All Chapters of Dabby & Zeus. Tales of the Two Kingdoms.: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
185 Chapters
61: Zaric's Outburst.
DABRIA'S POV:-My mom was back on the ground, her forehead was on the floor. She didn't dare to move anymore. The maids ran back towards the kitchen as Zeus' growl pretty much scared them off as well. My dad was staring at Zeus with wide eyes. I sighed as suddenly, Zeus had created a mess while we were having breakfast. Zeus stood up. I grabbed his hand to make him sit back down on his chair. He turned his head towards me. I shook my head with a pleading look in my eyes. Zeus patted my head and pecked my forehead. It was a signature that I should let go of him. I had gotten Zeus back years after. I didn't want to argue with him the very day that was nothing but a blessing for us.I let go of Zeus' hand. He stepped out and walked towards my mom. He knelt down on the ground in front of my mom. My dad, uncle Salvador and Aunt Rebecca also stood up, staring back and forth at Zeus and my mom. I also stood up and walked towards my dad. My mom raised her head and shivered in fear. She was no
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62: Intimate Games.
DABRIA'S POV:-We were sitting in the car. Ryan was driving the car. After that incident, none of us talked about it. Even Ryan heard Zaric's howls. But no one dared to ask Zeus anything. Once the car was near the borders of the territory, I turned to look at Zeus. He had his hand under his chin. He was staring at the horizon. I scooted over towards him and rested my head on his chest. He quickly wrapped one of his arms around me to hold me closer to his chest. Ryan suddenly cleared his throat loudly to get our attention. My cheeks burned as I heard Ryan. I hid my face in Zeus' chest. Zeus chuckled as he started patting my head gently.I heard a noise. I pulled my head out and found the back seat completely separate from the front seats. Ryan must have turned on the partition. Zeus pulled me back to his chest. "Zeus! Can I ask you something?" I asked him in a low tone. I was not sure if I should be asking that question or not. Because if Zaric really took control over Zeus' body again
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63: Jealous Dabria.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Zues couldn't help but chuckle as Dabria was trying hard to fix her hair and makeup. Zeus cupped Dabria's jaw and pulled her head up. He licked his thumb and started wiping the lipstick that smudged out of her lip line. Dabria's heart skipped a beat or two when she realized what Zeus was doing. Once he fixed her makeup, he fixed her hair as well. Once he was done setting her hair, he pecked her lips. Dabria got off of Zeus' lap. Zeus opened the door and set his own hair with the help of his fingers. Zeus stepped out of the car and held his hand for Dabria. With a wide smile on her face, Dabria took his hand and stepped out of the car. Zeus protectively wrapped one of his arms around Dabria's waist and pulled her towards the cabin Helenora lived in. A small smile appeared on Ryan's face as he looked at Dabria and Zeus. It definitely looked almost the same. The way Zeus was possessive and protective towards Dabria. He also showered her with love and hugs the way Ad
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64: I Call Upon Thy King Vlad.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-After Dabria and Zeus left, Helenora walked back into her cabin. She went straight to the basement where she kept all the magical potions, different ingredients to perform rituals and also fairy dust that she got from the fairy kingdom. She grabbed the wing of a dead Morpho blue menelaus butterfly. She grabbed the lavender flowers from a jar. A silver bowl and a wooden spoon. She stepped out of her cabin and started her journey towards the deeper part of the forest. She reached the middle part of the forest. She set all the ingredients on the ground. She still had the silver bowl in her hands. She went towards the tallest tree in the forest that was planted right in the middle of the forest.Helenora punched the log of the tree hard. A moment later, the dew drops on the leaves of the tree started raining on Helenora's head. She filled the bowl with the fresh dew drops. Once the bowl was half full, she went back towards the ingredients she had left on the ground. S
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65: Ryan and Helenora met again.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Hearing Helenora's question, King Vlad chuckled softly. "You don't have to be worried about it. It has nothing to do with your powers. The curse has created a kind of shield around him that is keeping you from reading Zeus' moves. He still has a bumpy road ahead of him. If he crosses that without any regressions, he will be able to completely free himself from that curse." King Vlad replied to Helenora in a low tone. Helenora sighed in relief as she heard King Vlad's words. She was glad that her powers were still with her. Because otherwise, there was no way she could ever carry on with the mission she was sent to Earth with. It would be impossible for her to complete her mission without her powers.King Vlad stood up and Helenora did the same. The clouds were starting to fly away with the wind. And King Vlad was supposed to fly back home before the light of the sun would touch the ground. He was called in an emergency. He had to follow the protocols. After all, h
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66: Celebrating Freedom.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-After Dabria and Zeus reached back home, Zeus shifted into his wolf form and went to hunt. He while Dabria suddenly started to feel weak. She felt like she was tired. Dabria went straight to her bedroom. She changed into her comfy clothes and went to bed. It took her a few seconds to fall asleep again. Zeus ran deep into the woods. He wanted to bond with Zaric. After all, Dabria made Zeus realise that Zaric had been lonely for centuries. And that loneliness was the only reason that he turned into a grumpy wolf. A grumpy wolf who was even paranoid sometimes. Zaric was afraid of being left alone. That made him do everything he could to make sure Dabria and Zeus would never leave him.He just didn't realise how much he was hurting them both. When he came to his senses, it was already too late. After living a few years alone, his fears became real. When Dabria left and Zeus stopped communicating with Zaric, he was all alone. Now that they were back together, Zeus knew
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67: Monstrous Dabby.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Growling loudly like an animal, Dabria lunged at Zeus. Zeus fell on the ground with a loud thud. He growled in pain as the back of his head hit the marbled floor pretty hard. Zeus opened his eyes to look at Dabria. Her eyes were black and her pupils were glowing red as if she was a demon. Her skin turned pale and dry. Her lips were red. Her fangs were longer than the fangs Zeus had seen on any vampires. Dabria dug her long and sharp nails in Zeus' skin. Zeus growled again in pain as her nails literally pierced into Zeus' flesh. She grabbed Zeus' wrists and pinned them above his head. She was staring at Zeus' neck while drooling hungrily."What are you waiting for? Take over right now. We need to control her." Zeus yelled loudly. He was suddenly so panicked that he forgot that he was supposed to just think about whatever he wanted Zaric to know. Zaric was also too shocked to see Dabria behaving like a wild animal, he almost forgot what he was supposed to do on a mo
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68: His Princess, Her Beast.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-A small growl of pleasure that escaped Zeus' lips. It sounded more like a prayer. Dabria was not sure what she was doing in the bathroom. She couldn't remember what actually happened. She just remembered that she was extremely tired from the trip they went on. And she didn't even have enough strength to eat anything. She just went straight to bed. And when she opened her eyes again, she found herself standing in front of completely naked Zeus. He had scratches all over his body. They had healed, but Dabria was sure that she saw scratch marks on Zeus' body. Dabria was confused. And she wanted to ask him what actually happened to him. But Zeus' body distracted her. The lust she was feeling for him had clouded her mind.But at that moment, she didn't want even different thoughts disturbing her. She suddenly felt a fire inside her body. Zeus chuckled softly as Dabria didn't leave a single spot on his face where she hadn't left a kiss. Dabria pulled away from Zeus as s
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69: Trusting Zeus Just Once.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-It took her a while to finally be able to control her tears. Zeus didn't stop her. He knew everything that happened between them, she still needed to throw it all out. Zeus let her cry as much as she wanted to cry. He was rubbing her back while rocking her back and forth on his lap as if she was a child. Once she calmed down, she pulled her head up. Her lips went towards the place where she was supposed to mark Zeus. Zues growled as he felt her lips on his neck. A small smile appeared on her face as she heard him growling. She knew ways to bring him on his knees in front of her. But at that time, she was not interested in making him kneel in front of her.She never wanted him to kneel before him. Dabria cupped the back of his head with both of her hands and started sucking his skin. Zeus grabbed both of her wrists tightly. With a sudden flip, Dabria was pinned with the metrus and Zeus was hovering over her. "It's fun to have some erotic moments with you, my Prince
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70: She Is Shifting.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-After taking a walk for a few minutes, Dabria started to feel her eyelids getting heavier. She was confused. She didn't know why she was suddenly so weak and sleepy. Zeus noticed her pace getting slower. "Hey, are you okay, princess? You look exhausted." Zeus asked Dabria out of concern. Although she wanted to spend as much time with Zeus as she could, her weakness was not letting her be with Zeus. Without asking another question, Zeus scooped her up in his arms. He carried her back into the palace. He took her straight towards the bedroom. Dabria had a lazy smile on her face as Zeus brought her into her bedroom. She was yawning lazily. She felt like she just wanted to sleep all day.Zeus gently tucked her in bed and covered her body with a warm comforter. He laid down on the bed beside her. As he wrapped his arms around her, Dabria moaned softly. She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Zeus was gently patting her back as if she was a little child he
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