All Chapters of Chosen Mates, Stolen Fates: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
160 Chapters
Chapter 81
PerrinAs soon as Janas is out of earshot, Kira turns to me, her face a mix of excitement and fear. “Are you serious?”“I’m not sure if you’re asking for an apology or–”“An apology?” She cuts me off. “Are you kidding? I’m thrilled! I won’t have to wear these stupid pieces of shit anymore–I mean, stupid things–I mean–” she’s circling now and it’s nearly making me dizzy. Lo laughs quietly in amusement, joy and approval in her eyes.“Yes,” I manage. “I didn’t tell you earlier–things just got a little crazy the last few days.”“Oh my Goddess I get it. Don’t worry. Listen–let’s talk later. I’m running late to the Lodge–even a meeting with the Alpha won’t be a good enough excuse for Seth. But–” she grabs my hand with both of hers, then realizing she’s shaking it like some stranger, launches herself on top of me in a giant hug. “Thank you.”And without another look behind her, she’s gone.Lo lets out a quiet giggle, watching Kira’s form retreat down the length of the hallway, her arms folde
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Chapter 82
PerrinThe carpet was soft beneath my back as I pulled Lo to me, welcoming her light weight on my chest. She kisses me softly, her lips warm and the heat of her body rivaling the small fire crackling behind us. “Are you sure you’d rather not wait to see the bedroom?” I ask.Lo pause, as if she hadn’t considered that. “You mean there’s more?”“We’re obviously not going to sleep in the kitchen…”She nips at my lip playfully. “I’m serious! You did everything?” I had the sudden, uneasy feeling that she was put out, despite her smile. “Not everything. I didn’t touch any of the spare bedrooms, which now I guess includes a nursery.”She smiles, then kisses me again, her pleasure evident as her lips pressed harder, pulling away with a delightful smacking sound. “Well. Before I get too carried away–”“Isn’t that the point? This is ours, after all–”She swats at my chest and sits up, straddling my hips. I wiggled mine suggestively and she swats again, grinning. “I’m serious. Can you let me fi
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Chapter 83
Perrin“We need at least another two weeks.”“Two?” Mark didn’t sound happy. But he wasn’t thrilled at the idea of the ruse either. But this wasn’t good regardless. “Kira’s learning everything just fine, but we need time to plant some things out in the territory in case she needs backup.”The room fell silent as my father nodded. “Deidre’s right. Our sense of urgency can’t outweigh our need to do this properly. Nobody can know.”Deidre hesitated, looking at Kira. “How about three? Just to make sure?” Kira nodded.“Wait–” I said. “When is the last time Kira has run patrol?”The room stills, then Mark offers, “Too long.” He slams his hands against the wall in frustration, then turns to look at all of us. “This isn’t going to work. Kira needs more time with the pack to build rapport.”Kira looks offended. “What do you think I’ve been doing for the last month and a half?”Mark’s eyes soften for a fraction of a second before hardening. “It’s good, but you haven’t run patrol with them. You
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Chapter 84
Jesamine“This show sucks.”“I know, but my feet are tired. Let’s watch another episode.” That much was the truth. Gowan had me walking three times a day after Perrin left each morning. Not only did our recent discussions about leave me even more exhausted than usual, but the child in my stomach was actually growing now. Delayed of course, according to Jennivah, but he was growing. Slowly and steadily draining every inch of energy I had within me.“Fine. But if that weird vampire with the guy-liner comes back on, I’m out,” Jack whined.“You’re just mad because he’s so good looking.”“The casting is stupid. They don’t even look like brothers.”Jack and I have been holed up here most afternoons. I finally got a TV, thanks to much prodding from Gowan. While he trains and does whatever physical exercise in the afternoon, Jack and I relax. Over the course of the last week, we’ve settled into a surprising routine. When Gowan’s not here, Jack’s here. When Jack’s doing his own physical therap
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Chapter 85
DeidreDEIDRE: Remind me to ask you about a step-open trunk.MARK: Excuse me?DEIDRE: It’s for you-know-what. Kira can’t open… things when her paws are… not hands.MARK: How big?DEIDRE: Enough to fit a grocery-bag sized amount of stuff.MARK: Your level of specificity astounds me.DEIDRE: Can you do it or not?MARK: Probably.DEIDRE: Your level of specificity astounds me.I watched as the bubbles appeared and disappeared as he wrote, then thought better, of his text. Good.MARK: Yes, can do it. And stash it, I’m guessing?DEIDRE: Yes. It will contain what she needs.MARK: I’ll talk to Janas tomorrow. Good night.As if I would have a good night. I threw my phone down, not even flinching as it crashes to my wooden desk. It lay back in the desk chair and my hands through my loose hair. I have spent the last twelve hours plotting, only to realize in the last hour that Kira wouldn’t be able to open up the glass vial of sedative in her wolf form. Stupid, stupid, stupid! But at least we had
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Chapter 86
Deidre No. No no no. I had no time to consider the implications of the Chiyad Beta Challenge. No. I had to focus. Think think think! I withdrew from my husband’s office under the guise of unfinished work and returned to my own. I close the office door behind me, barely able to breathe. What had I just agreed to? Was this completely insane? Taking over for Mistra? No. This was stupid. No! It was the only reasonable option. I had to honor her. What was I thinking? This was insane. Memories swirled to the surface, dense and unstoppable like ink added to water. I fought to stave off the haunting vision of Sienna’s face, but it was no use. Like weeks before, the memories flooded into my mind, this time crisper; more intense, long-forgotten details materializing before me with stunning clarity. Years before A knock sounded at the door. “May I come in?” Said a soft, melodic voice. “Luna?” I rose reflexively. “You shouldn’t be out of bed–” She waved a dismissive, gentle hand
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Chapter 87
Mark No. No no no. I take a deep breath, unable to go back to patrol now. I was only manning the desk, but… Fuck. Nobody apart from Mistra had… well, since Kyle had…. Fuck. I made my way back to my office, slamming the door. Everything, everything had come crashing down that day, in this office, Kyle’s office. I tried to shake the cascade of memories, but I couldn’t. My fingers are shaking, nearly twitching. Itching for something that’s not there. I put my head in my hands, willing it all to stop. Wanting the visions and the memories to recede. But they won’t. They come crashing in full force, just like they had a few weeks ago. Twelve Years Ago “Has he called in yet?” Janas asked. “Yes,” I lied, scribbling nonsense on my clipboard. I shifted uneasily. Kyle hadn’t checked in from his last two checkpoints, and I had faked radio static so that Janas wouldn’t know. I knew that Kyle wasn’t really running patrol tonight, but rather was on a separate mission tonight for the Al
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Chapter 88
KiraHis skin was warm, his chest smooth. Hardened with surprising muscle. Could books really do that to someone?His lips were on my neck, his hands pressing my lower back into the hardness at his waist. The moan that escapes me is loud–harsh–filling the room with charged intensity. His hands grip my ass, squeezing me into his hips.I’m whimpering. Whimpering. Hoping that he touches me.When he inserts a finger I can’t stop the sound from escaping my throat. I’m no longer in charge. It’s as if he has complete control over me, his fingers coaxing everything he wants and everything I want to give.The sound of his zipper and our breathing is the only thing that fills the room. His pants drop to the floor and he pries my legs open, demanding entry with his–“KIRA?”The pounding of the door rattles my senses. What the–“KIRA!” For fuck’s sake. I squint, looking to push the hair from my eyes only to realize my hand is between my–Fuck. I was having…Goddess damnit.“Coming!” I shake my h
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Chapter 89
Deidre The knock came quietly. I glanced at the clock. 9:00 sharp. Smart she-wolf not to keep me waiting. She opened the door, once again remarkably clean. Good. I didn’t want anything staining my pristine cashmere carpet. I gestured to the chair opposite my desk without a word, then opened a large drawer within my desk and pulled out the briefcase of medical supplies I had snagged from the infirmary earlier. Mistra’s dark eyebrows rose. “You just keep that on hand?” I glared, then took her wrist, pushing her loose, dark purple sleeves back to examine the veins of one arm. I clicked my tongue, reaching for the other arm to assess. “This one,” I said, pushing back her second sleeve with a forceful yank. I began to prep her arm and sterilize the area in silence. Breaking it, she said, “Your bedside manner could use some work.” I shot her a look that said, “Really?” before shoving the needle into her forearm. “Ouch!” “Do you make this much noise when you visit Sirius?” The force w
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Chapter 90
DeidreIf this night wasn’t already surreal, I wouldn’t have believed it. Here, in the depths of a cave, I would meet him. Finally, after all these years.Jason had shielded me from duty as much as possible–but this trek? Hiking here every night? It was…“Ready?”No. That much was clear. But I nodded.One last steel gate stood before us, and Mistra held a key aloft from her pocket. I eyed her cautiously, pointing a thumb over my shoulder. “Are the three gates not enough?”Her lips pursed before answering. “Yes. Though this one is a… a formality.”I blinked. “Excuse me?”“You understand that he’s nearly twenty-four years old, correct?”I sputtered. Had time really gone that quickly? “Of course I do.”“Then you’ll understand,” she drawled, “that he’s entitled to his privacy.”“Privacy?” I spat, on uneven footing both physically and mentally. “How much more private could it get in here?”“Sienna wished that he live with the dignity he deserves,” Mistra said smoothly, but her eyes flashed
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