All Chapters of SOLD BY THE ALPHA: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
196 Chapters
….. "Let's get started, Cloe," Tio said, smirking as he drew his twin sword and walked to the left side of the house. It was still early, and Tio knew Lilith wouldn't wake up so early, so he had time to work out and train. "You're lucky to have Alpha on your side," Cloe growled, drawing her sword as well. "Come on, we can't waste time," Tio remarked with a smile. Cloe rolled her eyes and trained Tio for the second time. While Lilith was still sleeping, Cloe and Tio continued to practice their swordsmanship. But Tio can't help but feel agony because Cloe is stronger than him. Cloe was careless to Tio's pain since she was still annoyed by him. Because they were both focused on what they were doing, they had no idea Lilith was already awake and observing them through the window of the bedroom where she was. Until Lilith decided to go outside and keep a close eye on Cloe and Tio. She was interested in learning swords as well, and she remembered Tio had been in training for quite som
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….. As soon as they got to the plantation, everyone said, "Good morning, Lady Lilith." "Good morning," Lilith said, with a grin on her lips as she greeted everyone. Cloe was merely following Lilith while Tio was still engaged on his phone. While Lilith was busy meeting everyone, Cloe couldn't help but smile as she observed her. She knew Lilith was having fun, and because she also understood what Lilith had been going through when she first arrived on their island, they knew she had a phobia. And when Cloe saw Lilith at that time, she was overjoyed. "I'll help you plant, Lady Lilith," Cloe said as she stood next to Lilith. "Thank you, Cloe," Lilith replied, a sweet smile on her face. Cloe's cheeks then flushed as a result of Lilith's genuine smile. She admires Lilith's innocence and beauty, as well as her smile. Everyone adores Lilith, and simply seeing her every day makes them happy. Everyone on the farm joined in to help Cloe and Lilith as they began planting. Cloe and Lilith w
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….. "Good morning, Tio and Cloe," Lilith said as soon as she got out of bed. Tio and Cloe only nodded at Lilith, their expressions worn and tired. After all, they didn't get any sleep last night because they talked all night. "I'll cook," Lilith stated as she entered the bathroom for a brief bath. As soon as Lilith exited the bathroom, she headed straight to the kitchen to cook their breakfast. Cloe and Tio were sitting in the chair, watching Lilith. They're both sleepy, but even if they close their eyes, they can't sleep because their thoughts have been bothering them. "Let's eat, and I'll brew some coffee because you two look like you haven't slept at all," Lilith said as soon as she finished cooking. She also began serving the food she cooked at the dinner table. Tio and Cloe nodded once more as the three of them began eating quietly. "This coffee seems familiar, Lady Lilith," Cloe said abruptly after tasting the coffee Lilith had brewed. "It's espresso, and Carla gave it to
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….. Lilith and Cloe were currently enjoying their time together while wandering in the middle of the forest. Cloe merely stood there watching Lilith observe the numerous flora she was viewing. "Cloe, can we also catch some animals?" Lilith inquired as she continued to arrange the flowers she had just taken. "Not every animal here is simple to capture," Cloe said as she approached her. "However, there are many harmless animals here, so let's start looking for them." "OK, Cloe, just let me finish this," Lilith murmured as she quickly gathered her belongings. Following that, they continued to stroll throughout the forest, looking for animals that were both harmless and capturable. Cloe was interested in Lilith's sudden idea and asked, "What will you do with the animals that we will be capturing?" "I want to have a pet, and I also want to try to get near to the animals here," Lilith explained excitedly. "I know there are also wild animals here, and I know we can't pet them, so I wan
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….. Tio was already waiting for Cloe and Lilith outside their house as they approached home. As soon as Lilith and Cloe approached him, Tio said, "Where have you been? I've been looking for you." Cloe said with a poker face, "I just escorted Lady Lilith to the forest; you don't have to worry because she is with me." Tio was perplexed. "Why didn't you tell me? And what are you holding, Lilith?" Cloe replied sarcastically as she glared coldly at him, "That's a bunny. Are you blind? Or is this your first time seeing one?" "I am just asking, Cloe. You are so cruel," Tio grumbled. Cloe stated flatly, "I am not. You are just an idiot." However, just as Tio was going to say something, they discovered Lilith had already left. They both noticed Lilith entering the house as they gazed down the stairway. As a result, Tio was perplexed by Lilith's strange quiet. "What happened to Lilith?" Tio wondered as he stared at her. "Perhaps because I forbade her from taking all of the rabbits from
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….. The morning came, and Lilith was still tending to the bunnies in the garden. Just like yesterday, she was troubled. She was still not saying anything to Cloe and Tio, and she felt awful since she knew they were seeing her odd behavior. But she has no idea how to talk to them. Until Tio awoke and discovered Lilith missing from her bed. So he went outside to hunt for Lilith and found her feeding the bunnies in the cage in the garden. "Good morning, Lilith," Tio said as he approached her. "What breakfast do you like?" "Good morning," Lilith said as she turned to face Tio. "I'll eat anything you cook, Tio." Tio then responded with a nod and proceeded to the kitchen to begin preparing their breakfast. Cloe returned from her cabin a few minutes later, bringing a paper bag filled with several fruits. Cloe inquired as soon as she entered the house, "Where is Lady Lilith?" Tio responded, "At the garden, busy with those rabbits," and he was the one who opened the door for Cloe. Cloe
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….. "Don't say that, Lady Lilith," Cloe responded eagerly after hearing what Lilith had just spoken. "And Alpha will never dump you. And I’m convinced of it." Cloe sensed Lilith's sadness and didn't want her to feel that way. Knowing Lilith was depressed because of the woman's voice she heard made Cloe feel bad since they were keeping things from her. Lilith remarked meekly, her head slightly inclined down, "But who is the woman with Colt?" Tio can't help but feel sorry for Lilith, knowing how disturbed she was by what she had heard. Tio, on the other hand, is at a loss for words and doesn't know what to do or say to console her. "Tell me who that woman's voice was," Lilith urged again, her attention fixed on Cloe and Tio, who stood in front of her. "Perhaps she's Colt's business partner or a client," Tio said hastily and tensely. And Lilith could sense what Tio was feeling inside him since her werewolf power had been reawakened shortly after the ritual three weeks prior. Lilith
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…… Lilith immediately thought of Colt when she first opened her eyes. She then got out of bed and proceeded to the bathroom. She didn't see Tio or Cloe when she entered, so she assumed they were already in the kitchen. "Good morning, Tio and Cloe," Lilith said as soon as she saw them making breakfast in the kitchen. Tio said, "Good morning, Lilith." Cloe replied, "Let's eat, Lady Lilith." As she sat down in the chair, Lilith responded with a smile. The three of them ate quietly before going to the garden to check on and feed the bunnies. Lilith seemed joyful and enthusiastic that morning, Tio and Cloe noticed. As a result, they are quite delighted. "Can we go outside?" Lilith said unexpectedly. "Where do you wish to go, Lady Lilith?" Cloe inquired, her gaze fixed on Lilith. "I just want to see the people outside, and I'm missing Nava," Lilith replied, her lips curving in a smile. "OK, Lilith, let's go out and get Nava, but I'm hoping Vaan isn't around," Tio replied, laughing.
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….. In her room, Lilith and Nava began to play. Cloe remained silent as she watched the two. Tio requested that he go make some snacks. Despite the fact that Lilith seemed to be enjoying herself in Nava's company, Cloe sensed that Lilith was experiencing something peculiar, which she attributed to Nava's previous words. "When you were a kid, Lady Lilith, did you ever think about what you wanted to be when you grew up?" Nava questioned abruptly. "Of course," Lilith replied with a smile, "my dream was to become a policewoman." Nava was so taken aback by what Lilith had said that she couldn't help but clap both of her hands. "Why do you want to be a policewoman?" Nava asked. Lilith said with a smile on her lips, "Because I wish to save many people, including myself." "You are fantastic, Lady Lilith," Nava replied with a nod. Lilith whispered, a slight smile on her lips, "Not really because I didn't achieve that dream." Nava didn't react; instead, she handed Lilith the book she wa
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….. Lilith, Cloe, and Tio said their goodbyes to Nava after they finished their dinner. The three of them then returned to Lilith's home. Lilith went straight to her bed and slept soundly, while Tio and Cloe stayed awake to keep an eye on her. When morning arrived, Tio and Cloe decided to leave the house to await Colt's arrival. Colt arrived until the sun rose, and Cloe lowered her head in respect as soon as she saw him approaching them. "It's been a long time, dude," Tio remarked, a smile on his lips. "Is Lilith still sleeping?" Colt inquired as he passed Cloe and Tio, who stood at the stairwells. "She's still sleeping, Colt," Tio said as he followed Colt inside the house. "Come on, tell me a story about your mission." Cloe stayed silent while also following Colt and Tio. Tio quickly brewed coffee and handed it to Colt and Cloe when they reached the kitchen. "So, what happened? Why did you and Vaan abruptly go home?" Tio wondered. "We're here to get some supplies because some
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