All Chapters of The Surprising Tribute: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
138 Chapters
Book 2 Chapter 17
Be Happy Zaya POV The next morning, I awoke in bed alone. Again. My mate never made it to our bedroom last night. I was almost embarrassed to say that I was waiting for him. I didn't want to admit that I was waiting, but I was. My wolf clearly needed him more than ever right now. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones. Maybe it was the loneliness. Maybe it was the jealousy of seeing the girl with her mate and her big belly. Whatever it was my wolf and I was at opposite ends of the stick. She wanted to ignore everything that happened between me and my mate. She wanted me to ignore the heart and the pain that I felt. Or maybe it was I who wanted to ignore the pain in my heart. Maybe it was I who wanted to push past all of this and just be with him. Just to be happy. From the moment I stepped out of bed to the moment I made it to the dining hall, I kept telling myself the same thing over and over again. ‘Be happy. Be happy. Be happy.’ The repeating silent mantra worked for a momen
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Book 2 Chapter 18
A Nice Welcome Zaya POV Godric touched my leg. “Maybe we can discuss that at a later time. I think an announcement should be made.” Alex banged on the edge of the table grabbing everyone’s attention. And soon, everyone in the building joined in until Godric stood. The banging ceased the second he held up his hand. “Morning everyone. If you haven’t already noticed, we have guest.” The room erupted again, but this time in shouts. “The Half Moon pack with be with us for a few days. Most of them you already know. But a lot has changed since they last joined us. His eyes slightly strained for a moment. Before he continued and I knew he was reliving he past year. He was Alpha King now. I was Luna. A few members of the pack his father died helping stayed in our land, even after we rebuilt their homes. “This is Alpha Brax and Luna Tari. They arrived yesterday with a group from their pack. I don’t know everyone’s name, but there are a few I will mention since you will see them accompan
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Book 2 Chapter 19
Just Another Day Zaya POV I grabbed Audreys hand as soon as breakfast was over to lead her out the dining hall. I wanted to find Anna immediately now that I knew who the mystery guy was. I needed to make sure she was okay. “Where are we going?” Audrey asked as we took the path leading toward the market. “Training is back that way?” She said as I dragged her behind me. I clenched my eyes together as I remembered I was supposed to return to training today. A simple comment made shortly after I threw up by my mother. I was supposed to take a week off. Though that was when we all thought I had overworked myself. Godric and my mom hadn’t said anything about me not being able to return to my normal daily activities. Which included combat training with Audrey and Chris every day. Then weapons training with Chris twice a week. Godric’s orders were to not tell anyone for at least another month and to act normal. Which meant keeping my lunch down when if possible and keeping an eye on my w
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Book 2 Chapter 20
Let It Out Zaya POV The next day, I skipped training to take Luna Tari on a market run. She visited the market her first day here, but as Luna, I was in charge of giving her a complete tour. The wolves in the market gave her a quick once over before going back to whatever they were doing. Mostly because she was a human carrying a werewolves baby. She didn’t pay it any mind though. Just enjoyed the visit for wat it was. A chance to see deeper into our culture. I hated admitting it, but I too was still learning about the culture I was now leading. I was raised in the human society. I knew movies. Malls. F******k. Caramel Macchiatos and Chair Tea Lattes. The market was the best way to learn a lot about what my pack was interested in. There were clothing stores that showcased the latest choices among the pack. Packs from around the country would come to spend their money with our tailors. Better to keep the money within the packs bank than to spend in the human world. We grew our
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Book 2 Chapter 21
Loyalty or Love Godric POV Alpha Brax spent the last two days keeping the Elders busy. I applauded him for everything he was doing for his pack. I sat in on the first meeting watching him combat the men who dictated most of our rules. He listed all the reasons why we should let his pack expand. And I let him. It was mainly to buy me more time. The more energy they spent listening to him, the less they spent badgering me about my progress with the border investigation. It had only been a few days since they started to check the perimeters. Crane hadn’t checked in yet. “It’s probably too early to hear something back. Even his father wasn’t that quick.” Alex meant it as a joke, but I could tell he was simply trying his best to calm me down. I wasn’t working. Truth is, only one thing could calm me down right now. But I couldn’t ask her for this one thing. Not after I’d already asked her for so much these past few days. “How do you know how long it took for him to complete a job? Its
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Book 2 Chapter 22
A New Plan Godric POV “How many people saw you?” I spoke to clenched teeth. It was hard to maintain my anger when things were not going my way. Zaya spilling her guts in the town market was exactly a part of the plan. I had to wait nearly thirty minutes to ask that question. It was edging on the tip of my tongue as I waited for Audrey to leave us alone. She waited with her in our bedroom until I was able to be by her side. Then continued to ask her questions even after I appeared. She was worried and trying to understand what was happening to her friend. Audrey brought Zaya straight home from their shopping trip. They were supposed to be showing Luna Tari around the market. Keeping her busy while Alpha Brax appealed to the Elders. So, I knew without a doubt at least three people witnessed the incident. Zaya shrugged before she sat up in the bed. “I don’t know. Maybe a dozen.” She looked at me shamefully. “Maybe more.” I sighed and took the seat next to her. “You don’t have anyth
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Book 2 Chapter 23
Steamy Showers Alex POV “What’s this I hear about you, Zaya, and Godric partying in his office the other night? Where was I?” Audrey fumed. I was a genius and an idiot at the same time. Audrey stared at me with her arms folded. She was waiting for an answer and I had none. I hadn’t even thought this far along in my plan. In fact, my plan ended the moment the kitchen lady started to spread the words of our late night drinking. “I…ugh…” Audrey smirked and shoved past me to our ensuite bathroom. She wasted no time turning on the shower to allow the steam to build before she jumped in. Audrey kept her back to me as she shed her clothes. First her shirt lifted over her head, and then she pulled her shorts off. As usual, she was braless. My eyes fell to the thin layer of fabric that wrapped around her ass. I still couldn’t believe the type of panties she preferred. Her entire drawer was full of the tiny lacy things. “Eyes up here buddy.” She said and I instantly remembered that she
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Book 2 Chapter 24
Zaya POV“Alex is acting weird. He is keeping something from me.” Audrey spoke while tossing me a piece of fruit.I was hungry but had no appetite for anything. It had been like that since I puked in the towns market. But I’d been playing it off. Taking a few bites here and there.I asked her to meet me near the forest. I needed to get away and just have some alone time. But I didn’t feel like being totally alone and I knew Ann would be busy with duties. Though I didn’t think Audrey would come carrying a box of fruit.It smelled so good, but I just couldn’t bring myself to eat anything.“What do you mean he is acting weird?” I asked while eyeing the apple in my hand. I really didn’t want to eat it.“Yesterday, me and Ann heard a few people talking about you guys having a party in the main office. We were both confused because neither of us were invited. Then when I mentioned it, he gave me some back handed story.”“What? You think he was lying, and you want me to confirm.”“I don’t th
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Book 2 Chapter 25
Anna POV“You’re a hard person to find.” A deep voice called out to me just as I entered my home. My very private home.I nearly jumped out of my skin when I realized the voice was coming from inside my living room. The box of cupcakes I was carrying almost decorated my clean floor.I lived alone. No one should be here. Especially not him.Trent walked over to me and took the now bent box out of my shaking hands.“What are you doing here?”He joked, “Well, my Alpha decided to come to the Bloodmoon pack to….”I interrupted him. “I mean in my house. What are you doing my house, Trent?”I watched him walk across the room as if this was his place. His tall and lanky presence somehow took up most of the room.While he was busy placing the box on the counter, I was taking him in. Trent looked just as good as he did back then. The hair on his head and chin a deep black. His cheeks were as high as I remembered and shoulders just as broad.My trance was broken with the sound of his voice. “Thi
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Book 2 Chapter 26
Anna POVThe moment the door closed, and we heard his footsteps disappear, Audrey began asking questions.“Uh, what was Trent doing here?”My face turned red. I walked over to the kitchen counter to place eyes on the box of cupcakes. The box he held in his hands not more than ten minutes ago. I inhaled his scent. Sandalwood. He smelled like Sandalwood. I turned to her. “I guess you should hear it from me. Trent and I are mates.”“But he and….”“I know. He and Leila are together.” I finished her sentence.She paused and squinted her eyes. “Well that explains it.”“What is it?” I asked, wondering what information I had just given her.“Leila mentioned some things about Trent earlier. She said he’d been acting weird.”I smirked. “I am sure he was. He said he had been looking for me. No doubt counting the minutes till he could reject me.”I plopped down on the first seat I could find, then folded my arms over my table. Next thing I know, my face is buried in my arms and I’m fighting the
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