All Chapters of Reckless Renegades Lug Nut and Ailee's Story: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 Chapters
Chapter 21
Ace  I didn’t wait for permission when I chased after Lug heading to the hospital. I was going to see my daughter and no one was going to stop me. I followed them to the hospital and to the elevator. When we entered Ailee’s room I felt my heart stop beating. There was my little girl looking so small and sick laying in bed connected to tubes and wires to keep her alive. I have seen Merigold and Lilly like this before and it hurt. Don’t get me wrong. I hated seeing them like that. But this was my own flesh and blood. Seeing her like this is devastating. I feel my chest tighten and it is hard to breathe. I wanted to go to her and hold her in my arms and never let go. All those months were wasted because I couldn’t get my shit right. This isn’t how I should be meeting Ailee again. Cormac whispers something to her and she opens her eyes. Even
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Chapter 22
Lug Nut  The door was cracked so I could hear everything Ace said to Ailee. I wanted to give them privacy but I also didn’t trust Acee one hundred percent yet. He would have to earn that back after what he did. Ailee would be here if he had gotten off his ass months ago. I listen to Ace tell Ailee that he was going to make her better. He said he was going to try to be a better father from here on out. But what got me is when he said he loved her. I looked around the corner of the door and saw Ailee looking at him. I don’t know what she said to him but he suddenly jumped up and hugged her. It looked like Ailee had forgiven him. That makes me smile. But not for Ace. I’m still pissed off at him for waiting this long. And for what. Even if he didn’t talk to her he should have gone ahead and donated his marrow so Ailee could survive to try to fix his fuck up. B
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Chapter 23
Ailee  I spent the night in Lug’s arms just where I wanted to be. Although I would have preferred to be at home instead of in the hospital.  But right now I have no control over my body. It has just given up. Not to mention my grandda wouldn’t allow me to go home right now. You are probably wondering why he is in control of what I do since I’m an adult.  When I first got sick I gave my grandda power of attorney over my medical decisions if I got in this state and could make choices for myself. When I’m like this I don’t trust myself to think straight and make the right choices. I made my wishes known to him and our lawyer so they wouldn’t go overboard in trying to save me if there was no hope. I don’t want to be kept on life support just to prolong the inevitable. But from what I have gathered my end isn’t happening as soon as I thought. I have b
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Chapter 24
Lug Nut  I watched Ailee being taken away and I felt a piece of my heartbreak. She was already weak and the doctors said she was just going to get worse. I stood at the door for a few minutes refusing to move. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look over and see Cormac behind me. “ It's tough to watch her go. I know lad. But trust she is in good hands. Ailee will be in there a while. Why don't you take some time for yourself? Grab a shower and a bite. One of us will call you if anything changes.” he said. I know he is right and I should at least get a change of clothes and some coffee. There is something I need to do first. I reach into my pocket and pull out the item I hope to give Ailee soon. “ I will do that in a minute, sir. There is something I need to ask you first.” I told him. “ Go ahead,” Cormac says. I take a deep breath and layout my heart. “ Corma
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Chapter 25
Ace  After I talked with Ailee and got set up with the doctors I went back to the clubhouse. I needed to prepare for tomorrow. I also needed some time to myself. Seeing my daughter brought back memories of my best friend, brother, and co-founder of the club. Raider, Merigold, and Viper's father. I have never admitted this to anyone but watching him lose his battle with cancer was hard for me to watch. Now watching my child fight the same fight brought back those memories as well as put in place new ones. No one should ever have to see their child like that. I’m still wanting to kick my own ass for not acting sooner. Even if Ailee wasn’t talking to me I could have made the donation, but no. I fucked up. And that is something I will never forgive myself for. And I shouldn’t. But in the end, my daughter forgave me. And I will work hard to make sure she never
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Chapter 26
Lug Nut  After three agonizing days Ailee is finally getting her transplant. Turns out it is very similar to a blood transfusion. I have watched Ailee be put on morphine when her pain was so bad all she could do was silently cry because she was too tired to scream. I have watched them put in a feeding tube when eating wasn’t an option.  I have watched her sleep for hours on end. I have watched her dry heave when she had nothing left in her stomach to throw-up. I have been by her side through all of it. I can handle a simple transfusion. The nurses hooked Ailee up about fifteen minutes ago now it is time to just wait and see what happens. Will Ailee’s body reject it or accept it?  I hope like hell her body accepts it. I can lose her. Ailee is my whole world and I’m not ready for her to leave me. I need Ailee more than I need air.
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Chapter 27
Ailee  I don’t know how long I have been out. The last thing I remember is saying bye to Lug. I knew my heart was slowing down and was going to stop soon. I could see the numbers on the monitor going down and I swear I could feel it as well. I was sure if the doctor would get here in time so I made sure grandda remembered our deal. He knew I didn’t want machines keeping me alive if there was no hope of me ever waking up. That is no way to live. And I wouldn’t truly be living.  He promised me if the time came he would let me go. I also had to say goodbye to Lug just in case. I want him to have a good life even if I’m not here to share it with him. I want him to find love again. I needed to know he was going to be ok. I wanted him to know I would always be here for him. 
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Chapter 28
Lug Nut  The day I got the call that Ailee was awake and asking for me after being unconscious for a week was an incredible feeling. When I walked into the room and saw her laughing I felt like the world just got brighter than it ever has before. To be able to sit and talk with Ailee. And to hear her say she was hungry was awesome. I watched each day eat little by little. I would help her walk around the room. It wasn’t far but Dr. Graves said it was very important for her muscles to get moving. A week after Ailee woke up Donavan came in. The first thing I noticed was he wasn’t dressed in his hazmat gear so that must mean something good. Add that with a smile on his face. And man did he make my day. They were moving Ailee out of the cleanroom. I jumped off the bed almost knocked  Ailee off and hugged him. After that, I made a bigger fool of myself by
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Chapter 29
Ailee  Being out of the hospital has been great. Don’t get me wrong, I was treated excellently by my doctors and all of the staff. I’m sure my grandda and guards had a lot to do with that since I was kept in the VIP wing. But I can’t stand hospitals. I have been in them enough to last several lifetimes. Getting home to my own space was relaxing. Lug has been by my side the entire time. The man has all but moved in completely. But you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I think he is just waiting for me to ask him to move in before he brings over the rest of his things. And I fully intend to do that tonight during the special date Lug has planned. He has been very secretive about what we are doing. He won’t even give me a hint. All he sai
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Chapter 30
Lug Nut  After I made sure Ailee was upstairs I turned to Ace. We have seen plenty of violence in our lives. Hell, Merigold has regularly beat the shit out of the skanks. And it has never bothered any of us. I like knowing the ol’e ladies can defend themselves. Considering two have been attacked. But Ailee took it to a new level. She tortured Deb.  I needed to make sure A e was good with what we saw. I can’t imagine it was easy watching his daughter inflict that kind of beat down.  I see Finn, Callen, and Viper standing near Ace talking. Finn and Callen can answer any questions Ace and Viper may have. My job is to make sure Ace doesn’t use this as an excuse to walk away from Ailee. I place my hand on his shoulder “  You good, brother?”&nbs
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