I say my breath getting heavy. He is lightly brushing my thighs, causing a ripple of desire to shoot through my veins. I'm saying one thing with my mouth but my body is saying something else. "Why not?" He says whispering
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Chapter 49 - Midnight discussions
"I can't remember the last time we did this," Kelly says getting into my bed. I scooch over making more room for her even though I don't need to. I have a big bed and the two of us can fit comfortably. I'm moving over because I know she loves to have a lot of space. She's what I like to call a start-fish sleeper. She spreads her limbs as wide as possible for her to be comfortable. "I know, life has kind of taken over," I say and she smiles lying on her side so she can look at me, '"You mean Oliver took over." She says wiggling her brows at me. "You don't have any time for me since he's come into the picture." She says frowning at me."I know I know I have more time for us," I say feeling guilty. She's right, this relationship has taken a lot of my time. I live with my mother in the same house and I barely see her. "Oh Ry, I'm kidding. I love that you have Oliver keeping you busy. I love that you finally have a guy that
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Chapter 50 - Breakfast
"Marlene just walked in," Kelly says looking toward the entrance behind me. "She's looking at me, she's walking towards us." She adds and I take a sip of my coffee. I close my eyes annoyed at this Maelene dynamic. Can't I take my best friend out to breakfast without catching drama from her?I woke up this morning determined to have a great day with Kelly. I planned out today perfectly. Have an amazing sleepover, that's done. Follow up with an epic breakfast, that's in progress. Maybe catch a movie and end the day with a late lunch. Nowhere in my plan was Marlene and her obsession with Oliver included. I hear her shoes approach me and let out a long breath as I put my cup down. Kelly raises her brow at me in question as Marlene gets closer. She takes a sip of her coffee and she sits back. "Ryo, we need to stop bumping into each other like this." She says coming to stand in front of me. I sit back in my chair so I can look her in her eyes. 
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