All Chapters of SOLD BY THE ALPHA: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
196 Chapters
….. When Lilith opened her eyes, she felt a heavy thing above her tummy. As she scratches her eyes, she saw Colt lying beside her. She was stunned while staring at him intently. Colt was sleeping at that moment and because of that, Lilith doesn't know what to do. She was having a second thought whether she was going to wake him up or simply stare at him. "How long are you going to stare at me?" Colt suddenly spoke while his eyes were still closed. And because of his sudden remarks, Lilith went startled and hastily covered her face with the blanket. She was very embarrassed that Colt knew that she had been watching him. "You are awake," Lilith murmured, still covering her face. "Yes, and I am also watching you, and you have been watching me for over fifteen minutes now," Colt said as he slowly opened his eyes. "Why didn't you wake me up? When did you return?" Lilith asked, sheepishly. "Just an hour ago. I want to watch you sleeping since you are so cute," Colt said with a smile
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#162: VISION
….. Lilith then hugged Colt tightly as well as she rested her head in his chest. She was still crying and she couldn't stop because her mind has been lost since Colt told their secrets to her. "Stop crying now, Lilith. We are strong enough to face them. We can do this, and I promised you that I will do anything to make sure that everyone is safe," Colt said, comforting Lilith by caressing her back. Lilith just nodded at him as a response, but she was still sobbing. Colt sighed and continuously caressing her back. While Cloe and Tio was outside, peering toward the garden where they could clearly see Lilith. And Cloe can hear it but she refuse to listen because she doesn't want to interfere them. "Do you think, Lady Lilith will be okay?" Cloe asked while still peering toward Lilith and Colt's direction. "She will. Her feelings is pure, and I know she will soon accept the truth and everything. Let's just wait for her to console," Tio spoke as he turned his back toward their direction
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#163: WOLF
….. Lilith awoke with a headache, but she disregarded it and swiftly looked around their bedroom to find Colt. But because she didn't see him everywhere, Lilith decided to get out of bed and leave the room. And because she hadn't seen Colt inside their house, she decided to go outside to look for him. She was surprised to see a large golden wolf bathing in the lake as she arrived at the back of their property. Lilith was caught off guard and unable to move while staring at Colt in his werewolf form. Colt then gently transformed into his human form and headed near Lilith's position. Lilith realized it was Colt she had just seen. Lilith trembled in horror as she muttered, "Colt." "This is the real me, Lilith," Colt said as he rushed up to her in a matter of seconds. Lilith didn't notice anything until Colt was standing in front of her, facing her. Colt grabbed Lilith and kissed her on the lips as soon as he noticed how pale she was at the time. "Please forgive me for keeping every
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….. Colt got up early the next morning and prepared their breakfast while waiting for Lilith to wake up. He went upstairs to check on Lilith once he finished cooking. Colt sat on the bed, caressing Lilith's face, and said, "Wake up now, wife." Lilith opened her eyes slowly and groaned softly. She gave Colt a beautiful grin as she noticed him sitting on the bed. With a smile on his lips, Colt said, "Good morning, wife." "Good morning," Lilith said, her cheeks flushing slightly. Colt's calls to her wife caused her heart to race and her face to flush. When Colt was being lovely on Lilith, he had an effect on her that made her feel in love. "Get up right now so we can get breakfast," Colt suggested. Colt was aiding Lilith as she slowly got out of bed, and she nodded. The two of them then proceeded downstairs to the dining room. And when Lilith saw how many dishes were served at the table, she suddenly became hungry. "I got those foods in Paris and cooked them here so you may try t
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….. Colt approached Lilith and Cloe and inquired, "Wife, how are you doing?" "Cloe and I are watching those werewolves. They are dancing, Colt," Lilith smiled as she looked at Colt. "You're right," Colt said with a smile. "They look like they're dancing." Lilith questioned, holding Colt's hand, "Why are they doing that?" "It's a tradition; they do it once a month," Colt explained. "But I'd never seen them before; this is the first time I've seen them," Lilith observed. "It's because we're hiding it from you," Colt stated, "but now that you know about us, you're free to see anything." "Thank you, Colt," Lilith said as she held his hand tightly while watching the tradition that many werewolves do. Cloe and Vaan were silently standing behind Colt and Lilith, watching them both. They felt relieved knowing Lilith quickly adjusted to the secrets that were revealed to her. They thought it would be hard for Lilith to accept it, but they are wrong about it. After a half an hour, the t
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….. Bianki and Carl already beat the werewolves they were fighting. The four wolves bodies were lying on the ground with their head cut off. "You okay?" Carla asked Bianki as she approached her. Bianki then stretched her arms and said, "I am. I just felt like I did some warm ups." "Let me treat your bruises first before you act so mighty about yourself," Carla said as she rolled her eyes. Bianki just laughed and let Carla treated her bruises that she got from the werewolves that they fought a while ago. Bianki was already feeling tired but she just ignored it while staring at the dead bodies on the ground. Until she suddenly felt a new presence approaching their location. She became alarmed and hastily hid Carla behind her. "Long time no see, Bianki and Carla," a woman's voice spoke from the shadow. And despite that Bianki and Carla still can't see her face, they already know who it was. The woman's presence and voice were enough for them to recognized her. "Alicia Yao," Carla
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…… The truck carrying Zillo, Bianki, Stephen, and Carla arrived at their base after half an hour. And Stephen rushes Carla into the house to properly cure her. While Zillo and Bianki stayed outside, they brought the four female wolves' bodies to their underground hideaway, where they kept all their prisoners. "Aren't you going to call Vaan, Bianki? He's been phoning me and asking where you are," Zillo said abruptly. Bianki growled, "Tss. I ignored him. I have no time for him." She then dumped the bodies she was carrying in front of the hostages they were keeping hidden inside the room where Zillo and she were. "All right, if you say so," Zillo said. "Tell me everything you know about these four wolves, and Alicia Yao," Bianki said, ignoring him and turning to face their imprisoned wolves. As she glanced at their hostages in front of her, Bianki was enraged. The hostages, on the other hand, remained silent as they diverted their sight from Bianki. "I'm going to kill this kid if
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#168: HUBBY
….. "Colt, may we go to the mall?" Lilith inquired, her gaze fixed on Colt, who was engaged in his laptop. "What are you planning to buy at the mall?" Colt inquired, casting a peek Lilith's way. "I want to buy some things for my bunnies, and I plan to buy something else too," Lilith replied meekly. "Hmm, but I won't be able to join you there; is it acceptable if only Hiro, Cloe, and Vaan accompany you?" Colt said. Lilith then fell silent since she didn't know how to respond to Colt. After all, she wanted to go on a date with Colt but was too nervous to ask him out. "What are you thinking, Lilith? Is there something bothering you?" Colt inquired again, worried. Lilith shook her head and responded, "Nothing. I'm just wondering whether they're available to join me at the mall. I don't want to trouble them because I know everyone is busy." "It's alright, Lilith. They'll gladly come along with you, and I remembered that Vaan also wanted some goods at the mall, so just assume you're
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….. Despite the distance between them, Cloe could hear the man murmur, "Cloe." Cloe quickly turned around and walked away from the man before he could even approach her, returning to the second floor where Vaan, Lilith, and Tio were. As soon as Cloe returned, Vaan questioned, "How many are there?" "Three," Cloe said, "and one of them is Tyron Debien." Vaan and Cloe then locked gazes for a few moments. Tyron was still after Lilith, they were both thinking. "They won't be able to attack us as long as we're here," Vaan said as he quickly messaged Colt to alert him that Tyron Debien was following them. Cloe clenched her fist and muttered, "You're correct." While Lilith and Tio were checking the clothing inside the store, they were both behaving normally, as Vaan had directed. Vaan and Cloe stayed close to Lilith and Tio to ensure that no one would come close to them. "Never leave Lilith alone if ever something happened; I'll take care of the rest," Vaan told Cloe as they trailed L
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…… Colt gently carried Lilith again as soon as they arrived in their region, and they both proceeded straight to their home. Colt couldn't help but feel concerned that Lilith was still asleep. "Give us order, Alpha," Vaan said as he, Cloe, and Tio stood just in front of the door. Colt was then busy laying Lilith on the bed and covering her with a blanket. He exhaled and sat alongside Lilith, who was still soundly sleeping. "You know what to do, Vaan," Colt said, staring intently at Lilith. "I also want you to get back to Paris right away and explain everything to everyone there; Taki and Hiro are already there." "Yes, Alpha," Vaan said as he bent his head to Colt then walked away. "Just wait outside, Cloe and Tio," Colt advised. "We'll do it, Alpha," Cloe replied, bowing her head as well. Before following Cloe outside, Tio cast a quick glance at Colt and Lilith, a worrisome grimace on his face. He was worried that the encounter might have an impact on Lilith's mentality, which
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