All Chapters of The Surprising Tribute: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
138 Chapters
Chapter 81
Why Are You Here? Zaya POV I regrated not being able to talk to Godric before the ceremony, but we were already running late. From the moment I stepped out of the room, it all went so fast.The ceremony passed by without a hitch. I took the same steps and said the same words that Godric did at his ceremony. That I pledged to be loyal to the Blood Moon pack and its Alpha. Then I proclaimed that I would put the packs’ needs before mine.After the ceremony, Godric pulled me into a room on the first floor of the house while we waited for the Ball to officially start. It was customary for the guest of honor to arrive after the room was at least half full. Since the ceremony was outside near the Alpha’s house, it wouldn’t take long for everyone to walk from the courtyard to the ballroom.Once we were inside the room alone, Godrics eyes wandered across my body. I could feel his yearning for me
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Chapter 82
Enough is Enough Zaya POV The loud bang caused us both to jump but neither of us had to look at the door.We both knew who it was. There was only a matter of time before he found me. I'm sure it didn't take long for Godric to notice I was absent from the festivities.Godric moved so fast, it still seemed as if we were alone in the room. It wasn't until Godric stood still with his hands wrapped around Evander’s neck that I realized he fully entered the library."Now this is the welcome party I expected," Evander spoke with a strained voice as he struggled to get away from Godrics’ hold.Godric’s voice roared with anger. "What are doing here Evander?"Godric loosened his grip a little to let Evander speak.He looked at me and spoke. "I came to see the new Luna ascend. Like everyone else." He tried to sound innocent, but this was scene was anything but."I was v
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Chapter 83
After The Party Godric POV I couldn’t wait for the party to end. Zaya and I were supposed to go away for the next three days. The plane was to bond and spend time alone before she started to feel the pressures of being a Luna. I just wanted it to be us. After I killed Evander, we went back into the ballroom as if nothing happened. But it was hard to keep up that act. Zaya still continued to smile and dance but she was no longer warm towards anyone, especially me.Before I killed him, she glanced my way several times. Now I could barely get her to look my way.I could feel her grieving. She breathed deep to keep the tears from forming, but a sheer sheet of water covered her eyes.I couldn’t take it anymore.“Excuse me, everyone!” I shouted and the music stopped. “Me and Luna Zaya are going to retire now. I want to formally thank everyone for coming and joi
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Chapter 84
Till the Moon Goddess Takes Me Zaya POV I thought much would change after I became Luna. But not much did. After the festivities were over, our routines went back to normal. Every morning began with breakfast with the pack. The only difference there was instead of sitting a few seats away from Godric, I sat next to him at the head of the table. Alex and Audrey sat to the side of us, along with her sister. Her sister, Raven, blended with the pack quickly. She even made a friend. The young girl lives in the Alpha house with us, enjoying being near her sister. Though now Audrey sleeps in the room with Alex. Audrey and Raven both pledged themselves to the Blood Moon Pack a few days after my ceremony. To honor our bond, Audrey chose the tree next to mine to mark with her blood. Two weeks after that, she and Alex completed the mating process. And now this is our family. Every night, Godric and I eat dinner with Alex, Audrey, and Raven. The laughter that fills our dining room every nig
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Book Two- For The Pack - Chapter 1
For The Pack Part Two Nothing Zaya POV This moment should have been joyous. Cheerful. Maybe even Festive. Happiness should have floated through the air as easily as a lifeless leaf during a brush of wind. As easy as a balloon heading toward the clouds. But it wasn’t. It was nowhere near the occasion I thought it would be. The lack of happiness went hand and hand with the lack of sadness. There was no celebration welcoming the news of our first pup. The news of what we made as a couple. No happy hugs. No kisses beneath the sheets. No smiles from friends or family while we try to wrap our heads around the fact that we were about to be parents. But just like there was no celebrating, there were no angry talks or coldness between us either. No crossed exchanges between what should be a happy couple. No fighting about the right way to handle our problem. And worse, not admitting that this problem between us was an actual problem. I hated re
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Book 2 Chapter 2
The Tracker Godric POV Two days. That’s how long it took me to be comfortable enough looking her in those beautiful eyes and she had the nerve to not show up for breakfast. I could hardly keep my composure in front of the pack when I entered and her seat was empty. I waited for her to walk through those doors well past the time we normally start breakfast. Yet, the sounds of rumbling stomachs grew louder than my thoughts and I had no choice but to allow everyone to start eating. Alex saved us. No. He saved me by announcing that the Luna wasn’t feeling well. And I know he meant well, but that only allowed for whispers and guesses of what was bothering her. I ate my meal, the same as the day before. In a hurry. Only this time it was because I wanted to find her. I needed to find her and explain why I had been distant for the past two days. When Audrey left a few minutes before me, I knew she was headed for my mate. Pushing my plate to the side, I walked quickly to follow her. “
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Book 2 Chapter 3
Not Just A Pack Member Zaya POV When I snuck back into our house, the morning training session had just ended. Everyone had already begun their daily routines. Thus too busy to say anything more than a “Hello” as they passed me. I left Audrey outside when Raven approached with news of her first training session. The girl was a natural, like her sister. She’d knocked some guy off his feet on the second try and I was impressed. We all were. In a few years, she would be a great addition to the guard. I climbed the steps to the third floor where our bedroom and his office were located. Just when I reached the top of the landing, the door to the office opened, forcing me to retreat into my private room. The small office that was at the beginning of our side of the hall. On the Beta’s side of the hall, Alex used the small private room to have small meetings that didn’t require Godric’s presence. And since Godric had his own office, this room became mine. Though I hadn’t thought of what
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Book 2 Chapter 4
You WIll See Zaya POV I consider Alex’s words carefully. He was right. As he always is. I’m not sure why I was fighting him on this. I am still Godrics Luna Queen. The pack looks to me to be a leader and I couldn’t even find a way to communicate with my own mate. Alex held out his hand and I took it. He led me to Godric’s office door where he knocked twice before entering. Alex held my hand while he kept an eye out for the stairway. Audrey or any number of Elders could come waltzing up the staircase. “Come in.” I heard my mate’s voice and it almost instantly calmed my nerves. I hated how I could still be calmed by someone I was mad at. Even the thought of coming close to him brought me comfort. Godric’s eyes darted from his brother and then to me. He got up from the seat behind his desk. Where have you been, Zaya?” He moved toward me and I moved around toward a different side of office, avoiding his presence as much as possible. I nearly had to force my feet not to run toward hi
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Book 2 Chapter 5
Alone Godric POVI felt the force of her anger as the door slammed hard when she left me and Alex in the office.Alex sat back in his seat and closed his eyes. “This isn’t going to be easy, Godric.”I mimicked his posture and leaned back with my hands behind my head. “I know. I can’t believe this is how my reign will start.”“It’s one month, brother. I think we can survive one month. Then everything will be right again between you two.” He tried his best to console me.“I hope you are right, Alex. Or else I would have put my relationship at risk for nothing.”“Not just your relationship.” He said and I recalled what else made Zaya angry with me. I asked my brother to keep something this important from his mate. Putting his own happy home at risk.Sure, she’ll forgive him because he is her mate. They are meant to be together. But just because you are meant for one another, doesn’t mean you will be happy all the time.Alex got up to leave me alone with my own thoughts.“Thank you,” I s
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Book 2 Chapter 6
Like We Are Still In Love Zaya POV The bedroom door opened and I found myself regretting moving into the Alpha room. First, I had to deal with him not joining me for dinner or bedtime. For two days. I had been angry with him for distancing himself. Now, after that conversation with him and Alex, I wanted nothing more than space. I couldn’t believe on top of everything else I had to endure sleeping together. What I wouldn’t give for a few more days alone in my old room. I’d imagine if I suggested different lodging, we might have another conversation about how the pack views us. I suppose sleeping in different rooms might give off the appeal that we were no longer a happy couple. In my peripheral vision, I could see Godric moving around in the dark. He retreated to the bathroom without saying a word to me. I heard the shower start soon after he entered. Steam crept from the ajar door into the bedroom. I listened to the sounds of splashing water against the shower walls. Soon the
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