All Chapters of SOLD BY THE ALPHA: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
196 Chapters
...... The ritual for Lilith and Colt had taken place six days prior. Drake was awakened early the next morning by the sound of the door. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Colt waiting at the door, alongside a woman dressed in a silky crimson dress. Drake screamed, "Lilith!" as he sprung from his seats as he recognized the woman. "Drake, tell everyone that Lilith is already awake," Colt said, surprising Drake, who had been standing by the stairwells. "Yes, Alpha," Drake stutteringly replied. Drake then sent an order to his entire squad to share the good news that Lilith was already awake. After fifteen minutes, a group of individuals appeared in front of the hall, and as soon as they spotted Colt and Lilith standing at the doorway, everyone immediately bent down in respect. "Alpha, Lady Lilith," said everyone, bending their heads in front of the hall entrance, where Lilith and Colt stood. "I want everybody to prepare a big fist for everyone," Colt said. "But for now, Lilith
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#132: I LOVE YOU
….. Lilith says, "Thank you, Colt," as she stares at Colt, who is busy washing the dishes. "Thank you for what?" Colt asked Lilith as he returned her gaze. "Thank you for understanding my predicament." "I know I've been a burden to all of you, but now that I'm okay, I can finally help all of you," Lilith expressed her gratitude. Colt then locked his gaze on Lilith, trying to figure out what she was thinking at the time. Colt, on the other hand, was still having trouble reading Lilith's mind, so he couldn't help but rely on her emotions, feeling them and trying to understand them. “Ok. While drying his hands with the towel, Colt added, "I'll let you do whatever you want, but not all the time since your safety is more essential." Colt then approached Lilith and sat down in front of her. He then grinned at Lilith while holding her hands. Colt had so many things he wanted to tell Lilith, but he realized he couldn't because everything was still unsolved. Aside from that, Colt can't a
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……“Good morning, Lilith,” Colt greeted Lilith as soon as he saw her open her eyes.And as soon as Lilith saw Colt seating at the chair in front of his laptop, she felt embarrassed since Colt was staring at her intently, and aside from that, she wasn`t wearing any bra that is why she immediately cover her body using her blanket. Then she faced Colt again while her face blushing.“Good morning, Colt,” She greeted him back.“You should change so that we could eat our breakfast,” Colt said, smiling at her.Lilith then only nodded as a response to Colt. And while clutching the blanket into her body, she slowly went to the bathroom, afraid that Colt might see her body. As soon as Lilith entered the bathroom, she immediately took a half bath since she doesn't want Colt to keep waiting for so long.Until then, Lilith and Colt were already eating breakfast and they were also conversing about simple things. And after a few more minutes, the doorbell of their house suddenly rang, causing them t
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#134: STEPS
…… "How are you feeling, Lilith?" Carl asked while focusing on checking up on Lilith. Lilith then sighs as she responds, "I felt so great, Carla. And I felt like I suddenly got stronger." "Well, maybe it's the effect of the vitamins you had been taking for two months now. And soon, you will feel completely fine and your phobia will definitely disappear," Carla explained, giving her a sweet smile. "I am looking forward to that, Carla. I am also thinking of having Colt a child, just like what he requested," Lilith whispered. And as a result of Lilith's sudden speech, Carla could help but be shocked. She didn't expect that Lilith would open a topic about that. Because as far as Carla knew, Lilith wasn't still ready to do that kind of thing and it was because Lilith was afraid too. But at that moment, Carla felt that Lilith was so serious while saying those words. And because of that, Carla couldn't stop herself from thinking about why Lilith suddenly changed her mind? "Are you sure
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…… "Lilith?" Bianki exclaimed as soon as she entered the room inside Carla's cabin. Bianki then noticed Lilith and Carla were already looking at her. Carla was arching her brows, while Lilith was smiling. She then immediately approached them with a smile on her lips. "Lower down your voice, Bianki. There are some patients resting in the next room. You might disturb them," Carla said, reprimanding Bianki. Bianki pouted as she said, "Sorry, okay? I am just too excited to see Lilith." "You are overreacting, Bianki. You and Lilith just see each other earlier," Carla utters, rolling her eyes. Lilith just only laughed because of Bianki's cute behavior and she could also feel how happy Bianki was at that very moment, and the way that Carla reprimanded Bianki was indeed funny to watch. Until then, Bianki continuously acts so childishly in front of Lilith and Carl, and she also keeps on teasing Carla who has been reprimanding her. “By the way, I overheard you two talking about three step
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….. “Tio!” Bianki exclaimed, waving her hands at Tio’s direction. As Tio glanced at Bianki’s direction, he immediately spotted Carla and Drake approaching him. Tio then smiled as he cooed, “What is up, fellas?” As Drake had a fist bump with Tio, he asked, “How was the preparation?” “Just fine, but kind of a hassle since women are so picky and they want everything to look perfect,” Tio responded, grinning. Drake and Bianki laughed because of what Tio said. And they could clearly see that Tio was having trouble helping the Lunas of their packs to prepare for the party. While Carla on the other hand, she was busy scanning the whole place if everything were going well. “It’s not done, Tio. There are so many things that need to be put into place. And we need to add more tables and chairs,” Carla spoke as she stared back at Tio. “I know, Carla. Just relax okay? We are not done yet. We still have many things to do, and we are also waiting for the other Luna who took some décor from th
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..... "Are you ready, Lilith?" Bianki aske while peering at Lilith's reflection in the mirror. "I am ready, but I am also nervous," Lilith answered. "Just relax, Lilith. Everything will be alright. And always remember the three steps I told you," Carla said, while standing behind Lilith. Lilith then closed her eyes for a brief moment. And when she opened her eyes, she nodded as a response with a smile on her lips. "Great! Now, let's go," Bianki yelled with so much excitement. Then Carla, Lilith and Bianki went out of the house, as the three of them were already dressed up and were now on their way to the party. Lilith was very excited, at the same time nervous due to the plan they set for Colt. She doesn’t like Bianki and Carla's idea, but she has no choice since she also has no idea that they can set for Colt. And besides, Lilith was eager to give Colt what he wanted. After a few more minutes, Carla, Bianki and Lilith arrived at the party they set. And as soon as they stepped o
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..... "Hey!" Bianki exclaimed as soon as they arrived at the hut in the middle of the forest. Vaan, Victus, Drake and Denver were waiting outside the hut. And everyone looks so tense. And when Lilith saw them, she gradually felt so embarrassed. She also felt guilty for letting the boys get involved in their plan. "Where is Tio?" Carla asked. "Inside. He was tipsy and currently talking to Alpha," Vaan said while peering at the sky. Vaan was feeling so awkward at that very moment. That fact that they forced their Alpha to get drunk, and made him drink the drug that Carla instructed to them made him really guilty, at the same time nervous. And just like Denver, Drake and Victus, each one was trembling in terror since they did terrible things to their Alpha. They are regretting it but they have no choice since they have already done it. "Ok then," Carla muttered as she faced Lilith, "You should get inside now, Lilith." "Ok,"Lilith answered sheepishly. "Bye, Lilith. Goodluck," Bian
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….. Colt and Lilith were inside the hut in the dead of night, sharing the warmth of their own bodies. The temptation that they were experiencing was giving them more pleasure as they both fell into their own desires. And they were both playing with fire but they never got burned, instead they are enjoying how the heat enveloped their innermost. It’s Lilith’s first time to feel such strong desire, and the feeling was so new to her that she couldn’t comprehend her own emotion. While Colt, on the other hand, was controlling himself and trying to be gentle since he doesn’t want to hurt Lilith, physically. But then, he was also having a hard time to do that since his desire, and arousal was dominating him. “Please bear the pain, Lilith,” Colt murmured while liking Lilith’s ear. But because Lilith was filled with such emotions as her moans became so loud, she was unable to respond to Colt since Colt was giving her such powerful pleasure. Also, she wasn’t able to understand what Colt was
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#140: IN LOVE
..... Colt kissed Lilith on the forehead and muttered, "I love you." But Lilith was unable to respond because she could still feel Colt's shaft quivering inside her. And the sensation she was getting lingered inside her, causing confusion in her head. Colt mumbled, "I want more," as he felt his shaft was still erected inside Lilith's womanhood. Lilith only reacted with a nod, and her silence grew as a result of her shame after hearing Colt's request. Despite her uneasiness, she is unable to resist him because she desires the same thing. Soon after she responded, Colt kissed Lilith again, softly and passionately. Lilith couldn't help but be enthralled by the sensation she was experiencing. Colt seemed to have complete control over her mind and body as she allowed him to take her again, her thoughts racing. Colt's motion became more intense with time, and Lilith simply held him back, relishing the blazing sensation inside her. Lilith awoke in the morning owing to the discomfort she
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