All Chapters of Crazy Wife: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
Divorce proceedings
Divorce proceedingsBarry's POV "She's playing nice? She's not being rude. I still find it hard to believe" I said to Jennifer with a smile on my face "Me too"Jennifer said taking a cup of tea from her own desk"Well..let me say..this is a new turn for you guys" "What do you mean?" I raise my brows. "You two can fall in love with each other and.." I stared at her and she caught my gaze and shut up."I'm sorry" she apologized "Let me make things clear to you Jennifer, I am not in Love with Violet. Do you know what Victor told me be
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Jealous?..I don't think so
I gripped the tray harder. It must not fall. What would be me reason if it did, because I was not comfortable with the fact that they were laughing with each other. That's ridiculous Violet."Water." I walked up to Jeniffer and handed it over. Something is pushing me to pour it on her"Oh thanks!" She said still her her laugh mode, drinking the water before she dropped the cup."Jennifer wants to stay over ...since it's a Saturday tomorrow" Barry announced to me."No I'm not." Wait , she's not. That means Barry wanted her to stay."Come on, we could play games or watch teen wolves " Barry said"Eww. Who still watches that?" Jennifer groan."Actually I fo." I cut in with a frown on my face and she and Barry stared at me."I'm sorry if I made you feel.."she tried to apologise"Of course you did" I said in a bit of an angry tone and she bit her lips. She was surprised I admitted that she made me feel inferior"Violet
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Jealous...I don't think so 2
Jealous...I don't think so2 ***Barry's POVIt wasn't Boring watching Teen wolf, neither was it boring with Violet but anyways she slept off on my shoulder. I laughed as she let out a small snore and I rested on the sofa to make her comfortable on my shoulder. This was what Victor had always wanted. He had wanted his sister to be happy. To be safe. And I'm so happy she is. I owe it to Victor. Her hair came to her face and I slowly shove it off to the back of her ears. Even though she slept she still looked extremely beautiful. "Ucckn..I'm Sorry" I heard from the doorstep. I look up. "I could go back of you want" Ella said again I laughed"Are you serious.? Come in!" "No..I could go back" "Seriously, what were you thinking? You teenagers nowadays are more corrupt than I think. I just shoved her hair to her ear that's a
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Angry mode
 Barry's POV.I knock on the door of Jennifer's house "Who's there?" Lesley shouted. I kept quiet as I heard her footsteps moving toward the door. "Barry!!" she screamed.l and jumped on me for a hug. I chuckled as I pulled her close and spun her. "Why's my princess happy to see me?" I whined "Cause I need a lot from my king!" "Okay princess, what do you want from your King?" "Headset..and..Sneakers..that's all.." "At your service Princess" "Yay...when should I send my account details?" "Do it now.." "Oh thank you" she smiled along with her sister who joined us I smirked at Jenny and waved at her. "Hey Queen..why is the princess in need when the queen is here" "Cause..the queen is broke." 
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I'm falling
I'm Falling I didn't know why he was upset. I didn't want to ask him. Seeing him like this has made my own anger fade. "Barry what's wrong with you?"I asked him as we both ate on the table of the restaurant ,I had to ask him, it wouldn't have been nice if I didn't. "Nothing"he gave the same fake smile "I know something is wrong with you..just say it" "It's nothing Violet..just stressed out a bit" "Its painful you can't tell me what's running through your mind"I said and he sigh "Violet?"he held my hands. I shrunk inside of me and my goosebumps popped out. "There are some things you would get to understand when you grow of it is..Never hide your feelings to the one you really love.. especially when you see things are getting out of hands..most girls think it's really shy and embarrassing to tell guy how she fee
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He likes me!
He likes me Wait. I came back to my senses. I just fulfilled KRADIE BLACK rule number one.. I just said that..I was speechless describing Barry.According to the KRADIE BLACK rule. I like him. I like Barry? doesn't really work that way. There are still more ways..I read on. Just one law can't make me believe I really like Barry. Two: Unnecessary Jealousy*Jealousy? Jealousy? Jealousy?No! No! No! I have never been jealous.Wait! Wait!Jennifer!Why the hell would I bring Jennifer into this?He's becoming too friendly with her. Why? Because I'm not taking time with my husband she thinks she can...Wait? Jealousy? I'm jealous. I'm jealous of Jennifer.Wtf!This can't be.I closed the book.I liked Barry "I like Barry!" I screamed and covered my mouth up. " in
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Feelings confirmed
I rushed to my room and immediately I left the kitchen. I'm going crazy..real crazy"Hello Ella!" I said immediately she picked "Hey bestie.." "Can you come to my house please?" "Why?" "Just shut up and come!" I hung up. "Violet.." I heard Barry coming upstairs calling me. I rushed to my bathroom and closed the door. I didn't want to see him.I can't fall for him. No no. "Violet.." he comes into my room "I'm at the toilet..I'm.." "What's wrong with you..what were you thinking about..why did you walk out on me?" "Barry..I.." I come outside the bathroom. He grabbed my hand and stared at it, then sigh"Thank God you are fine.."he said I stared at him and when his eyes met mine. I smile"What?" He asked. "Nothin
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 I opened my eyes as I felt locked in someone's arm. It was like a father to daughter wrap.I wasn't too shocked to see myself in Barry's hold. In Fact I was happy we slept like this throughout the night. He held me so close like I was gonna die in 3min. I could feel his breath on my forehead and I slightly looked up at him. He was still sleeping. He slept well and even smiled in his sleep. Was he happy I came to his room yesternight. I'm sure he was! I was giving him the perfect opportunity.His hand was on my waist and I wished someone could take a picture of us. Today was a SundayBarry hasn't gone to church since we got married. That's two months ago. Was he an unbeliever? I loved going to church. I love being a Christian. Although I wasn't very devoted. The main reason I go to church is because of the new guys that come almost every Sunday.. Ella and I liked to look for people who we would crush on. And those who would talk to us.
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Married Again?
Married AgainMarried again?I entered into my humble home. Hmmn. Riches, wealth, Fame, what else does this parent ask for that they didn't get? They had it all and wanted more of it.Victor would say 'Violet let's go for holiday to Canada, mum just saw a business opportunity'. He always says that to me whenever my parents see a business opportunity, he uses that to protect me against my parents who prefer to sell me to anybody to gain what they want. Once we go to Canada, it protects me from my parents. Victor had always protected me. I loved him with all my soul. Without him I don't know where I would be by now. But when he died. Barry's parents and my parents strike a deal. His parents were richer than mine so they would do anything to meet Barry's parent standard. My parents preferred to sell me to Barry to gain more fame. I never knew why Barry agreed to the marriage when he was asked if he would marry me. He was my brother's best friend. He was supposed to
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Gotta be brave
Crazy WifeGotta be brave!Barry!"I ran inside to hug him so close as more tears ran through my eyes wetting his cloth. No. Mum isn't right. I wouldn't leave Barry. I wouldn't get married again. I refused to be a ball passed around. I refuse to become uselessI feel Barry's hand rubbing my back slowly soothing every pain I had. But I cried the more tightening the hug I gave himWe might remain like this till God knows when!I couldn't stop crying. I just couldn't stop.Barry pulled me away slightly and stared into my eyes. I was wet and tears still streamed down."What happened?"he asked with his eyes so full of emotions. I stare at him. To hell with mum if she wants me to leave him. I sniffed trying to regain myself."Mu...mum..said..I was getting married again..she said..she made a contract with your parents and it's over now..I have been signed into another contract..I am getting married to someone else..."I criedHe bit his lip and ruffled his hair. I think he does that when he's
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