All Chapters of Reckless Renegades Lug Nut and Ailee's Story: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
48 Chapters
Chapter 31
Ailee  I couldn’t believe Lug proposed. I had not expected it at all. I had hoped we would one day but I never thought it would be so soon. It makes sense I guess since I’m his ol’e lady. From what the other ol’e ladies told me it happens but being married isn’t a necessity. To say I was surprised was not even in the ballpark. More like shocked, stunned, and thrilled by just a few things going on in my head. And of course, I was going to say yes. I’m not crazy. This man has my, heart and soul. The is no walking away from that. He has seen me at my worst, best, and on my death bed and hasn’t walked away. That shows me more love and devotion than any words he could say. But you know me. I had to put my own twist on it.   I look at the ring Lug ju
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Chapter 32
Ace  I was sitting in a back booth at the diner waiting for Ailee to show up for our lunch. I didn’t pick this place, Ailee did. I would have met her anywhere she wanted to go but she insisted she was craving their  loaded fries. And now that she can eat better there was no way I was going to try to change her mind. And I like it here so  that is a plus. Actually the plus is that I’m having lunch with my daughter. I have spent time with her the past two months in and out of the hospital. There were always several people around. This time I get to have her all to myself. I know Callen will be with her as usual but I doubt he will sit with us. I noticed that Finn and Callen will always be close by but they give Ailee as much privacy as they can. I have been looking forward to this all week. That is the main reason I’m here ten minutes early. I coul
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Chapter 33
Lug Nut  I was standing in the shower leaning my head against the wall . I had the massaging shower heads aimed at my neck to work the aches out of it. We had a big show coming up and Lilly was working us like crazy. I would never say anything to her because without her there is no way we would be as big as we are now. But moving all the equipment can make all your muscles hurt. I know Lilly must be feeling it as well because she works just as hard if not harder than the rest of us. I hope Tank is taking  care of her.   You are probably wondering why I haven’t asked Ailee to rub my neck. Don’t get me wrong she would if I asked. She has volunteered several times and she is good at it. But when she gets her hands on me it is never just a mas
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Chapter 34
Ailee  The wedding date is set and plans are being made. I can’t believe in six months time I will be Mrs. Travis Leblanc. I can’t wait. We are getting married in the fall. My favorite time of year. I love to see the leaves change. If it wasn’t for me agreeing to my grandda’s wishes for me to have a traditional Irish ceremony I would have married Lug the day after he proposed. I’m ready to be his in every way.  And I know ma would have wanted too. Grandda and da hired a wedding planner to help with the arrangements so I  don’t have to stress much. She takes my ideas and transforms them for me. Lug and I just have to show up for certain things like tastings and fittings when she tells us. I like it.   I did make it known I wanted some
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Chapter 35
Lug Nut  Watching Ailee get marked was a dream come true. Just one more step to making her all mine. The last thing is getting my ring on her finger. And that isn’t very far off. Six months isn’t long compared to the lifetime we are going to spend together. I’m not paying attention to Mick. The guy working on my tattoo. He has done some of my work before so I’m not worried. My eyes are glued to Tank and Ailee. Not that I don’t trust him. I trust the man with my life and my girl. I just like seeing Ailee’s tattoo come to life. Merigold has customized all the tattoos for the ol’e ladies but this  one Ailee put in her thoughts as well. Most ol’e ladies have the tattoo on their back or chest. Not my girl. She had Merigold make a gauntlet that starts from her wrist and goes about six inches up and wraps around her arm.  
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Chapter 36
Ailee  Today I’m at the bakery for a cake tasting. I wish Lug were here with me but the band is cramming in one final rehearsal before tomorrow's show. I understand how important the band is and these shows are. I got Lug’s thoughts on the cake. He didn’t really care about the design but the filling he said as long as it wasn’t lemon or Bavarian cream he was happy. And he didn’t want chocolate cake. The rest was up to me.  I don’t have a problem with that. Besides I brought back up with me.   The door chimes as we walk in and I see the wedding planner is waiting for us. I look around to get a good look at the place. The walls are painted a pale green with lavender trim. There are six glass cases filled with what looks like every treat imag
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Chapter 37
Lug Nut  We are in our best form tonight for the concert. Lilly is blowing them away with her voice and dancing even her pregnant belly isn’t stopping the fans from fawning over her. We are playing at the fair grounds to the biggest audience we have ever played for. This place is packed. When Lilly had told us about playing here I had my doubts about it. I didn’t think we could fill a venue this large but I did have faith in Lilly. She told us it didn’t matter if we filled it or not. We had loyal fans that would come and the only thing that mattered was the cause we were performing for. We are participating in a school fundraiser to help sports and music programs. Several schools around the area have booths set up from food, arts and crafts, gaming booths and auction items to help raise money to keep these programs running. 
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Chapter 38
Ailee  The feeling I kept having that something was  going to happen increased as we got to the clubhouse. But when I set my eyes on the sweet face of Katrina the feeling vanished in the air. I could see my poor Lug was lost in his head after finding out his cousin had died. Then to find out he was the legal guardian to her baby was too much for him. So I did what any good wife would do. I  stepped in and took charge. I did leave most of the decision on whether or not we would care for the wee lass up to him. If he wasn’t on board I couldn’t do it for him. I was happy he chose to take custody of Katrina. I couldn’t bear the thought of her going to foster care.  Don’t get me wrong I had  the  same fears as Lug on whether or not we
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Chapter 39
Lug Nut I woke up the next morning and I immediately knew something was off. First, Ailee’s side of the bed was cold. I look over and see Katrina isn’t in her playpen. How did I not hear them moving around? I never heard Kartina wake up last night. Did she sleep through the night or did Ailee attend to her while I was sleeping? Man, I’m slacking at this dad thing and it is only the first night. I toss the comforter off me and get out of bed. After using the bathroom I throw on some sweat pants and go hunting down my girls. My girls, I think to myself. Wow. I’m a dad now. And I’m about to be a husband. And I’m not freaking out. Ailee had talked about having children but I figured it would be a little ways down the road. I would get a year, maybe two of having Ailee all to myself. But life is strange. You never know what it is going to throw at you. I may not be sure what I’m doing but taking Katrina is never going to be a mistake. I walked down the hall to the living room. Off to th
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Chapter 40
Ailee After breakfast we all went to the living room to chat. More Like Lug and I were talking grandda and Anna were focused on playing with Katrina. I was watching Katrina not that I would ever be worried about her with grandda. He helped raise me into the woman I am today so I know Katrina is in good hands. I’m also paying attention to the way Anna and grandda are behaving with each other. The easy Anna was snuggled up against Cormac’s side. Her head on his shoulder as they played with Katrina. The sweet smiles grandda keeps giving Anna. I know I saw something when I woke up in the cleanroom months ago but they avoided the question. Everything got busy after that and since I didn’t see them together I have forgotten what I had seen. But not anymore. I want answers this time. And I’m going to get them. “ Are you finally going to tell me what is going on with you two? Or do I need to investigate myself?” I asked. It is clear they are interested in each other. I think it is wond
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