All Chapters of The Surprising Tribute: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
138 Chapters
Book 2 Chapter 37
Zaya POVI awoke from my nap feeling a lot better. As soon as I tried to shift from my side to my back, I was met with Godric’s broad back.Some weeks ago, Godric began to sleep facing away from me. I wasn’t sure why, but seeing his back in the morning instead of his face actually hurt. Like a small pain deep in my soul.Questions would swim around my head, like annoying fish. Was he tired of seeing my face in the morning? Did he wish to sleep alone? Did I annoy him some kind of way?It hurt to think he no longer wanted to see my face I the morning.And now, seeing his back again, but this time in the afternoon, I realize it is not just seeing me in the morning.I rolled all the way over and shoved him until he woke.“I’m up. I’m up.” He growled with a raspy voice.“Good because we need to talk.”He shot up, half awake. He stared at me for a moment. “No, you need to rest.”Godric fluffed my pillow and then repositioned his pillow before laying back down.“Godric. Please. I need to spe
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Book 2 Chapter 38
I would never admit it aloud, but today was more than I could handle. And I still had more to come. First Zaya got sick. Which is probably normal with any pregnancy. Though inside, it hurt me to see her that way. Bent over in pain and unable to truly offer her any comfort. Then Audrey finds out our secret. And now I had to agree to letting Anna in on it. Which is dangerous itself. She just mated with a wolf that is not from our pack. I had a hard enough time making sure my brother didn’t tell his mate who is one hundred percent loyal to my mate. I wasn’t lying when I said we all trust Anna. But soon, she will be a part of her mate’s pack. Eager to win their approval and trust she could fold under pressure and give in. Sure, Alpha Brax is loyal to the invisible crown I wear, and he has always claimed to be loyal to my family as well. But only time will tell if someone is really who they claim to be. With all this on my mind, I still must deal with the update Crane was about to g
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Book 2 Chapter 39
Godric POVSo, Mason chose his sister. I guess that shouldn’t concern me. Alex is my brother and my Beta. The moment that I knew I was going to be Alpha King, I knew Alex would be my Beta.Who better to trust with your pack and your life than my own blood?I sat back in my seat. “Maybe she wanted to get the lay of how things are done after stepping into her new role. That isn’t odd for a new Beta or even Alpha to do things like that.” I said.With a steely gaze, Crane moved closer to my desk. Leaning in for emphasis. “Or maybe, she wanted to see who was going to be there. You still must consider that the rogue pack didn’t bring anything to trade. Could be that they had nothing to trade. But then again, why buy everything and bring a truck in expectance to do so. My assessment is that they are planning something.”That was my assessment too. My mind trailed off thinking about why Mason’s sister tagged along with probably some low-level pack members. We attended the first trade. But tha
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Book 2 Chapter 40
Zaya POVAudrey asked if she could trail along while I had my talk with Anna. And I almost agreed. But this was something I wanted to do alone. Especially since Anna would be gone soon and I wasn’t sure where that would leave our friendship.Anna was my first pack friend. If that was a thing. She was there for me when my parents were taken by Evander. When I found out my human boyfriend had moved on. When I found out Godric was my mate. We shared so much in such a short time. And now she was leaving.I feel like we didn’t get enough time together. We didn’t have enough memories.My knock on her door was followed by a small thud behind it. A few seconds later, she swung it open. Fast and hard. She looked embarrassed. With her hair messy, a white sheet draped across her body and dragging behind her.She released a breathy voice, “Luna!”I throw my hand across my mouth in efforts to contain my laughter. Only when I was confident the giggles had gone, I finally spoke. “I can come back lat
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Book 2 Chapter 41
POV ZayaI listened to Anna talk about everything that happened between her and Trent. From her words, I could tell she was happy. Her face was red as a cherry from all the blushing.We took a long walk, around the pack with no apparent destination. At least to Anna, we had no destination. But in truth, this was a simple request from my mate to show my face around the pack. Let everyone see all is normal with me.They needed to know nothing was wrong with their Luna. I’d missed the last two breakfast gatherings. And many were already aware that I hadn’t been training with Chris these last few days and we have been using the fact that we have visitors as an excuse. But what was going to happen once they left?“Luna!!!” A few pups ran around me in circles. Their laughter filled the courtyard and few pack members tuned their attention to us.Anna watched me play for a bit before saying, “They really love you.”I laughed. “Don’t all pack members love all Luna’s?”She rocked her head side
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Book 2 Chapter 42
POV ZayaMy time with Luna Tari went well. We talked for awhile about a little of everything. My time growing up with humans. Her life with the wolves.Her strengths and weaknesses as a Luna. The in and outs, the dos and don’ts. She shared her advice of being a Luna. And I shared my thoughts on everything to let her know how I appreciated her guidance but that I also had my own mind.By the time we were redressing, I could honestly say I knew all there was to know about Tari. I could also say that we both felt a little more relaxed.We left the locker room laughing with our arms entangled, but stopped dead in our tracks when we locked eyes with our mates.“There they are!” Alpha Brax said looking amused.Tari released my arm and ran to her mate as if she hadn’t seen him in days. I hung back watching their exchange, while Godric watched me. It was awkward at best. We should be just as loving as them, but we weren’t.He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Then we waited until they acknow
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Book 2 Chapter 43
Godric POV“Do you have to go?” Zaya groaned from under the sheets. I grabbed her waist, pulling her close to get a kiss. She planted soft lips on mine, and I almost gave in to her temptation.We've been hot and cold since I found out she was pregnant, but the last few days have been hot. That trip to the spa was all we needed to heat things up between us. I hate to admit it but the idea was all my brothers.Alex suggested that we should spend some time focusing on just one another. Leaving behind all the strain of the pack in my office. And what better way to achieve this than a couples massage by candlelight. Locked in a room for hours.I pulled the sheets back and she winced at the cool air. “You know I must leave this room eventually. The elders would have a fit if I missed this meeting.”“I don't remember you having so many meetings before I left the pack.”It's true I didn't have as many meetings before. But that was before Evander's death. And that was before her pregnancy. And
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Book 2 Chapter 44
Godric POV“We should have killed him already. He’s been alive way too long.” Alex shouted and his eyes turned black. His wolf wanted to be loose. At this moment, we all hated Alpha Dagon. I held my hand in the air and brought it down to let him know he was too loud.“We are going to take care of him, brother. You have my word.”Alex nodded and he tried to calm himself. He was right. Alpha Dagon needed to be put down and we probably needed to evaluate his entire pack. Who knows what else he is hiding.“Alpha.” Crane reminded us of why we were meeting.“So Alpha Dragon is making noise?”“Not sure if he is, but I definitely heard something interesting from his pack member.”“Spit it out!” My brother spoke, obviously no longer patient.Crane ignored his irritation, but he didn’t hesitate. “I heard a guy say that you killed Evander out of jealousy. That Evander and Zaya were really close.” Crane lowered his gaze at that last statement.“How close?” I asked.“Close enough to make you kil
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Book 2 Chapter 45
Zaya POVWe were right on time with getting Annas home all packed up. Alpha Brax was successful with the Elders and his business came to a conclusion yesterday. Which meant, the Half Moon Pack would be leaving almost immediately. All that was left to do was to say goodbye.Last night we threw a big party in the open field next to our home. The entire pack came out to celebrate Anna and her union with Trent. We also spent a little time saying our goodbyes to the Half Moon Pack. There was food, music, and several bonfires to keep the fall chill away. There were also tears and laughter. We danced and partied until the sun came up. It almost reminded me of the festival I attended on my first night with the Blood Moon Pack. I hoped it was just as Anna imagined and that she was pleased.Tonight, her last night with us, we gathered to say goodbye one last time. Though this time it was just family. Because we were in fact her family. Who knows how long it would be before we would see her ag
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Book 2 Chapter 46
Godric POVThe dinner had long since ended. After Anna left, my mother gave us quite a long talk about duty and honor. I couldn’t wait for it to be over. I couldn’t wait to be alone with my mate.There was only one question coming to my mind. Only one thought, which I voiced as soon as we entered the comfort of our own room. “I thought you told her the other day.”Zaya stood opposite me on the other side of the room. “Well, I didn’t. Okay.” She folded her arms and started to pace back and forth.“Why are you upset? This is what you wanted right?”“What I wanted?” She paused to get a better look at me. “I didn’t want one of my closest friends to feel alienated in front of everyone she loves.”I sighed, “I didn’t want that either. And that is not what I meant.”With her arms still folded, she shifted onto her other foot. “Oh. You meant me wanting the world to know that I’m pregnant.”I simply nodded.“Why did you have to call her out like that? It could have been any one of us to tell.
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