All Chapters of Chosen Mates, Stolen Fates: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
160 Chapters
Chapter 71
Kira“Where are we eating?”Perrin just grumbles, mentioning that he made a private reservation for two at one of his favorite restaurants. He makes a call, somewhat defeated, and then hangs up from Corbellas–a fantastic Italian place– muttering something under his breath about wanting to claim the restaurant for a better memory… whatever that means. I feel bad. He was so in control just a moment before, and now, he’s all flustered and sad.“I can always back out,” I offer, not wanting to upset him. It’s clear that he still has a lot of catching up to do with his mate, and this time, in public.He rubs the back of his neck as we walk to the parking lot. I’ve got my bike, and Charlie is waiting for him. “It’s fine. She’s already invited someone else.” I can’t help but see how dejected he looks, and that makes me annoyed. “Why would she invite someone?”He sighs. “She said it’s someone she wants me to meet.”“Someone here that you don’t know?” That sounds doubtful. He shrugs. “I gues
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Chapter 72
Perrin “Don’t even think of going anywhere,” I scold, escorting Lo to the bathroom and calling to Kira over my shoulder. We made it back to the pack house, having to stop twice for Lo to throw up on the side of the road. Kira scoffs and flops onto my bed, then, after thinking better of it, goes and sits in my armchair by the large window. I lead Lo into the bathroom, placing towels on the floor around the base of the toilet. She’s white as a sheet and sweat covers her forehead, but she’s still smiling at me. “I’m so sorry,” she mumbles before diving into the toilet once more. “You have nothing to apologize for,” I say, holding back her hair. “Was it the food?” She pulls herself upright and wipes her face with a towel. “I’m sure it’d taste great, just the smell… I was kind of getting light headed and the next thing I know, I’m nauseous. “Well, it’s a good thing we got out of there beforehand.” She looks at me, and it’s clear she understands my meaning. We don’t need anyone notici
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Chapter 73
JesamineI was just about to drift off to sleep when there’s a knock on the door. I’ve been in a foul mood ever since Lo and Perrin’s visit earlier and was just trying to clear my mind with a long-overdue nap.“Who is it?” I mumble.The visitor knocks again, unable to hear my groggy question.“Who is it?” I call louder.The door opens, and to my complete surprise, Jack hobbles in, supported with a crutch on one side. I heard rumors of his alleged injury the night of my own attack before the Sacred Call, but I hadn’t so much as seen or heard from him. Not that we’re friends or anything. Hell, Perrin barely was. And besides, Goddess knows I’ve had bigger things on my plate. But I knew from Jennivah that he was in here healing from a pretty messed up leg injury.“May I come in?”“Sure.” I sit up in the arm chair and adjust the blanket I have pulled over me. “Actually, can you kick up the thermostat?” I gesture underneath the blanket, pointing t== to the far wall. Jack hobbles over to th
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Chapter 74
KiraFor the second time in a few days, I find myself at the door of the archives, poised to apologize to Ben. Only this time, my heart isn’t in it.In fact, it barely feels like it’s in my chest.It’s not that I don’t believe he deserves the apology. I was a total bitch at dinner. I know that. But the other night, I felt the need to be honest and candid and explain everything. Tonight? I want to be here and be gone as soon as it’s over. No lingering, no nothing.I open the archive door. It’s not locked, as there’s still a half hour left until closing. “Hello?”Marge’s voice greets me. For the first time, I see her standing in the atrium, briefcase in one hand and her coat slung over her arm. She’s clearly on her way out for the evening. Curious, given that she didn’t enjoy Ben taking any responsibility the last I knew of it.“Ah. Kira.” Her voice is stilted and nervous, despite her stoic professionalism. I feel bad. I did this. I blew up and left and went to drink and that’s how I l
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Chapter 75
Deidre “Good evening, Luna.” “Good evening, Benjamin. I hope you had a good day.” He winces as if in pain, but then politely smiles. I pull up the sleeves of my baggy sweatshirt and take off my hat, smoothing my hair. The evening was warmer than I anticipated. He asks, “Do you really need the cloak and dagger?” I laugh. “It’s just easier this way. Peace is harder to come by these days it seems.” “I understand.” I’m not sure that he does, but don’t question him. The nice thing about our arrangement is that he hasn’t once sent me away or asked too many questions. I’d like to keep it that way. “Where will you be setting up this evening?” He asks this question every night I’ve come here, and every night I give him the same answer. “It’s been a few evenings since you’ve been here, so I wasn’t sure if you made progress on your project.” True. Ever since the arrival of the Chiyads, I’ve been extra careful and haven’t been by. “Unfortunately I haven’t made any progress on it since I
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Chapter 76
KiraThe next morning, I got up early and went for a long run. Perrin met me just after dawn and it felt good. Really good. Like I was hitting some type of rhythm again, shoes digging into the trails and dirt and mud flinging up my shins. “Are you getting faster?” Perrin puffed as we crested a hill.“You’re getting slower.”“Not hardly. Seth has been kicking my ass as much as he’s been kicking yours.”“Then why are you eating my dust?”I launched into overdrive at the top of the hill, nearly careening down it at break-neck speed. I could hear Perrin hot on my heels, the excitement of his voice in a near shout from the thrill of running almost uncontrollably. “Are you trying to kill us?”“Not this morning,” I grinned and shouted back over my shoulder. It was a beautiful morning. Full of promise. Full of potential. I was going to see my brother today, and spend the first meaningful time with him since he arrived. It didn’t matter that he was leaving shortly after that. I was going to s
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Chapter 77
KiraMy head hurts more than I care to admit. Whether from the anxiety or riddles Irene planted in my head, I don’t know. What I do know is that I have two hours of training with the Luna before I get to see my brother for lunch. And I physically can’t wait.There’s something about having a twin that’s comforting. Is it possible to have a mate of just the mind? And not in a gross, intimate way, but in a, you-know-each-other-because-you-basically-share-a-brain-and-don’t-even-need-a-mind-link, kind of way? He may have gotten under my skin the past few years, but he’s my brother and I miss him, so much more than I realize.“Hi Cynthia,” I say, scooting down the hall towards here. I flatten out my blazer, having just changed in the bathroom. It’s wrinkled, but at least I remembered it. I glance down, trying to smooth out the wrinkles. “I’ll wash these before I return them I swear.”Cynthia greets me with a wink. “Do you have the list for me?”I produce a crumpled menu order ticket from my
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Chapter 78
KiraThe glass holding my milkshake falls to the floor in an explosion of broken glass.“You’re what?”Ethan repeats himself. “I’m competing for Beta.”“Are you insane?”“Last time I checked, no.” He scratches his short beard. “But it has been awhile since I’ve had my head examined.”“Oh stop it!” I hiss, trying to keep my voice down. “But you just found out Gowan wasn’t coming back! How the hell did you tell Eli that you were going for it?” I give him another look, and it registers. “Wait. You expected him to turn Justin down, didn’t you?”He shrugged, glancing over his shoulder. We were in here alone now, Dina and the other kitchen staff on break between the lunch rush and dinner preparation. “I didn’t expect him to turn Justin down. Nor would I want that, thank you very much. He’s my mate and I never want to see him hurt.”“But you knew somehow, didn’t you? You wouldn’t have said something to Eli if you were certain. What gives?”He shrugs again. “I just had a feeling.”“And I jus
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Chapter 79
Perrin“Who else is coming?” Mark asks.Me, Lo, Janas, and my father were all squeezed into my father’s office. Not that it wasn’t a spacious room. But nobody besides my step-mother or Mark stood anywhere next to or behind the Alpha’s desk. And right now, Mark was occupying a space alongside the filing cabinet with his arms folded. That didn’t leave much room for the rest of us.“Kira,” I mention. “I think she was having lunch with Ethan.”“Here!” Kira calls, nearly sliding through the doorway and stumbling over her own momentum. She barely catches herself and lunges for Lo’s sleeve, who keeps her from falling. Kira straightens and shoves the rolled sleeves of her wrinkled blazer up her arms and offers a disheveled smile. “Anybody else?” Mark drawls, unimpressed.“Deidre,” my father replies, eyes still trained on his laptop. “She is?” She wasn’t who I asked Mark to invite here today. But I’m not entirely surprised, however. To be fair, Lo isn’t either, but it makes sense for her to
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Chapter 80
PerrinMy father sits down and immediately rubs his temples. “So help me Goddess Perrin if you impregnated a third she-wolf I’m going to cut off your–”“No!” But the denial is shouted by more than just me. Lo and Kira stand on either side of me, looking equally repulsed.“Kira.” I say simply, trying to recover. “It’s about Kira. And her secret.”“What?” My beta’s head snaps as she turns to look at me, clearly surprised. I can feel the suppressed confusion in the room. “Kira is going to be my Beta, and I think it’s time we allowed her to be who she truly is.”Deidre instantly interjects. “I’m working on her–”I raise a hand, and to my complete surprise, she stops talking. “I’m not talking about interfering with her training–or her wardrobe, for that matter.” It’s only right to speak plainly, and wish no shame. “I’m talking about who she is. She has no reason to hide the real her.”I refuse to look at Kira. I don’t want her to think of this as some personal favor. It’s the right thing
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