All Chapters of The Shrewd King: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
147 Chapters
Chapter 111 - The Kingdom of Owusu
The Kingdom of Owusu looks like a stunningly beautiful opera, draped in rivers, forests, and nature. As I get closer to the main castle, I can smell the sweet aroma of orange groves and crisp, fresh air. Everywhere I gazed, I saw an expansive sea of green trees that seemed to stretch for miles and miles. Inanna and the other vampires join us as we move along. The dense woodlands provide a sense of security. The trees reach high in the sky and cast shade and shadows over the land. It might have been the reason Bryer chose this Kingdom to hide in–the cover it provides allows him to slip away without being noticed by unwelcome onlookers or listeners. “Well, this is massive,” Harbin whispers beside me. He insisted on coming, knowing the underground trove of books in Owusu. “You are still only seeing stones, Harbin,” I remark. He grins at me. I know he is excited about books alone. As the portcullis lifts, granting us entrance into the fortress, my tho
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Chapter 112 - Vampire Hunt
From sunrise to sunset, we investigate the woods and its surroundings for any signs of vampire activity. After that, we meet up in several spots to report what we find. We have also setup a few traps in strategic areas, just in case a vampire decides to make an appearance. It was late in the night and a tense silence fills the room when Inanna rises from her chair. Her voice is a gravelly whisper as she pulls her cloth blindfold that obscures her vision. "Bryer knows we are here," she hisses. “How did he find us?” Klevon asks. She turns around and looks at Klevon, who has an expression that shows that he doesn’t want to believe her. “How?” Klevon repeats her question with a hushed voice. “Are you sure?” She nods and grits her teeth before answering, “Yes, I am sure. Bryer finally felt us. He is getting more powerful.” “Shit.” Klevon grunts. “The search will become harder then.” “Is there no other way to find this va
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Chapter 113 - Blood of the Ancient Kings
We move out and shiver as we step out into the cold, early morning air. Only me and Klevon, though, since the three vampires seem to relish the chilly air. We follow Klevon to the library where they had the Magic Sensor. As Klevon warned, it took us four hours to reach our destination. Thankfully, the Owusu’s built it in a less chilly place. In fact, dewy grass is underneath our feet. Klevon leads us through a cobblestone path where some elm trees–which nature pruned into eerie shapes–flank us. Klevon is telling us how much he likes the place because he can be alone and can practice his swordsmanship any way he wants. As we come closer, the library comes into view. The said library, however, does not look like a library. It only has a small door that is only four feet in height. As Klevon opens it, the smell of old parchment and leather-bound books greets us. “Pardon the musty smell. I am the only one who likes this library,” Klevon says. Klevon stoops down and enters through th
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Chapter 114 - Tracking
I am stunned by what Gezer said. I can’t believe it to be true. And so my gaze flicks back and forth between the three vampires, trying to understand the implication of what he just said. “You are kidding, right?” I ask. On the other hand, I also think that his words are valid and sensible. “We are not. You can do it here. We’ll be outside.” “What the hell are you saying?!” I shift my attention to Klevon. “Hey! Tell them how absurd of an idea this is!” “Don’t worry, Kaiya,” he starts. “It’s fine with me. Just say the word, and I will do it. You don’t need to do anything extra for me. I will do all the needed work. You missed my fingers inside you, right?” he teases, winking at me. “Klevon! This is not the time to kid around!” “It’s the same as all the other kings. Theo has been doing it too despite knowing that it will hurt you,” he smirks. “Do it for duty.” I scowl at him. “Duty?!” His expression right now does not seem like he will do it for duty! Then he guffaws. I glare at
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Chapter 115 - New Vampires
The wind howls until it seems to announce the presence of an unseen entity. I could hear it rustling through the bushes, stirring up a flurry of leaves that dance in the night air like frightened wraiths. Something is out there, watching us. I could feel its malignant gaze upon us—Vampires. Its hunger for our warm blood is palpable in the air. “Whew! Vampires really give me the chills,” Klevon comments as he grips tightly on his sword. I prepare my knife and coat it with my fire magic. Klevon is right. The presence of these vampires is sinister, much more than the original vampires with us. “They’ve drained dry a couple of humans already,” Inanna whispers. “That’s why their presence is like this. Feel the difference?” “I do,” I respond. Then there’s the sound of wings. The heavy flapping grows louder as the second passes. “That sounds like wings,” I remark this time. “I never saw you use your wings before.” “We have wings, but we don’t need them because our jumping ability can
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Chapter 116 - Bryer Clark
I sense Ninus bristle at the insult. He leaps towards Bryer, a furious scream on his lips, and swings his blade through Bryer’s arm. Bryer grunts as his blood splatters. Ninus grabs his throat and pins him against a tree. With an effortless motion, Bryer pushes Ninus off of him with one hand as he stabs at Ninus’ stomach with the other. However, Klevon already acted as support. He dashes towards Bryer and prevents him from doing any massive damage to Ninus. They continue to struggle until the three of them separate. Klevon stands back while Ninus and Bryer continue their battle. Bryer’s arm is bleeding while Ninus is clutching his stomach. Klevon grunts. “Seems like my showing off is done. Now, it’s Ninus’s time.” “So you admit that you are just showing off,” I say. Klevon looks down at me and grins. “Did it work? Did you like me a little more?” I scowl at him. “You do realize that Ninus is fighting against another original vampire?” “I know,” he says. He pinches my cheeks, an
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Chapter 117 - Renewal
I watch when Klevon opens his eyes. He seems confused, and when he gets up, he groans in pain. I approach and lean over him. “You got wounded yesterday, Klevon,” I say. “You need to take a rest.” His eyes focus on me, and he beams. “Well, good morning to you too, beautiful,” he greets. I sigh. “It’s not morning. It’s already nighttime. I just had my dinner.” His eyes travel around. We are back in the inn, but Inanna stayed with Gezer and Ninus at the underground library. The inn is in the closest village to the library. The room has double beds and a single window where moonlight shines through. “And the three vampires?” he asks. “At the library,” I answer. He tries to stand up, but his arms tremble. “Damn! That Bryer got me really good. How about my weapons?” “There,” I say, pointing at his sword and whip. There are also a couple of knives and firepower. “You got a couple of them hiding in your clothes. Thankfully, I didn’t trigger any of your bombs.” He grins. “You dressed
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Chapter 118 - Back to Business
“Stop kissing me in inopportune times!” I complain while evading his kisses. “Then, I can kiss you during appropriate times?” “No, of course not! There are no appropriate times for your kisses!” Klevon guffaws. “Well, I was hoping that the more I kiss you, the more you can accept that you are better with me, Kaiya.” “Stupid,” I say, yet I keep my distance. I climb onto the bed and proceed to sleep. Sometimes, it’s better to just ignore his advances. As dawn breaks, I wake up refreshed and ready for another day. Last night, I dreamed about Theo. Even if I should not, I am missing him. I miss his hugs and kisses. I miss the way he caresses me, and even the way our skin touches. I am about to sit up when I realize that Klevon is sleeping next to me, with his massive arms over my chest. I groan audibly. I shake his shoulder until he awakens and stretches like a cat. He grins when his eyes focus on me, which I answer with a grimace. He seizes my hand and kisses my fingers. “Good mor
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Chapter 119 - Mixture of Blood
We sent a letter to Theo, telling him that we would journey to Stine to search for Bryer. We also told him the other reasons we will go there. I told him not to worry and assured him I was being careful while having the most amazing adventure. I also add that Harbin stayed at Owusu and will return to Pitchford on his own. I know there will be danger, and I already miss him. Yet, I can’t help the feeling of excitement. They said that the Stine Kingdom is a land of ice and snow. There are also strange and magical creatures that inhabit their snowy mountains. It is a wonderful Kingdom of tundra and ancient beings. After traveling for weeks, we set foot on the snow-covered ground of Stine, only it isn’t just ice and snow. It is something magical, something almost ethereal. As we trudge through the snow, snowflakes glow brightly in the night sky, illuminating our path. “This is definitely a perfect place for vampires,” Gezer comments. But Klevon responds with a, “I thought the undergro
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Chapter 120 - Abandoned Village
As we move toward the center of the Stine Kingdom, we come across an abandoned village. The instant we step into its boundary, the air becomes filled with a heavy, oppressive silence. Everywhere we look, the houses are empty, with windows and doors left open to the elements. However, there is no crumbling in the structures. There are also no weeds and overgrown ivy that hang on the houses, which means it’s not too long since this village was deserted. “Pretty bad,” Gezer comments. “Where are the villagers?” Ruth whispers. I watch Inanna. She is surveying the area, and her gaze eventually settles on a small home nestled on the edge of the village. We follow her as she draws closer to the dwelling. The door is ajar, the same as the other abandoned houses. “There is some faint scent of humans within,” she whispers. She raises her arms and warns, “Stay back.” Then her eyes fall on Ruth. “Being the only human in our group, will you please approach them?” Klevon interjects, “But I am
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