All Chapters of Letting go: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
105 Chapters
Chapter 81
Christian Finally, we get inside the courtroom. Even though Amy is willingly handing over her rights we still have to have a sort of court case, we just basically have to go in front of a judge and have him approve it all. Amy plays her part well as a loving mother whos just not cable of looking after her children while prasing me to the high heavens. It's sickening and worrying to watch how good she's acting but I don't care, as long as I get custody of my children she can make herself look like a fucking nun! The case only lasted twenty-five minutes and I breathe the biggest sigh of relief when the judge grants the order and Amy officially signs over all three children to me. All that is left to do now is to pay Amy her money then get Katie's last name changed from Amy's to mine and we can start our new lives together. We all step out of the courtroom and head straight for the exit. I'm bursting with happiness and so is my family. Despite how confident I was about getting custody
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Chapter 82
MollyThe panic running through my body is so strong that my body feels like jel-o but by some miracle, I manage to remain looking calm on the outside. I can't see a dam thing but I can feel movement close to me "Who are you?" The barn remains silent until I let out a gasp as someone tightly grips my upper arm. “Just keep quiet bitch. As long as your man does what he's supposed to then you will be fine." His voice sounds familiar but for the life of me I can't place it but I know that I have heard it before. I also have a feeling that this is to do with Amy but I don't understand why. Why would she set this up when she knows that Christian will pay her the money? Maybe I'm completely wrong but nothing else makes sense right now. "I don't understand what's going on." He pulls on my arm and tugs me further across the room before pushing down on my shoulders and forcing me to sit on a bale of hay. "You don’t need to understand anything. Just shut up and stay still. Once your man pay
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Chapter 83
Christian"Where the fuck is she?" Amy's almost ten minutes late which isn't what I expected from her today, if anything I thought she would be early but that hasn't happened and that stupid nervous feeling in my stomach is only getting worse! "If she doesn't turn up in the next five minutes then she doesn't get a fucking penny!" Jack grunts as he stomps across the barn. We're all getting anxious waiting around. We just want this done with so we can take the kids home and start a new chapter in our lives.Dad was so worked up that he left the barn before Amy was even due to turn up, went to try and walk it and also keep a lookout for her arriving, he said he'd call if he saw her but so far it's been radio silence from him which isn't good. "Where did Dad even go?" Jack asks looking slightly on edge but I get it. "I'm going to go look for him, someone calls me if the bitch turns up."He quickly leaves the barn leaving the rest of us sitting around and waiting on someone who isn't even
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Chapter 84
ChristianI've been trying to rack my brain for an answer to Amy's words. Take a walk down memory lane. What the hell does that mean? Molly has only been here a couple of weeks, we have only been together literally a day so I don't know where she's going with it. It has to involve something to do with me and Molly as she's got her but what it is I don't have a clue and it's fucking frustrating. I've tried calling her twice but she's just ignored me. Clearly, she's having way too much fun playing this fucked up game of hers.I jump when my cell phone starts ringing in my pocket and almost drop the thing as I get it out of my pocket as quickly as possible while praying that it's Amy calling to give me some clues. It's not Amy but it's Tom so hopefully he's got an update for me. "Chris, anything?" Well, I guess he ain't giving me anything new. "Nope, nothing. I can't find her and I can't figure this out!"I can hear him breathing heavily as if he's running and it's only then that I take
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Chapter 85
ChristianI stand frozen as I watch Molls disappear over the side of the bridge, as her feet leave the air she grabs hold of Amy's top pulling her with her then her terrified eyes meet mine and I snap out of my still state and move my ass like never before to reach her but before I can reach her a hand snaps out and grips her arm and holds on tight.I quickly reach Jack's side just as Tom and Zack appear on the other side of me as we all try to grab hold of her while Jack is still holding onto her arm. He's a strong guy and I know that usually, he wouldn't have much trouble getting her back up by himself but Amy also has a hold of her so he holding both of their weight."Chris!" She calls out to me, the fear in her eyes and tone is pure and raw and it tears at my heart. "I've got you, Molls!" Jack shouts down at her drawing my attention to him. I don't know what the fuck he is playing at with Amy but right now he literally has my life in his hands so I'm going to work with him but aft
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Chapter 86
MollyAt first, when John blamed me for this happening I felt hurt and seriously pissed but listening to what he has to say now… Well, I'm not sure what I think anymore.“You slept with Amy?” I can feel the anger running through Christian's body as he pushes the words out. “Yes, son I did but I swear I have no idea how it happened, I don't even remember anything. I can't stand her and I love your Mom, have since the very first moment that I laid eyes on her. I've never even thought about cheating on her and it has been tearing me apart but I woke up in bed with her and she confirmed that it happened.”“You cheated on our Mom, your wife and with that skank!” Jack bellows his face red he's so furious. “I don't know why you're angry, You're a part of this although in what way I can't figure out,” Tom shouts at Jack who looks taken aback. “I have nothing to do with this!” Chris looks at Jack as he scoffs at his words.John looks at Jack and it's in this moment that I know things ain't as
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Chapter 87
Molly Today has been crazy and yet the really fucked up thing about it all is that I can't even say that it's the worst day that I have had in my life. How the hell can so much happen in such a short space of time and how the fuck can I escape death three times in just a few days? God must really want me here. My mind drifts back to seeing Amy laying there lifeless on the rocks, it was awful to see, it doesn't matter how I feel about her I didn't want that to happen to her. Thankfully when Tom checked she still had a pulse and it stayed that way. After the paramedics arrived at the river they quickly got to work on her and got her rushed to the hospital. Chris went with her to give them all the details that they will need so that he can contact her parents then he's going to head home. Jack spoke to him not too long ago and she's still unconscious, she's fighting for her life and despite everything that she has done I still find myself hoping that she will be ok. As for everyt
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Chapter 88
Christian I'm so turned on by this woman that I feel like I'm about to lose my mind. The feel of her lips on mine and her body underneath me has gone straight to my cock and he wants nothing more than to bury himself inside of her and so do I but I will him to calm down while I try and tell myself to do the same. We've only been together for one day, it's way too soon for it to go that far. Hell, who am I kidding, I'd take her right here right now if she'd let me but I need to take it easy with her and respect her wishes whatever they may be. She is into this as much as me right now but that doesn't mean that she wants it to go all the way, there's a huge difference between kissing and sex and I'm not sure what's happening between us right now but I need it to clear before I push her too far only the moment my hand loses all control and starts exploring one of her beautiful full breasts she lets out the sweetest moan that I have ever heard and I instantly feel my restraint snap
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Chapter 89
MollyLast night with Christian was incredible. Sex with Archie was always good, real good but with Christian... Fuck it was hot, intense, passionate, and just something that I've never experienced before. The tingle of soreness that I have between my legs whenever I walk around also makes me smile as it's a constant reminder of one incredible night.I don't remember anything after we had sex other than him laying down beside me then I must have passed out. The man literally fucked me to sleep, yeah that's new for me too. He was gone when I woke up but after seeing the time I realized that I had slept in something that I haven't done in a long time and he was gone on the school run so I decided to get a shower while he was not here.I step inside the shower and hmm as the hot water relaxes my aching muscles, I don't remember ever aching so much after sex before so either I'm getting old now or Christian is a God in bed. If last night was anything to go by then I'm going with the latte
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Chapter 90
MollyIt's been almost two weeks since Christian and I got together and things are going so well that it's scary. We just work together in almost everything that we do, the kids and I are bonding amazingly and considering there are three children in our relationship we still seem to make more than enough time for some adult fun and God is it incredible, I swear it just gets better and better every time. If we keep things going like this then I see a very happy and bright future ahead of us all.Christian spoke to Amy's sister yesterday and found out that she has now fully recovered from her fall however she has sadly been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and has been placed in a mental health hospital to receive the help that she needs and despite everything that's happened I hope she gets better. After her fall Tom found her bag with the one million dollars still inside and we donated it to the town to help families who were affected by the Tornado, to help them rebuild, or just cover
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