All Chapters of Destined to Reign: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
170 Chapters
Moved Out
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)As promised, Alessandro helped me move out of his home. It was really emotional for him I could tell. Throughout the process, he would make suggestions about trying to make our living arrangements work. He came up with a lot of ideas so that I could be more comfortable at his house. He even suggested that we divided the house in half where it will be separated by a wall or a door so that there would be two apartments in the house itself. This way I would not have to move out, but we would still maintain a level of privacy.I thought it was a great idea, but I still wanted my own space. I did not want to stay in his house because I felt like he really just wanted to keep an eye on me. Although I was making my own money, I was not helping out financially within the household and it made me feel like a leech. We never run out of food because the refrigerator and the pantries are restocked before anything could ever finish. Bills
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The Second Witch
Alveric Valentine (P.O.V.)After the night that I met Isla, I had expected her to reach out to me for help or at least some sort of advice. Unfortunately, she did not but in the meantime, I have been working on her parents. Now that the Adelina threat was successfully dealt with, Dimitri was able to go back out to work so I think that I have been long forgotten about again. That is just how Dimitri works. Before he reached out to me for help with her parents, we had not spoken for years, and then all of a sudden, he contacted me again. Fortunately for him, I knew of the prophecy so when he reached out to me, I had an inkling of what was about to go down and I offered my help. Since Dimitri went back out to work, he had been sporadically contacting me for updates on Isla’s guardians.I had not been able to make any progress with them. They were both in a coma-like state because they were in limbo. One of my abilities as a messenger is that I am ab
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Moved In
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)Alessandro and I had just finished cleaning the house from top to bottom. My room was not necessarily dirty, but it was not tidy either, so we had a bit of work to do in there as well. My parents’ room was the hardest of them all to tackle because I could not collect myself mentally to even think about them without breaking down. It got to a point where Alessandro volunteered to clean it by himself. We did not empty their room or anything of the sort because I did not want to make it seem as though they were gone forever. I wanted to feel as though there was a chance for them to come back to me one day. Due to this, I made Alessandro simply change the sheets on their bed and we packed all of the laundries into a garbage bag to be taken to be laundered.I may like my independence, but I still refuse to do my own laundry. When my parents were alive, I never wanted them to spoil me like that by doing basic chores I would no
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Alveric Valentine (P.O.V.)We finally got to the morgue, and I immediately made my way inside with the witch in my arms. She was still asleep, and I think also too drunk to comprehend anything. I could only hope that when she wakes up she does not throw a fit and remembers the events that occurred at the underground black market club.  Walking into this building with unconscious bodies in my arms is becoming way too common for my liking.I could have taken her to my house, but I did not want anyone to know me on that personal level. My home is my sanctuary. It is the place I turn to in order to forget the world and the chaos that I am trying to prevent. I would hate to go home one day, just to relax and release the tension the day had given me, only to have the stress from my usual day, follow me home as well.I laid the witch onto one of the metal tables beside the other two bodies and I made my way into the kitchen to set up some food and
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Calling Reinforcements
Alveric Valentine (P.O.V.)“Yes, it is,” I answered and she swiftly turned around to face me with a grin on her face.I could only assume that that is the face of someone who is about to ask for something.“Let us make a deal.” She said to which did not surprise me at all.I looked at her in suspicion and crossed my arms.“What do you want?”“I want the guardians…in return, I help you bring them back to life. I am sure you know this by now, but they are in limbo. Limbo is not just a place that is between life and death. It is not just a place for souls to go to rest until judgment day or whatever you believe in. Limbo is a place souls go to and get lost for eternity. Eventually, upon being lost, they lose a sense of self and forget who they
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Feeling for Her
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)Alessandro and I were at his place now. As soon as we got here, I rushed out of the car and into the house. I really needed to pee, but I did not want to tell him that after we left my house. It was the equivalent of being afraid of being yelled at by your dad on the way to school while you are late because you forgot your backpack at home. Yes, I know I am a grown woman, but I just could not help it because we were already halfway home when I felt the strong urge to use the restroom.When I got done doing my business, I figured I would shower one time because I was still rather filthy from cleaning all day. My skin felt sticky, and my clothes were dusty. Hey, that rhymed!I chuckled at my own stupidity as I made my way to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. I knew the water would take a while to get hot, so I undid the bun in my hair and massaged my scalp for a short while. It felt so good. I
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Making Leeway
Alveric Valentine (P.O.V.)I swear this b-witch was driving me insane. It is like she never shuts up. Since we made the deal to exchange the guardians’ freedom for their recovery, she has not stopped yapping about useless things. You would think that eventually, she would run out of things to talk about but no. She spoke about shoelaces for thirty minutes. I could not even recall what she was saying about shoelaces even if you tortured me. I had zoned out so many times during her one-sided conversation that I remembered the list of things I needed from the grocery.We could not go along with the ritual until my friend arrives. I did not trust this girl enough to not steal my soul, kill me and then run away with the guardians. I may be dumb, but I am not stupid. There is a huge difference there, trust me.“Ugh! When is your friend going to get here? I have places to be, people to see and alcohol to ingest.” The witch whined as s
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Intentional Death
Ambrosius Selinofoto (P.O.V.) As I entered the morgue, I could see my friend about to pass out. Using my ability to flash to places with incredible speed, I rushed to his side and held his body before I gently laid it onto the floor. I looked at the little lady that stood beside him muttering incoherent words and I narrowed my eyes at her.“What did you do to him?” I asked her sternly.I checked his neck for a pulse but could not find one.“I killed him.” She said simply.It was then that I attacked her. The little witch immediately fled from the room as I charged toward her to avenge my friend. I just thought it was funny how she could kill a man in cold blood and simply confess that she did it without any remorse. For a tiny witch, she sure had some b
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Alive but Dead
Alveric Valentine (P.O.V.)My body felt heavy as if I was extremely tired and just needed to sleep. My eyes were closed, I could tell but I was not tired but at the same time, I was not full of life. I felt like I did not have the energy to move an inch but considering I did not know where I was, I figured I had to eventually. I opened my eyes slowly against the force that wanted to keep them closed and I looked around.I found myself in the middle of a forest. I could not see much because it was really dark. However, I could make out the tall trees that surrounded my body. There was definitely a force holding my body down because I felt like I could not move as I please. My body really did feel heavier to move on my own. Nonetheless, I gathered what little strength I had and tried to take a step forward.Where am I?As I took a step forward, I heard chains drag on the floor and it was then I looked down to see my feet in shackles.
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Like a Carousel...but Faster
Ambrosius Selinofoto (P.O.V.)I watched the witch at work. She was still preparing her ingredients for the ritual while Alveric’s body laid limp on the floor.“Considering you were definitely not ready to perform the ritual, why did you go ahead and kill his way before you even got ready?” I asked her while I munched on some chips I found somewhere.I got hungry like an hour ago but could not leave for my lunch because I had to stay and monitor the witch to make sure she did not do any funny business. At this point, she was beginning to smell really enticing. I felt so hungry I could gnaw on my own arm.“I really just wanted to kill him and got so excited about the thought that I became impatient, but I do appreciate his silence. He looks way more attractive when there is not anything coming out of his mouth.” She explained and I rolled my eyes.“That reminds me of something I brought for you.&rd
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