All Chapters of SOLD BY THE ALPHA: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
196 Chapters
….. Colt and Barron arrived in Paris in the morning. Everyone greeted him as soon as he stepped inside their base. He then headed straight to his room, with Vaan trailing behind him. Colt said as soon as he sat down in the chair, "What's the current status?" "Alicia constantly interferes with everyone's assignment; she always shows up and tries to stop our search, but she never succeeds because we are stronger than her," Vaan explained as he sat the laptop down in front of Colt. "And we got some Tyron images with this guy," Vaan remarked later as he showed Colt the photos on his laptop. Colt was speechless as soon as he saw it. He can't help but be surprised when he sees the man in the picture with Tyron. That man hasn't been seen in about 400 years. He was young when he first met him, and he couldn't help but think about it as he couldn't respond to Vaan's question. Vaan poked Colt's shoulder and asked, "Alpha, is something wrong?" "He's Primo Allen, my father's best friend," C
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#182: GAVE IN
….. Vaan inquired, "Where have you been?" "You don't care," Bianki responded, rolling her eyes. "Alpha said we should meet you; are we leaving now?" Nissy inquired. "We need to resolve this stuff first before we go out; we still have a lot of things to do, so don't be too stubborn," Vaan remarked as he counted boxes in the stockroom. "Are you talking about me?" Bianki muttered, her brow rising in Vaan's direction. Vaan, on the other hand, didn't seem to hear her because he was so focused on what he was doing. But Bianki sensed that Vaan was blatantly ignoring her, which made her even more upset. Biankia screamed angrily, "Coward!" "You can ignore me for as long as you want," Bianki said as she exited the stockroom, leaving Nissy and Vaan inside. Bianki was so unhappy that she couldn't figure out why. She can't help but be irritated and vent her frustrations on Vaan. Because after Vaan consoled her when she and Carla confronted Alicia, she felt as if her feelings for him gradua
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….. "Why did you kiss me?" Bianki asked as Vaan moved away from her. "I'm sorry; I just didn't know what to do when you shouted earlier," Vaan explained as his cheeks heated up. Bianki bit her lower lip as she glanced at Vaan, who was looking away. She could see Vaan was uncomfortable, and so was she. But he was still holding her wrists and standing in front of her. Bianki abruptly withdrew her hand away from Vaan and grasped him instead. She then forced Vaan to lean against the wall, a sneer on her lips. "You could be more sweet occasionally," Bianki said before leaving Vaan behind. Vaan had no choice but to keep an eye on Bianki's back as she walked away from him. He could still feel his heart racing. They still have feelings for each other, after all. When the next morning arrived, Colt was on the phone with Moss. They're talking about Primo Allen, and Colt knew Moss knew him since Primo Allen's wife was of Moss's race. "I don't think he's out for vengeance; perhaps he's ass
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….. "What are you doing here?" Lilith said as soon as she noticed Moss. Everyone was taken aback by what Lilith said because they hadn't expected it. Moss couldn't help but chuckle at Lilith's greeting, as he was amused. As he moved closer Lilith, Moss said, "Colt is quiet right now regarding you. By the way, I'm Alpha Moss, and I'm also a friend of Colt." "You are Colt's friend?" Lilith asked, standing up straight. "But what are you doing here?" "Colt told me to meet you," Moss said as he came to a standstill, "I'm also here to see how you're doing, and since you're pregnant, I can provide some advice." "What do you mean when you say you're talking to advice?" Lilith inquired, her brows furrowed. "Well, because you didn't know, I'm also a doctor," Moss explained, "and I heard Carla wasn't here, so I personally came to see you and check how your pregnancy was doing. I'm doing this as Colt's friend." Lilith then looked at Tio and Cloe to see how they were reacting. Tio shrugged
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Moss landed in Paris before morning, where Colt and the others were based. While Colt was still sleeping, everyone greeted Moss as soon as he arrived. "Colt, wake up. Don't make me wait or I'll force your door open," Moss screamed from outside Colt's room, constantly hammering. Moss then awoke Colt by getting out of bed and walking over to the door. Colt's brows wrinkled as he opened the door, frowning at Moss, who was smirking in front of the door. "Good morning," Moss smirked, "get ready, we're heading out." "TSS. Wait for me downstairs," Colt said bluntly as he shut the door behind him. After that, Moss shook his head and headed downstairs to await Colt. Colt then walked into the bathroom to take a fast shower. After that, he changes into a basic shirt, leather pants, and combat shoes. Before leaving his room, he also grabbed a leather jacket. He noticed Moss waiting for him when he arrived downstairs. Moss got out of his seat, placed his phone back in his pocket, and approach
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….. Tyron roared fiercely, "Fuck of, Colt!" as he quickly transformed into wolf form and attacked Colt. And as soon as Colt noticed Tyron approaching, he hit Kyle in the stomach and tossed him aside. He then turned to confront Tyron and kicked him, but Tyron easily dodged Colt's attempt by jumping high. Tyron yelled fiercely, "You can't kill me, Colt, do you really believe you can win just because you're the Alpha?" But Colt kept silent as he hurriedly pulled out his blades and hurled them towards Tyron. While Tyron continued to avoid the knives, Colt moved closer to him. And in an instant, Colt grabbed Tyron's tail and threw him to the ground. You should accept the truth, Tyron, that no matter how many your comrades are, you can't defeat us," Colt said as he took his gun from his back and pointed it at Tyron. "You can't kill me, Colt! Do you think Primo will let you get away from what you just did right here? He will hunt you down and destroy everything you have," Tyro exclaimed
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….. "Alpha, we've arrived at our destination; where are Vaan, Taki, and Hiro?" Minerva said over the phone while speaking with Colt. "They're on their way there now, Minerva," Colt replied. "Inform everyone to get ready for the first assault." "I see, Alpha," Minerva explained. Colt then hung up the phone and walked over to his table, where he opened his laptop and sent an email to Old Neutero and Drake, who were on their island at the time, informing them of their present position. He also called Denver as he walked out of his room. Moss then approached Colt, and the two of them exited the house together. They were both going to deal with the captives they'd been keeping in their underground stronghold. Some of their allies had already begun scouting the city forest as part of their mission. "Are you going to answer your phone, Colt?" Moss inquired, casting a peek in Colt's direction. Colt, on the other hand, remained concentrated on what he was doing while his phone in his poc
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….. The following day, Lilith was getting dressed while Tio and Cloe awaited her. They have already agreed to travel to Paris to meet up with Colt. They chose to go there with Lilith because Colt had not been in touch with them. Cloe knocked on the door and inquired, "Lady Lilith, are you ready?" "I am ready, Cloe," Lilith said with a smile on her lips as she opened the door. "Let's go," Cloe remarked, smiling as well. Lilith nodded, and the three of them walked out of the house together. Lilith was ecstatic to see Colt, and her anxieties faded as she realized they were heading to meet Colt, who was in Paris. "How long will our flight take, Tio?" Lilith inquired. They have already boarded a private plane for a travel to Paris. It's also Lilith's first time flying. She was nervous, but she was also excited since she was looking forward to seeing Colt. "We still have 3 hours, Lilith," Tio said, "so you may sleep for now; we'll just wake you up once we reach there." Lilith, still
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….. Inside the room, Colt and Lilith remained naked and cuddled one other. They're chatting about simple things in life for the first time, and it's the first time they've spent that much time together. They both felt as if they weren't in any jeopardy at that moment. Lilith whispered while her head lay on Colt's arms, "Hubby, I wanted to tell you something." "What is it, wife?" Colt inquired, his gaze fixed on Lilith. "I already learned how to shift into a werewolf," Lilith remarked as she looked up at Colt, who was lying alongside her. Colt then fell silent as he continued to stare at Lilith. He hadn't expected it, but being a half-werewolf, he understood it was only normal. Colt, on the other hand, was concerned that it might put Lilith in danger. But then he realized he couldn't do anything because it was in Lilith's nature. Lilith questioned, peering at Colt, "Hubby? Are you angry?" "I am not," Colt said as he caressed Lilith's face, blinking. "I am just afraid you might hu
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….. Primo was instantly attacked by Colt when the latter angrily remarked, "Don't make me laugh, you have nothing to take here, you are simply part of my Father's dark past." Primo, though, kept his smile on while dodging each attack from Colt. Colt became even more incensed upon observing Primo's smirk. Primo questioned Lilith with a joking smile on his lips, "Do you want to know why I am going to take? Primo was merely dodging Colt's movements when he didn't respond and continued to assault him. Primo has been talking about something that has made Colt very furious, and he doesn't want to talk to him right now. Primo said, "I'll tell you the truth, Colt, and get ready for it." Primo quickly distanced himself from Colt and said, "Did you know that Lilith is my cousin's daughter. Her father was killed by your father, and it is also the reason why I abruptly fled and never showed myself in your homeland. Then, Colt was so enraged that he gazed fearlessly at Primo, who was just gi
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