All Chapters of Chosen Mates, Stolen Fates: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
160 Chapters
Chapter 101
Kira“Are you ready?”Perrin puffed beside me. He was up early, his own mind racing about tonight’s patrol. I hadn’t slept a wink. I was up for most of the night, restless and staring at the ceiling. I didn’t want my thoughts muddied by that stupid potion as I’d have enough in my system soon enough. I was paying the price, my pace feeling slower than usual.I replied, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”“Any idea who you’re paired with yet?” he asked, breathing hard. We rounded a corner and started an uphill mile. It was still dark, the faint orange of the morning just teasing the horizon. “Nope. Janas just said it’ll be a new recruit. Somebody I don’t know well enough. Probably someone I haven’t sparred with.”“Who’s left?” He knew I had beaten nearly three quarters of the Alpha Guard by now.I wiped sweat off my face. “Not many. But Janas said it would be someone who wouldn’t know my scent either. That’s important.”Perrin nodded, grunting as we made the final ascent. “So that leaves…” his
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Chapter 102
KiraThe sound of his paws on the dewey earth were soft but rhythmic. He paced behind me, allowing me to lead.Well, at least he got that much right.We spent much of the first hour in silence, I set a brutal pace that had his wolf form panting. I only stopped once to allow him to catch his breath. If I kept this pace up, there was no way he’d be able to tail me in another few hours. The fiery orange of the sky I had welcomed this morning plunged to purple, then faded to navy of a starless sky. It was going to be a foggy night; a rarity for early summer. Luck was clearly in my favor. The less visibility, the better.Do you usually run this fast? The mind link stopped any hint of his heavy breathing to permeate his speech, but I knew he was pushing himself. I slowed just a fraction. Why, can’t keep up?Just curious. You seem to be running pretty fast. I felt the wolfish grin of pride spread across my lips. I was going fast. So?Just wondering what you’re running from.My paw nearly
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Chapter 103
KiraI ran. Hard. Not to punish him, but to silence the battle going on within my mind. There were no sounds except my own harsh breathing, which was beginning to match the ragged breathing coming behind me. There were no words except the periodic crackling of the radio in the quiet of the night.As agreed upon weeks ago, Mark had started issuing hourly notices as the time crept by. Janas had instituted it shortly after Ethan’s attack, making sure that each radio carried by a patrol pair had its volume turned up to hear any announcement. Ben had carried the radio tonight, strapped to his hind leg. Despite being my partner, that was one part of the plan that had gone off without a hitch. There was a reverse call button that could be pressed by a wolf’s paw, alerting headquarters of our location in case of danger without speech. It was meant for immediate purposes; could be pushed by either the wearer or his partner. Any need to really communicate required phasing and talking directly
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Chapter 104
KiraI stared down at my paws, the pads becoming raw: swollen and blistered. I sat back on my hind legs, clawed at my neck; my muzzle; the nose I had just pushed into the weeds. I could feel my throat clamping, my tongue feeling like it was too big for my mouth.I needed the sleeping potion. Fuck. I was going to suffocate first.I didn’t have time to blame Mark. To hate him for not realizing mint was everywhere. He knew about my allergies. How could he–No. Not enough air…I wheezed, coughing, struggling to pull any air into my lungs. Dizzy and nauseous, I urged my body forward, stiff legs refusing to cooperate. I grabbed the third bag with my mouth, just barely breaking it with my teeth. It burst within the box.Fuck.I pushed myself over the edge of the box’s side, forcing my muzzle to the bottom to lap up as much as I could. It wouldn’t be the full dose of the sleeping potion, but it would be enough. All the while my entire body was laying amidst the mint, the raw blistering fester
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Chapter 105
DeidreThe stretcher comes careening into the operating room, Jennivah steering with a frenzy. Her eyes are wild; nearly afraid. I’ve never seen her like this, even after Ethan.“What the hell happened?” I bark at her, putting on my own scrubs. I haven’t even shed my blazer. Jason called merely five minutes earlier. That was not part of our plan. This was not part of our plan.Jennivah parks the cart and I prepare myself for what I see. I do my best to separate the mother and healer. She’s just another patient. Just. Another. Patient. I turn to the gurney only to see Kira’s bloodied body on full display beneath the fluorescents. I am not prepared. My heart constricts and I force back the bile rising in my throat.My blood is all over her. Light scrapes cover her body, but she’s swollen. Red. And raw.Jennivah manages, “Irene is with Ben. He’s pretty shaken up.”“Is she stable?” My eyes don’t leave her body but I can hear how empty my voice is.“Yes. Mark used a cannula to keep her a
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Chapter 106
Perrin“Go,” Jesamine says. “Go to her. Now!”She pushes me out of her bed. I don’t hesitate.“Lo! LO!”But doesn’t wait, scurrying down the hall as fast as her aching legs will take her. I know her joints hurt. I spent the better part of this morning giving her entire body a massage.But she beats me somehow to the lobby– to the front doors. I see her disappear in a blare of red lights as she takes off in the back seat of Charlie’s waiting SUV. What have I done?I reach for my phone, trying to call her. It goes right through to voicemail.I have no choice. I run.**The back trails are dark, not yet lit by the morning sunrise. I realize that I have no idea what time it is; Jesamine had kept me company for hours, but it was out of…Friendship. I nearly stumble over a tree root in the trail as the thought crosses my mind. Have we really come to that? Are we finally through the stumbling awkwardness of what we once were, and finally turning the corner to something more–I see the wind
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Chapter 107
PerrinShe is all curves. More lush, more prominent; higher peaks and lower valleys. I had made love to her less than a day ago. But now? I feel like I’m exploring her body now as if it were our first time. I can’t believe how quickly she’s changing beneath my fingertips as I trace every inch of her.I know Lo. I know her heart. And in her careful, subtle way, she has made her point. It’s not truly because she seeks attention; she doesn’t feel abandoned or abused. Nor did she threaten me with the warning of our flame going out. Rather, she’s giving me pause to think, to check myself; to ensure that I don’t start down a path I can’t come back from. She wants to ensure that later, I don’t regret missing the most precious, milestone moments of our lives: the ones that I don’t forecast to want to remember, but she knows that I allow myself to be caught and carried away by other things. She always cares about our future, even if I’m tied up more in the present.I press my lips to hers, the
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Chapter 108
Deidre“Where is he?”I don’t give Mark time to sit down before I barked at him, anxious to check in on Ben. I sent Jennivah home the last hour: she was exhausted and needed sleep. And Irene finally arrived to relieve me after leading the morning meeting so I can go to Ben, who wasn’t in attendance. There are few healers I trust enough to monitor Kira. And now that her vitals are stable and the signs of her allergic reaction have passed, all we can do now is wait. I had calculated enough of the sleeping draught to make her sleep for two days. But with the adrenaline through her system, it could be any minute or as far off as tomorrow. And I’m not leaving this building until she wakes up.Mark grunts, “Down the hall. Private room 204.”I grab Mark’s hand and steer him the opposite way down the hall, winding through corridors and to my office. He yanks his hand out of mine and follows anyway. I slam the door when we’re inside. “What did Benjmain say?”“Not much. Nothing really except f
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Chapter 109
Deidre The meeting with Sinbad was painful. Exhausting. And no matter what Jason said, he wasn’t satisfied with our answers. He will be doubling his patrol on our shared borders until further notice, with mandatory check-ins with Mark or Janas every twelve hours. Goddess I’m exhausted. I trek back to my suite, hoping for just a few hours worth of sleep before I have to go do night duty. As obnoxious as Sinbad, I’m requiring Irene and Jennivah to text me hourly updates. Kira is still out cold. Knowing my luck she’ll wake up when I’m with Sirius tonight. But I can’t think about that right now. In the back of my mind I’ve been praying that I injected enough sleeping draught two nights ago to keep him out cold. I’m crawling into bed just as the door to our suite creaks open. “Cynthia? I need rest. Please postpone everything until tomorrow.” But then the door to our bedroom opens, and Jason slips inside. “I’ll make sure to tell her.” “Hah. Hah.” I say, pulling the sheets over me. “Ser
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Chapter 110
Deidre“A traitor?” The word is a strong one. Strong and full of treasonous implications.As if suddenly filled with new conviction, Jason nods. “Yes. But whether or not she did, someone would have had to… to do it to her. To the baby before he was born-or after it, I don’t know. But it’s the only way to explain his eyes.”I tread carefully. “Jason?”“What?”“If Sienna did know something, or even had something done to her–Sirius still came out okay, didn’t he?”“Okay?” He spits the word out, as if it’s filthy on his tongue. “You’re missing the point!”“And what point is that, exactly?”“There are several!”“Enlighten me”He shoots me a sharp look, as if I’m being stupid on purpose. “What would you do if you suspected Kyle had done something like that?” The question is unexpected, and gives me pause. “True mates,” he emphasizes, as if to drive home his point. “You think that Kyle could have ever done something like that and not come clean about it?”“Kyle and I had our own secrets,” I
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