All Chapters of The Shrewd King: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
147 Chapters
Chapter 131 - Harmonize
I knock on Klevon’s room. When I hear his faint, “Come in,” I push open the door.I swallow as I watch him sitting against the wall. He is absently caressing his bottle of liquor. His eyes are on the window on his right, watching the rainwater run down against the windowpane.“Welcome back, Kaiya,” he whispers, shifting his attention to me. “Ready for another round?”He stands up, places the bottle on the table, and undresses before climbing onto the bed. I move towards him and sit on the side of the bed.Removing my clothes, I say, “You will need to tie me up on the bed, Klevon.”“What?”I look at him. He is completely naked. He really is a huge, muscular man. I am sure that other women will find him attractive. I just hope that I can do it now that I no longer have the mate bond with Theo.Completely baring myself to him, I sit before him on the bed. I glance at his crotch. Even without doing anything, he is already erect.“You need to tie me up on the bed so I won’t run away from y
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Chapter 132 - Flicker
My gaze lingers on Seth, admiring his handsome features and feeling my heart quicken with an undeniable desire. I hate myself for succumbing to this. It feels so wrong, yet I can’t help but be drawn to him. No! I’d instead mate with Klevon rather than this flippant guy! I need to put an end to this fast! “I, Kaiya Pitchford, am brea—” “Wait!” he screams. “Why are you so fast in trying to break a mate bond with me?!” “I am breaking—” “I said stop!” he screams as he runs towards me and clamps his hands on my mouth. A sense of electricity runs through my veins at the contact of our skin. Desire. Just as heightened as I felt with Theo. It is making me angry! “Oh wow, that’s amazing. I had never felt such a desire for a woman. Are you feeling this too, Kaiya?” he asks. I want to deny it, but something inside me screams out for him. I can feel my heart wanting to burst from my chest with the desire to touch him as if a beast in h
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Chapter 133 - Oath
I follow Theo into his room. He is not speaking to me, and I can sense his anger growing as Seth tells us his plan. He opens the door to his room and enters. I am about to enter too when he bars my path. I look up at him, and his eyes flash as he glowers down at me. His fists are tightly clutching the frame of the door. “Theo...” I whisper. He radiates waves of anger, and I am suffocating from it. I don’t get it. When we broke our mate bond, I thought I had his trust. I told him, right? That with or without the mate bond, I will always love him. “Theo, are you jealous?” I finally ask, breaking up the silence between us. “Who would not be jealous?! You have a mate bond with Seth, and you plan to go with him to Orttenburg!” I touch his forearm, but he slaps my hands away. Instead, he groans and enters his room. He sits heavily on the couch and leans his head on his arm. I enter, closing the door behind me. I kneel before him
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Chapter 134 - Sensations
Wiping my mouth, I watch him tremble until his orgasm dies down. Breathing heavily, he covers his eyes. “Seriously, Kaiya. Do you want to kill me before you leave?” “Did you enjoy it?” I ask. He suddenly moves and pushes me down on the couch. “Enjoy it? Are you kidding? I almost died with pleasure there.” I beam at him. “Now, I am unsure if I should do it again.” He raises my legs up and places them on his shoulders. I watch him, and he grins at my anticipation. Then he slides his member between my legs. With each thrust, I feel like I am going higher and higher. Every time his body presses against my legs, it releases a wave of pleasure that washes over me. When I can no longer control myself, I scream out in pleasure as I climax. “You liked it too,” he states. His lips find my neck, and he begins to kiss me passionately. His hand explores my body and teases me in the most intimate way. I catch hold of his face and
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Chapter 135 - Cord
I am on all fours, his erect member is between my legs while we share a passionate kiss. Both of us are lost once again in the sensation of our embrace. My body is on fire as he moves his hips against me. I can feel myself becoming more aroused. I moan aloud, feeling too sensitive at each of his thrusts.His fingers play with my chest, and then slowly, his hand moves further down my body. He reaches for my center, and my pleasure grows intense. I close my eyes as I feel the warmth and electricity of his fingers exploring me. I savor every movement, his body pressing against me.After all the touches and thrusts, I feel like I am going to lose control again. I want more and more. Theo seems to sense it. He presses harder, sliding faster between my legs. His rhythm is perfect until another wave of pleasure passes through my body.Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Theo releases his grip, and I feel his body slump against me. He’s heaving, pant
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Chapter 136 - Masquerade
The journey to Orttenburg was as uneventful as Theo wanted, but it was anything but peaceful. I spent most of my time in my room. Every now and then, I had to face Seth outside, and I could feel an intense longing for him. I knew it was because of the mate bond, and I needed to get used to it since this sense of lust would bombard me once we were in his kingdom. The instant we arrived at Orttenburg, they sent us an invitation to a masquerade ball. So, after organizing our things—Inanna, Ninus, Gezer, Ruth, and I—start preparing for the ball. During the night, we arrive at the grand ballroom. We are all wearing the finest garments, courtesy of Seth. I am dressed in a deep blue, floor-length gown embroidered with silver flowers. I am even given a delicate silver mask to wear for the ball. Ninus, Gezer, Inanna, and Ruth are wearing masks like me. They are all beautiful in the vibrant colors of their gowns, all chosen by Seth. Walking through the ballroom
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Chapter 137 - Subjects
Seth and I stand together in a dimly lit cell, the only sound is the echoing of our breaths. A single lamp lights the room in a dreary glow. There are papers on the table on the right and vials of liquid on the left side. I massage my head as I watch Seth in the middle of the room. His fruity scent is assaulting my nose. I’ve become used to it by now. It’s been a few weeks of trying to thwart what the mate bond wants us to do every time we are alone. “Hmmm,” he mutters, his face bright with an eerie gleam of excitement. “Ain’t this the most interesting result we had ever since we started?” “You mean that this is the only result we had that can possibly justify what we are doing to these people?” Seth looks at me and smiles. “Even now, you are still hesitant.” I look away. I still can’t fully accept that we are using humans as experimental subjects to regain some of my memories, even if they are hardened criminals who’ve done unimaginable crimes. Seth sits beside me and holds my e
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Chapter 138 - Elementary
My fingers trace the words that the Orttenburg scribes have written down on paper. I flip through the pages and review to check if everything is correct. “How was it?” Seth asks as he hovers behind me, his fruity smell a constant torture. “All good?” “Yes, all seems to be the same as I recalled.” “So, our theory is correct then? The deeper you get into the people's minds, the more memories you recall?” he asks. I nod. We have been doing the same process for months. Studying the prisoners’ minds, raising our skills, and encountering that same black entity that feels like General Brandon—not as acute as his, though. “So, how far back are we in your memories?” I lift my eyes to him. He smiles, a look of delight on his face. He seems to enjoy it every time I lay my eyes on him, a result of the mate bond that I share with him. “Only a couple of centuries,” I say. “And you? How’s your control?” “I’ve become more efficient with it.” Seth and I have been skilled with controlling mind
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Chapter 139 - Worries
“What the hell is going on here?!” Theo booms, his eyes blazing with fury. I freeze as I see him, my heart pounding in my chest. “King Theo! I told you that this is King Seth’s private area! You are—“ “Your King has done the same thing in my land!” he growls at Darius, who is much taller and bigger than him. Seth stands up calmly and meets Theo’s gaze. “There’s nothing going on here, King Theo. We were just talking.” Theo steps closer and takes in my state, his eyes flickering between Seth and me. “Talking? With your hands all over her? I’m not stupid, Seth. I know that you wanted her even before you have the mate bond with her!” Seth’s jaw tightens as Theo approaches him. Standing tall and unflinching, he says. “I’m not trying to do anything, Theo. Kaiya and I were just having a moment.” “A moment? Is that what you call it?” Theo sneers, grabbing Seth by the collar of his clothes. I stand up, panic rising in my chest. “Theo, stop! We were just talking, I swear!” But Theo doe
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Chapter 140 - Together
“Come on, Theo.” I take his hand and we walk to my room. I open the door slowly, revealing my small but cozy room. Light from the moon spills through the window, bathing everything in a soft blue hue. “Welcome to my room,” I say warmly. He looks around carefully with curious eyes, and I can’t help but laugh at his reaction. “Do you like it?” He draws me close before answering. “It’s lovely.” His arms wrap around me tight and he nuzzles his head against mine before kissing me tenderly on the lips. “I really missed you.” I push back and grin at him. “Well, I missed you more.” I take a step back from him and remove my clothes. He watches me as I peel every piece of clothing in my body. He looks at me with such devotion that it makes me blush. “I think it’s about time you bare yourself to me too.” “Nope, I enjoy seeing you like this.” “Like what? Naked and embarrassed?” “No. Looking at me with desire in your eyes.” Theo takes a step closer and runs his hand down my naked back, se
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