All Chapters of The Maidens (Crutoe Sisters): Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
79 Chapters
Chapter 61: Setting Up
According to Cecilia, Blair threw a tantrum for a week and Christopher thought she just might call off the engagement, but then she sent a letter, inviting him for tea.Though he still did her every bidding, he didn't visit her so much once spring came, he had to go back to farming.I was glad that the winter was over, I never liked the cold and even more pleasing, I could fix up the storeroom and set up my shop.I still didn't know what to name it, I've never had anything of my own I could give a name before. It was all because of Christopher. I was grateful to him but because I didn't want to cause problems between him and his witch of a fiancée, I kept my distance."I should come with you and help you fix up the place." Pa was saying to me while I brushed my hair, getting ready to go to the storeroom."I know you can help but Gwen would have my head if your back gave in while helping me. Don't worry Pa, there is not much left to do anyway, hopefully at the end of the week, I will o
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Chapter 62: A Night in the Storeroom
I turned sharply to Christopher. He didn't like Blair? Why then was he marrying her? I couldn't stop myself from asking."Why marry someone if you don't like them?" He shrugged as we got into the shop and set down the items."I'm only marrying her for Cecilia. My time here is temporary and Cecilia would be better off if she has someone to care for her when I'm gone.""What do you mean by that? Are you ill? Has someone threatened your life?" He laughed again."It's not that. Don't worry about it now, we have to get to work if we want to make it home for dinner." I wasn't satisfied with his answer but I was a stranger to him, I couldn't push him to open up if he didn't want to.We set to work, putting the chairs where they were meant to be, setting up the mirrors, the tables, the little stools..."But then Cecilia doesn't like her very much, I doubt Blair is glad to be Cecilia's mother after what happened at the market the other day. There are other maidens and many of them have shown i
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Chapter 63: An Out-of-the-Blue Proposal
To make me feel better, Pa bought me a red ribbon, the same shade of my hair. I loved it instantly and used it to tie my hair; you wouldn't even know it was there.Bridget didn't just invite me for the baby's party, she invited Papa too and that was the only thing that gave me courage to attend.I knew the news of Christopher and I spending the night alone must have reached every house in Durnca and people were likely going to talk about it and try putting me down, but Pa has assured me that if I don't pay heed to what they say, they will leave me alone.I made a mental note to apologize to Christopher later, it was my fault and his name would get dragged in the mud as well.I didn't bother with getting a new dress, I already had one of Gwen's I altered and it looked presentation enough for such a function. Besides, I had used a good amount of coins to get a toy box for the baby.I felt like I was attending parties a lot now and I might tell Bridget there were not my thing and I would
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Chapter 64: The New Mrs Hallewell
I couldn't make sense of what had just happened.After Christopher proposed and secured the betrothal necklace around my neck, Papa took the toy box from me, gave it to Bridget and thanked her for the invitation, then he took my hand and we left the mansion.I was still too stunned to say anything. I was just sitting at the breakfast table, still as a rock as I stared into space. I was engaged?! How was it possible that I was engaged? And to Christopher? How did not fretting push me into the last place I wanted to find myself, as someone's wife?It was probably a joke. Maybe if I held my breath long enough, I'd pass out and wake up in my bed; there would be no memory of the night in the storeroom and most especially, I wouldn't be wearing a betrothal necklace."You will give yourself a headache worrying so much." Pa was sitting on another chair, across from me. "Don't think too much about the matter, it is...""Pa, tell me... am I engaged to be married?" He looked confused."Yes, you
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Chapter 65: Newlyweds
It was very strange and a little uncomfortable living with Christopher. It wasn't that his presence made me uncomfortable, but the thought that I exchanged vows on an altar with him and now I'm supposed to be his wife. I know we agreed it would only be on paper but we were living together for God's sake, I had to be in the same space with him all the time.On our wedding night, we both stood, looking at his bed. It was big enough for four people but I didn't like the idea of sharing it with him so I was reaching for a pillow and blankets when he took them away from my grasp."Thank you." He said and made to turn around."Oh, wait. I was getting those for myself.""And what kind of a person would I be if I let you sleep on the couch when there is a very comfortable bed in here. Don't worry, I never really liked the bed anyway, you can have it." Without waiting for my reply, he left the room.Sure, I had the bed to myself, but I felt guilty. He was helping me after all and he didn't hav
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Chapter 66: Freya of Durnca
Hair Haven was finally open.I didn't get any customers on the first day, none on the second, none on the fifth! And I was already feeling annoyed at the woman who told me she would come with her children.To cheer me up, Cecilia, Christopher and even Pa came for trimming. Of course their hairs were perfect but they were asking for exaggerated hairdos that I had to laugh at the descriptions.It was on the sixth day that three women visited, two of them were the dressmakers' and the third... I didn't quite know her. Either way, I was happy to have my real first customers."My my! Lovely place you have here." The taller dressmaker commented. She was the first to get her hair done."Thank you, ma'am.""Ma'am? Oh no, dear, you are a regular customer, you can call us by our names. I am Teresa, my sister is Marie and that is our friend, Sally." I nodded and smiled politely."Alright. What hairstyle would you like today?""Well, I want something that'll make my husband want to make a fourth
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Chapter 67: The Scottish Man (A)
"Papa?!" He looked equally shocked to see me."Alexandria, what are you doing in Durnca? You look so good.""Oh, you mean I look good for someone you abandoned? You took everything we owned, sold them and just left. Did you ever care about me and what might happen to me?" Suddenly, all the anger came pouring in."Now lass, don't get so upset, I regret everything already. I just thought if..." I took his hand and helped him up."We can't talk in the middle of the street. Come home with me, you can wash, eat and then explain yourself."I led him to my home, not minding the many stares we attracted on the way.As soon as we got home, thankfully, Cecilia was not in the house, she was probably with Papa and Christopher was still at the farm. I showed Pa the bath and gave him a bar of soap, before I went to check some of Christopher's clothes for a befitting size for Pa; then I spread it out for him and got started on dinner.Just as Papa came out, now cleaned and dressed in Christopher's c
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Chapter 68: The Scottish Man (B)
I went for the keg of rum, lifting it up and saving the little that remained in the keg."Papa, please calm down and let me explain.""You call him Papa?!" Papa Ramsey said from his spot next to Christopher, even he sounded angry."How do you expect me to calm down? That fellow took my wife away from me and he...""So what? She returned to you, didn't she? You're not the one she left with a little child to care for." Papa Benjamin's anger seemed to have increased."What did you say to me?! You knew she had just given birth to a baby, yet you took her away without...""Papa, please..." I tried pleading with him."Stop calling that man Papa, he took your mother from you. Remember how you always cried and missed her, she was here, with that...""Be quiet, Papa!" I yelled, surprising everyone and even myself. "Stay here and work on that mouth of yours." Then I turned a pleading look to Christopher. "Please help yourself to dinner, I will be back soon." I took Papa Benjamin's hand and led
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Chapter 69: Biological Sisters
I was standing at the entrance of the Duke's home, holding Cecilia's hand but unable to push myself to go in.Papa Benjamin wanted to come with me but because I didn't want him to see Gwen in her condition, I insisted on traveling alone. That is, until Cecilia cried her eyes out, begging me to take her with me. I had no choice but to bring her along. At least if Gwen threw me out, I would have Cecilia by my side."Mama?" She called, tugging on my hand. "Why are we standing here? Won't we go in?""Give me a moment, please." But I didn't get a moment because Arthur spotted me and ran over to hug me. I swatted to receive his hug."My brothers can walk now." He announced without even a hello."Can they? They are so grown." I feigned disbelief."Eliott still stumbles but Eric could run any day now." I laughed."Who told you that? He has to get used to walking first before he can run.""Mama did. Come on, she will tell you." He took my hand and led me into the house, Cecilia was close behin
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Chapter 70: Who is Gideon (A)
Cecilia and I stayed for a week in Gwen's home. A complete seven days of Gwen asking me relentless questions about my relationship with Christopher, if I had any plans of accepting it and giving her another niece or a nephew this time.She had a lot to say about the advantages of being married, especially to a good man and I must confess, she got into my head.I never wanted to get married, that was true, but now I was married, and Christopher is not like my father and neither am I like my mother. We were friends before we got married and Mama was already married to someone else, that was the only reason she had to leave me; she was never married to Papa.Christopher had gone out of his way a lot of times to help me out and he was very respectful of my decisions. Maybe and just maybe, I could let go of my fears and accept our marriage; rather than a temporary one, it could be permanent.After all, I could admit I had grown fond of Christopher. I always caught myself thinking of him an
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