All Chapters of The Maidens (Crutoe Sisters): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
79 Chapters
Chapter 41: Happy Ending
"Albert!" I called, trying to catch up to him. "Wait, please! You know the truth now, denying it won't help anyone. Why don't you read the letter and find out what your mother wanted to say to you?" He didn't stop, he just kept walking towards the house. "Albert? You need..." I stopped as I felt uneasy suddenly, my body felt like... I looked down as I felt something wet roll down my thighs. Is the baby coming? "My baby! Albert..." I couldn't bring myself to move. Luckily for me, Albert stopped then and turned around with a frown which quickly changed to a look of surprise as he rushed to me. "Is the baby coming?" "I think so, my water just broke." He wasted no time in picking me up and taking me into the house, all the while shouting for the midwives. I was placed on my bed as the midwives got ready to deliver my baby, Alexa was at my side and Albert looked out of place, as he looked like he was wondering if he should leave or stay. "S
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Chapter 42: Saying Goodbye
Part Two: Alexa   "I was the one who said papa shouldn't be alone, yet I've kept you here for so long. Is it so bad that I never want you to leave?" I laughed heartily at Gwen.  "It's not so bad, even I wish I could stay more but it's really time I get going." I replied, setting down Elliott in the cradle beside his sleeping twin.  "I suppose it is..." She trailed off, looking really sad. Who would have thought one crazy event would bring us so close to each other? I walked over to hold her shoulders. "You will do fine without me, Gwen. And of course I could visit sometimes to see my lovely nephews. You have given me so much even though we are not really related; this opportunity could change my life..." "Oh please, don't start that again. I told you already, we are sisters now so you don't have to feel any different. And you are right, I should let you create your own path in life. Who knows, you may send me a w
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Chapter 43: Welcome to Durnca
Because of bandits, we followed the longer route to Durnca, it took a day and a half with us spending the night in an Inn. We would have slept in the wagon, but it was January and outside was cold. It didn't mind how long it took us to get to Durnca, it gave me time to brace myself for my new life in Durnca.I had only two goals in mind; search for my mother and start up my very own salon. Of course neither of them would be easy... I only knew my mother's first name and I had no money to start up my business. I had to take things slow.We arrived at Durnca in the afternoon of the second day and I was left to enter the town alone. It was smaller than I imagined and the houses were even smaller, but that made it a lot perfect.I didn't know which house belonged to Gwen's father, so I wandered about until I found an elderly woman, sitting in her rocking chair on her porch and knitting a shawl. I approached her."Hello, I...""Is it old ag
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Chapter 44: Settling In
The Countess? Does that mean she is a noble lady? I didn't know how the hierarchy worked, so I had no idea how important a Countess was. If I do remember correctly, Gwen's cousin was also a Countess and she was lower than Gwen in rank. So, Bridget should also be lower than Gwen in noble rankings."Oh..." I muttered, not sure what to say."I know you are a little startled, but don't be, Durnca is a small town, I'm not that mighty.""When you say you are the Countess of Durnca, what do you mean? There is only one?""Yes, just myself. Other towns have their Dukes and Duchess, including their Earls and Countesses, but the highest nobles in Durnca are myself and my husband.""I see, that is admirable. And I get to be the Countess' friend, it is an honour." Bridget chuckled."Don't be like that, I'm not really special. But I do crave some companionship from a lady I can be free with. I have a feeling that it can be you; you wouldn't mind visiting
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Chapter 45: An Unexpected Friend
I was almost settled in Durnca; I was getting used to the everyday life with just me and Papa.  He had almost sold out his stocked rum he had made earlier and he said soon enough, he'd completely stop his trips until winter is over. I wasn't leaving the house just yet, I was still getting accustomed to my environment, cleaning, cooking, washing, caring for the animals in the little barn and chicken coop... nothing out of the ordinary. After a few days, I still couldn't set up the fireplace and we stayed close to the kitchen when it got really cold. I was in the kitchen one of those days, baking bread which we would eat with meat for our lunch when I saw a small hand reach into the window and dip into the big pot of water I just boiled for my bath. The little thief yelped and withdrew his hand. I quickly went around the house and found a child burying his hand into the snow. The boy was dressed in filthy clothes and looked like he hadn't b
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Chapter 46: Christopher Hallewell
Since the boy mentioned soup and I had a few ingredients to make Pease-soup, I did just that. I thought about waiting for Pa to get his permission, I mean, he would want the fireplace to be running as well but he didn't get home on time, even when the soup was ready. So, I put the Hallewell's portion of soup in a smaller different pot, wore my coat Gwen had given me and I made my way to the next house which the boy said was theirs. The house was rundown, like no one paid it any attention at all, it needed a lot of fixing. The roof over the porch was shaky, the porch stairs was missing two layers, the fence had a lot of holes in them and the lock was broken. You'd think a farmer would be bothered about keeping his property off limits to strangers. "There you are!" I heard the boy squeaked from inside the house as he threw open the doors and ran out to meet me. "Is that the food? What did you cook? Something smells so good." He tried reaching for the po
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Chapter 47: Visiting the Countess (A)
I fell asleep in the chair while waiting for both Papa and Christopher. I hoped Papa would come home first so I could tell him that Christopher would be visiting; I couldn't risk getting him upset with me for involving myself with them.When I woke up to a knock on the door, I rushed to open it, expecting to see Papa... instead Christopher was standing there, holding a wooden box that must contain some tools."Where is the fireplace?" He asked. No hello, no goodday."Right this way." I forced a smile, stepping aside to let him in. He followed quietly behind me to my failed attempt at a fireplace."It needs a chimney first." He muttered, dropping to his knee while the examined the space."Oh, yes. That is important but we thought we would create the fireplace first and then we can create the chimney when the handymen start working again." I might as well be talking to myself as he paid no attention to me."I guess I'll leave you to it then. Unless you need my help?""Not necessary." He
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Chapter 48: Visiting the Countess (B)
I made a stop at the market to buy some candles and potatoes, all the while wondering if I should sew a few pairs of socks for Papa and myself because of the cold; he would like that. And our new fireplace will help as well.Then I began to worry, I left Papa alone with Christopher; not that I thought Christopher was harmful but because I know Papa doesn't like him. What if they get into an argument? Maybe Christopher wouldn't want to fix the fireplace anymore...I walked faster, my heart was beating loudly in my chest; all the excitement of the new gown was gone.As I got closer to the house, I heard raised male voices and I panicked, running into the house."...yes, but I have to grow different crops, that is different methods on one farm." I heard Christopher say before drinking deeply from a mug of... rum? They were both grinning, so they were really arguing as I had thought. And they ignored my presence, lost in their conversation."It doesn't make my work easier. After growing t
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Chapter 49: Visiting the Countess (C)
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It's been years since I last had that dream, I hated being reminded how mama left us like that, it was so depressing. It was probably all the talk about Gwen mama that triggered it.But I couldn't turn down Bridget's invite so suddenly, I had to go no matter what. I took a bath and got dressed in my new gown, packing my hair in a half bun, just how Gwen liked it.When I got downstairs, Christopher was already bent over the fireplace, delivering the finishing touches, it looked really nice."You look pretty." I heard the boy's voice from the doorway, he was holding up logs of wood. That was when Christopher noticed me, standing straight as he studied me. For some reason, I felt uneasy as his eyes scanned my body."Yes, she does." He said finally and I actually sighed in relief. Why?!"Urh... I have to...""Can you sew a dress for me?" The boy asked, interrupting me. A dress? Why would he want a dress? For himself or to give a girl he fancied?"Ce
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Chapter 50: Cecilia (A)
Feeling happy with my visit, I rejected Bridget's offer to let the coachman take me home, I preferred to walk home; after all I didn't have to protect the gown from getting wet and walking helped me relax and collect my thoughts.It was a good thing Lance was there, even though he was a charming man, I was only interested in the attention he got me when he let me cut his hair, he was nice though and he keep staring at me from across the table. That was rude but like he said, he has been at sea too long and has lost his manners.All in all, I enjoyed breakfast with Bridget's family. Now, it was time for me to return to my task at hand. Now that we had the fireplace up and running, I had to do something nice for Christopher and his son. I wonder if his visit to the Jones went well, goodness knows he needs a wife and..."Get off, you crazy pimp!" I snapped out of my thoughts and came to a halt when I saw a group of boys fighting, it was three against one... Christopher's son. They were f
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