All Chapters of Dabby & Zeus. Tales of the Two Kingdoms.: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
185 Chapters
71: I Would Rather Die.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Ryan was shocked as he heard about the bond Zeus and Dabria shared. It was surely something different from the bond Adrian and Eve shared with each other. Zeus' mad Dabria's bond was as different from Adrian's and Eve's bond as the difference between the water and the lava. "It makes sense now. It makes sense why Helenora was not that much worried about Dabria the way she used to be worried about Eve. Even after Adrian had claimed Eve as his mate. She knew everything from the beginning." Ryan thought while he was staring at Zeus' face. He was relieved a bit that somehow, Zeus was not very much like Adrian. He was different. But of course, he wanted to be sure.Hayden patted on Ryan's shoulder to bring him back to reality. Ryan turned his face to look at Hayden. Hayden had a worried look on his face. Ryan just shook his head to drop the topic. "If she is turning, it means we need someone to train her. She is not in her early ages. She is turning now. She is going t
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72: Opening Their Hearts.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Zeus had been waiting to hear those words for so long. But at that moment, he was just nervous. He was not as happy after hearing the news as he was supposed to be. He was clenching his fists while staring at the ground. "Everyone, please leave me alone with Zeus for a while. We need to talk. We will talk about the rest later. Please, leave us alone." Hayden asked everyone to leave Zeus and Hayden alone. Zeus raised his gaze towards Hayden. Everyone bowed their heads in front of Hayden and stepped out of the living room. Hayden walked towards the entrance of the living room and closed the doors. He turned around and signalled Zeus to sit down on one of the couches.Zeus sat down on one of the couches. Hayden sat down on a couch across the table. For a few minutes, Hayden was trying to read Zeus' face. "Talk to me, Zeus. I have known you since you were born. I have seen you grow and become the Alpha you are right now. There is no way you are not excited to go back
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73: Trip To Heaven.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Dabria moaned softly as she turned on her side. She scrunched her nose as she felt something tickling the tip on her nose. Groaning in annoyance, she slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times to set her vision. Her eyes widened as she was no longer lying on her own bed. She was lying in a wide garden. She sat up on the bed abruptly. "Don't be afraid. You are safe here." A familiar voice made its way to her ears and she sighed in relief. She turned her head towards the door of the room. She found Eve standing by the door frame. She had a small smile on her face. Dabria also smiled widely as she stood up from the bed.Eve offered Dabria her hand. Dabria walked towards the door frame and took Eve's hand. Eve grabbed Dabria's both hands and squeezed them lightly. "It has been a long time since we last chatted. It is time when we talk to each other about you. We have talked about almost everyone. But we never talked about you. I can smell the fear you have inside
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74: Meeting With Adrian.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Hayden cleared his throat as he turned around. He was also very shocked to see his daughter behaving that way. But at that moment, he decided to give them some space. "I think I should leave you both alone. I will be in the hall of throne if you need me, Zeus. Think about what we just talked about." Hayden spoke in a low tone. He insisted Zeus consider going back to his pack. Not that he wanted to kick Zeus out. He just wanted to make sure that Zeus was alright. He just wanted the best for both Zeus and Dabria. Zeus sighed and nodded his head. He knew that Hayden was right. Zeus had also missed his family so much. And he wanted to see them again. With that, Hayden stepped out of the living room. Zeus scooped Dabria up in his arms and she quickly wrapped her legs around his waist. Dabria wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and buried her face in the crock of her neck. She was sobbing quietly. "Hey, Princess. What is wrong with you? Why are you crying? At leas
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75: Seal The Deal.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Eve's eyes filled with tears as she remembered the past. It was not a coincidence. Adrian's words reminded her of the time when The Vampire King had attacked Cerberus territory. "You remembered that time, didn't you? It was the time when we were attacked. You were determined to stay behind because you didn't want to leave me behind. You faced the vampire king. How do you think you were able to face a vampire king who had been spilling blood for centuries? You might have been turned by me but you were a demon vampire because of your biological father. He was the collector of evil souls." Adrian spoke in a low tone while staring at Eve. Eve fell on the edge of the bed. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realised that she was indeed the reason why Dabria was facing Eve's dark fate.Suddenly, Adrian broke free and sat up on the bed. Eve froze in her place as he leaned towards her neck. Adrian inhaled her sweet scent as deeply as he could. "The only thing made me suspi
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76: Eve's Garden.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Dabria opened her eyes again and found herself lying in her bed. She was naked in the bed. She was lying on top of Zeus. As soon as their eyes met, a wide smile appeared on Zeus' face. "What happened? Why are we naked?" Dabria asked him in a low tone while looking around. Zeus sat up on the bed. He wrapped one of his hands around her waist to keep her close to his body. He leaned towards her neck. Dabria instantly closed her eyes and arched her neck. A soft whimper escaped Dabria's lips as Zeus kissed his mark on her neck. He already knew that she no longer felt any pain. The moan that escaped her lips was actually laced with pleasure she was feeling.Zeus pulled away from her and chuckled. He knew that it was impossible for her to hide her emotions. Especially whenever she was in front of him. "We completed the mating rituals last night. That's what happened. Helenora sent a message through Ryan. She said as the mating rituals will be over, the curse would be ful
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77: We Will Face Everything Together.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-With horrified looks on their faces, Dabria and Zeus were looking at Eve. She had this guilty look on her face. She was staring at the dampened ground. She didn't dare to look up at any of them. "Eve felt the changes Dabria was going through. Because after all, they are connected by their fates and their souls. To help Dabria, she went to ask Adrian if he knew anything. She was right, he knew everything. But in exchange for that information, he wanted Eve to live with him forever." Angel Azrael added in a low tone. He was still angry at Eve for even thinking about sacrificing herself yet again. Although she hated Adrian for everything he did to her, she was still ready to make that kind of horrible sacrifice just to save Dabria.Eve turned to glare and Angel Azrael. She didn't want him to share all that information with Dabria and Zeus. "It all started when Adrian had turned Eve. She was not a human being. She was half witch and half grim reaper. Eve never knew ab
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78: Welcome Back Home, Son.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Zeus and Dabria stepped out of the car. Zeus took a deep breath to calm himself down as he was staring at his mansion. Dabria intertwined her fingers with his. Zeus turned his head to look at Dabria. He forced a small smile on his face as he saw Dabria's smiling face. "You don't have to think that much before you step into your home. It is your home. And your family has waited a lot for you to come back. I think now, they should have some peace." Dabria whispered softly while stroking his cheek gently with the back of her hand. Her words seemed to have some power that gave Zeus strength. Taking another deep breath, he nodded his head at Dabria.Zeus knew that Dabria was right. Dabria squeezed Zeus' hand lightly. She looked ahead and pulled Zeus towards the door of the Kart's mansion. As always, the doors were open for the sake of the pack and the people. Dabria and Zeus stepped into the mansion. Zeus' heart was drumming erratically inside his rib cage. Ocean was
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79: Connection Between Eve & Dabria.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Dabria and Zeus looked at each other. Nervous smiles appeared on their faces. Zeus was not sure how, but he knew that Sam recognized Zeus back then when he came to Kart's mansion along with Dabria. "You never know what children are capable of. It is good that he wouldn't give you a hard time while getting attached with his uncle." Dabria replied to Ocean in a low tone. Ocean smiled and nodded her head. "Zeus! Where have you been all this long? We have been looking for you ever since you disappeared. We were worried about you." Moon asked Zeus in a low and worried tone. Moon didn't give up. He kept looking for his brother even though he had no hopes of finding his brother.Zeus never left any clues behind. The day Helenora had cursed Zeus, that same day he ran straight towards the Cerberus territory. But he never left his marks behind. He didn't want his people or his family to know what happened to him. But as he was back, he knew he had to tell his family what a
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80: I Need You To Trust Me.
THIRD PERSON'S POV:-Maria led Zeus and Dabria towards the second floor. Years later, Zeus was finally going to sleep in the room again. Zeus frowned in confusion as he saw Dabria walking towards the room in front of Zeus' bedroom. That was the same room Dabria always used whenever she visited Karts. Zeus grabbed her hand to stop her in the middle. "What do you think you are doing? Why are you walking towards that room now? We are mates and we have always marked each other." Zeus asked Dabria out of confusion. Dabria turned to look at Maria. Maria just narrowed her head and walked away. Maria never liked to interfere between the couple. Dabria and Zeus both knew well that Maria would never say anything between Dabria and Zeus.Zeus didn't wait for Dabria to respond to his question. He pulled her towards his bedroom. He locked the door and threw his luggage on the bed. "Zeus! I have no control over myself. I don't know what I should do. I am scared of hurting you. I feel like the next
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